Sorry about the really long wait for this chapter. I hope you enjoy it and review. The previous chapters have all been edited and tweaked so if you want to re read them do it is not something you have to do. Nothing major changed.


Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Beta'd by the wonderful kim67255

Difference between mate and imprint.

Imprint - Someone who is everything you need. Someone who compliments you. You would do anything for this person. Free will sometimes does not exist.

Mate - The push to your pull. Fight with you and for you. Can question you. Completes you and where you are weak they are strong. Equal footing.

Chapter 19


When I entered my cell phone went off. I answered without looking at the caller ID expecting it to be Carlisle.

"Carlisle you are in big trouble!" I hissed.

I heard a dark chuckle and tensed as I knew it wasn't my mate on the other end of the phone but an old friend.

"My, my, my Bella what has my old friend done now?" Marcus asked.

"Hello Marcus! How have you been? Carlisle just forgot to tell me some important information about my new children." I explained.

"I can't complain. Ah so you have acquired more children?" He asked gently.

"Yes I have, many actually. Why have you called, not that it isn't a pleasant surprise, but you must have a reason." I prodded for information.

"Oh yes! Do you know a nomad named James?"

Bella's POV

I just knew something would happen with James. I could only hope nothing bad would come of the conversation between Marcus and I.

"I was waiting for it to catch up on me. Yes I do know him Marcus." I sighed and sank into Carlisle's chair.

"No need to sound so despondent. He came to us with false truths hoping that we would aide him in some valiant effort of revenge on the Cullen clan and the wolves you have adopted."

"He harmed my son!" I hissed interrupting Marcus before he could say another word.

"Aro saw that. We eliminated James shortly after Aro saw what happened through him. Caius has concern for the wolves which I am sure you understand why. Aro is fascinated with the whole ordeal. While I am more interested in your new mateship. I imagine you and Carlisle complement each other very well."

"Oh Marcus Carlisle is perfect. He is everything I could have ever hoped my mate would be. I have been searching for him my entire existence and now that I have found him I can not even imagine letting him go. Oh Marcus, his soul is so pure and he is so compassionate and giving." I smiled thinking of my mate and how he completed me just as I completed him.

"I am truly happy for you my dear. You two deserve each other."

"Thank you Marcus."

"However," he paused for a moment then continued. "Aro and Caius strongly feel that a visit to you is in order. Just to check up on the situation you have put yourself into. As I said Caius is cautious of the wolves while Aro is just fascinated and intrigued. I on the other hand wish to see my old friends and their new found happiness."

I sighed once again thinking about what all was going on and to top it off the Volturi wanted to visit.

"Marcus I am not sure that now is a good time."

"Why not my dear?"

"Well three of my wolf children mated to the Amazonian clan."

"Mated? Wolves with vampires?! Is that even possible?" Marcus questioned slightly hysteric.

"I did not think it was possible either but I have seen it with my own eyes. These wolves are shifters, not werewolves. They are born with the gene not turned. They have had this gene in their tribe for many, many generations. Caius is welcome to check on their tribe history, the full history. It's just some things are going on right now that I am not sure if I should inform you of or let it play out for now."

"Are you in danger?" He questioned.

"Not directly no. Just some things need to fall into place and pan out before anything can happen. I will tell you everything but just not now. Can you hold off the brothers for a while until everything clears up on my end?" I all but begged Marcus. Adding the Volturi into the pot that contained all our problems would make it boil over.

"I can try but not for long. They are anxious to see what trouble you are causing down in Forks." He conceded.

"Thank you Marcus. I will keep you informed." I told him earnestly.

"Please do. Bye my dear Bell."

"Bye Marcus." I sighed once again but this time in relief as I ended the call. That was bullet dodged but now I needed to inform Carlisle and Sam about my call with Marcus.

Jared's POV

'How could I bring up Kim's pregnancy? Who should I tell about it first? Does she even want people to know yet? Although she was right about the heartbeat, we all should be able to hear that soon.

God dang it I don't know what to do.

Maybe I should talk to Carlisle. Yeah he would know what we should do.

"Kim baby?"

"Now is not a good time Jared." She said from the bathroom. She was vomiting and warned me if I didn't go away she would dick punch me, wisely I backed off.

"I know, but I was thinking what if we went to the hospital today and talked to Carlisle?" I asked through the door.

"I guess we could do that." I heard the toilet flush and the faucet come on. If she was getting sick this early, this pregnancy is going to be hell.

"Sorry Jared I just ate a bad sardine. I don't think it's morning sickness, it's too early for that, plus the women in my family don't get sick." She explained causing me to sigh in relief.

"Alright baby momma let's go see doctor dad."

later at the hospital

Carlisle was in his office when we got there so luck was on our side.

