"I think that the crash was an alien landing from space!" Mashiro said happily.
"You dunce! There is no such thing as aliens!" Kensei snapped.
"This coming from an exiled Death God…" Lisa said softly.
"She does have a point you know." Love said.
"So what? You think just because she has a point that there are aliens?"
By now Kensei was yelling Mashiro was (fake) crying and everyone was getting more and more agitated, except for Maya who stayed silent next to Kensei. Just then Shinji walked in. Seeing the riot he tried everything to calm them. He looked to her for help so she got up, turned to everyone and whistled… Loud. Everyone stopped screaming and looked at her.
"Thanks Maya." Shinji said.
She nodded and went back to her spot. Kensei watching her the whole way. He doubted anyone but him noticed it but she was constantly zoning out. Just then Shinji started talking and he turned to listen.
" I asked Kisuke what was going on. He said that the real Karakura town has been replaced by a fake one and the Shinigami are going to confront Aizen. From what we can hear it's obviously already started…"
"So what do we do about this?" Kensei asked.
"Well, we do owe Aizen a little visit…"
"Then we're fighting." Love said.
"Well not all of us…" Shinji mumbled. " Kisuke thinks there is a good chance that Maya passes out in the fight…"
"But you can't keep her out of this Shinji." Kensei argued.
"I guess not. I guess she's just going to have to be more careful. And if there's any sign of trouble we'll step in."
With that everyone got up to leave. Maya didn't move though so Kensei waited in the door. After a few minutes of waiting and nothing happening he called her. She looked up sharply as if startled out of her thought.
"Are you coming or are you going to let us beat up Aizen ourselves?" He asked.
"Oh! Sorry I was just thinking…"
"Oh! Thanks for the warning I'm out of here!" He exclaimed making to run off.
"Hey!" She yelled running after him.
She caught up to him not to far away. Everyone was headed back to the warehouse to get their Zanpakuto before the fight. Since she already had hers she followed Kensei up to his room.
"What are you thinking about?" He asked.
"Nothing doesn't usually distract you this much."
She sighed. Kensei had always seen right through her. He would always know when spmething was up or when she was lying.
'I can't tell him the truth…'
'Oh? And why not?' Hotaru asked.
'I can't exactly tell him I can't get him out of my head. And if I say I'm worried he'll get insulted.'
She only got a chuckle in response. She sighed again.
' Guess I'm going to have to tell the truth… or at least part of it…'
She turned to look at Kensei he had his back turned to her but she could tell he was waiting for her answer. She could also tell he was worried about something as well.
" I guess… I'm just worried someone is going to get hurt." She mumbled.
"Someone will. And that someone's name happens to be Aizen."
"No idiot! I meant one of us!"
He sighed turning to look at her. He walked and bent down a bit to be eye level with her. He wasn't that much taller than her anymore, just a couple of inches but it still seemed like he had to bend down an awful lot just to look her in the eye.
"You know we'll be fine. If anything it's you we're all worried about."
He ruffled her hair and moved back a bit. He grabbed his Zanpakuto from the place he left it next to the door . It was, for once, in its none released state. Motioning for her to follow he left the room and joined the others downstairs. Everyone was ready, now the fight begins.
Sorry it took so long to update. I'll be posting more often now though. Review please!