His hands are shaking. DG's never seen him like this. She thinks however, that he is rather composed for a man who's going to have experimental brain surgery in the morning. She wonders if it would be worse to lie and tell him it will all be OK, or to be honest and admit she doesn't know what will happen. She settles on taking one trembling hand in hers and squeezing it. He lets out an anxious chuckle in response.

"I don't know what I'm so nervous about. I'll be back to what I was. All... remarbled."

"Glitch... you don't have to do this, you know. I like you just fine how you are,"

"I'm doing it, DG." His tone is resolute. "I... I want to be whole again." No one knows if the surgery will give him that. DG looks away. "...It's not the greatest sacrifice ever made for science." Now he's squeezing her hand and DG wonders how this got so backwards.

"This isn't for science, this is for you."

They both fall quiet for a while. finally it's Glitch who breaks the silence. "I love you, DG." His voice is low and soft.

She rests her head on his shoulder and nuzzles him, closing her eyes against the prickling of tears. She doesn't ask the question on her mind. She doesn't realize that he is wondering the exact same thing.