A Birthday Gift for my Awesome Beta!! Happy Birthday Kayleigh!!
So, here's some nice Drarry for her.
Oh, explanation.-
The light has won the war.
-Draco's Mother was killed by Lucius, who was imperioed by Voldemort.

Draco was seated on the cream loveseat, waiting for his husband of three years to come home. The children, Abraxas and Lily, were sleeping after a long day of playing and hiding Draco's reading glasses. Reflecting on his life, Draco knew that he was the luckiest man in the world. He could still remember the moment that his life changed forever.


Draco was sitting out by the lake trying so hard not to cry over his mother's brutal death, when he heard the crunching of the pebbles behind him.

"Hey Malfoy, what are you doing out here after curfew?" The usual teasing tone wasn't there, there was only concern.

"Thinking Potter, something you'd know nothing about," Draco snapped, his voice hoarse.

"Ok ok, I'm not out here to start a fight with you…" Harry trailed off not knowing how to phrase this. "Erm…I don't know what your going through but I do want to help, you have every right to tell me to piss off but I just want to help you." Taking in a deep breath, he took a tentative step towards the crouched blond and placed a shaky hand on his back.

"Why the sudden change?" whispered Draco, trying to keep up the 'I don't care' façade but the mask was crumbling.

"It's not sudden, my opinion of you has been changing for a while and, I…erm…like you." the last part was whispered, however, Draco heard it and is heart started beating tremendously fast.

Draco had dreamt of Harry saying this but never actually thought it would happen. "What do you mean, you 'like me'?"

"I…kind of…really like you," Harry stuttered, the palms of his hands were sweating and his heart beat pulsing rapidly.

"Ok, I could use that help you offered." The blond motioned for the shaking brunet to sit beside him. Harry acquiesced and sat right next to him, so close that there legs were only millimetres apart.

Both boys turned to say something but got distracted by the other's face, illuminated by the moonlight. They both thought the same thing, 'Wow'.

Slowly but surely both boys began leaning towards each other. Neither one breaking eye contact as they tilted their heads slightly.

Their lips made contact and they both felt a jolt electricity flow through them. There passion overriding there need for air.

They finally broke apart, panting heavily and gazed upon each other. Draco was sporting a grin and Harry was beaming.

They stayed like this for a while and then turned to face the lake. Harry snaked his arm around Draco's waist and Draco rested his head against Harry's shoulder.

They were woken by Severus and Hermione, who were taking a walk around the lake. The two boys watched as the couple disappeared into the distance, before turning back to each other and sharing a heated kiss.

End of Flashback

Draco smiled at the memory and got up as he heard the front door open. An exhausted Harry walked through to the living room, to find the man he loved standing, smirking at him.

Without any words Harry dropped his bag and rushed over to Draco and pressed his lips to the blond's. Wrapping their arms around each other, the fell onto the couch, effectively breaking kiss. Draco lying on top of Harry, caressed his cheek and tenderly kissed the brunet beneath him.

After all life threw at these two, they were devoted to one and other, nothing could break the love between them. Not even two spiteful redheads.


Hope u liked it!
And i just had to add in Snanger.