"Jared and Kim, what a surprise. What can I do for you?" He asked as we sat down. Him at his desk and Kim and I in the uncomfortable plastic hospital chairs.

"Kim's pregnant." I blurted.

"Way to let the wolf pup out of the bag Jared." Kim grumbled at me. I just smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of my head.

"That's wonderful, unexpected I'm sure but absolutely wonderful!" Carlisle exclaimed moving around to the front of Kim in a flash. Kim jumped the glared at him without heat. I chuckled.

"Definitely unexpected. We haven't even told our parents yet, or the pack, or mom. We figured you would be able to check Kim out. I think it is way to early for anything major but Kim says she is pregnant and I believe her." I rambled on, nervous about the whole thing.

"Alright. Kim will you stand I want to see if I can hear the heartbeat yet." Carlisle asked. Kim stood and Carlisle knelt in front of her.

After a few seconds he smiled.

"That sound amazes me every time I hear it. The magic of the human body and what it can't create. Alright we are going to do a few tests then I am going to prescribe some vitamins to you that you will need to take every day. After that you two are free to leave."

"Awesome." I said as I followed Carlisle to an exam room.

"Oh and Jared you need to inform your parents of this and Bella needs to know before you tell everyone else. God forbid you tell her last. Your mother would never let you live it down."

"Alright Carlisle, we will tell our parents then tell mom." I promised.

Leah POV

I could not believe what all was happening. First we had to make peace with the vampires then we have to make peace with the humans.

Hopefully Charlie would be an easy guy to win over. I could always throw in the fact that if he wants to keep banging my mom he should co-operate with us... but in the end that would embarrass everyone involved.

"Hey Jake when was the last time you saw this Brody kid?" I asked from the back seat. Jake and Billy were up front while my mother and I were in the back.

"His name is Brandon and probably five years ago." Jake corrected me.

"Whatever. How long is this going to take?"

"Leah you act like you have a life." Jake chuckled.

"Leah and Jacob stop it!" My mother hissed. I huffed and turned to look out the window.

Finally we arrived and just in time because as we pulled in Charlie's cruiser pulled in.

We all got out and Brandon went around to the trunk to get his things.

"Hey Sue." Charlie greeted my mother with a hug then proceeded to greet Jake and Billy. Finally he came to me.

"Leah it's good to see you." I nodded in a reply.

"Hey dad can you help me?" Brandon yelled from the cruiser.

"Here Brandon I'll help you, come on Leah. You guys go on in." Jake ordered us all.

Baby alpha was going to get on my nerves if he kept up with all this ordering around that he does. I don't even think he realizes he does it. Must be in the genes. Speaking of jeans, that ass in those jeans looks amazing.

I turned my head to the side to get a better look at Brandon's ass as he bent over to get another bag out of the trunk.

"Hey girlie stop staring at my ass and grab a bag." I snapped out of my stare to growl at this little punk when Jake hit my arm.

"Leah." He warned under his breath.

I curled my lip and moved to the trunk. Between the three of us we got all of the punks bags.

"There I helped." I stated as I dropped the bags I was holding in the doorway. I moved to push past the guys and to the living room but the punks words stopped me.

"Who pissed in her cheerios this morning?" He laughed.

I snarled and rounded on him and stopped dead in my tracks.

"Oh this is priceless!" Jake bellowed.

I could not stop staring. My whole world just changed. This man in front of me because no matter what my unknowledgeable thoughts earlier were this was no boy. He was a man. A complete and amazingly handsome man. He would complete me, be everything that I would ever need in life. Hell he was my everything in life.

I would do anything for this man.

I fell to my knees in awe of what just happened. Brandon stood there staring at me as I stared at him. He could not understand what had made him so interested in me all of the sudden. So attached to me. My wolf was eagerly wagging her tail at the thought of tellin Brandon what he was to us now. She couldn't wait to get to know her mate.

I would tell him everything.

Charlie's POV

"I can't believe you both have kept this secret from me since... since ever since you have known me!" I could not believe what they had just told me. Wolves, ancestors, imprints freaking vampires and God knows what else they are going to say next!

"Now your daughter is making googly eyes at my son as he hangs on to her every word like she freaking hangs the moon and sun!"

I knew I was acting irrational but I just got my boy back, and now I was losing him to some wolf mojo?

"Charles Buford Swan! Do not ever use that tone when you talk about my daughter. She has been through so much heartbreak and challenges that she deserves a chance at happiness. Just like you said when we got together after Harry died. That can't just apply to you it applies to anyone and everyone." Sue hissed reminding me to clearly of the words I used to get her to say yes to me.

"You're right Sue you're right. It's just hard to wrap my head around. I always felt like something weird was going on down at the rez but I had no idea that this was it." I sat back down in my recliner once again looking outside to the porch where Brandon and Leah were.

They were holding and hands. Leah had a big smile on her face as Brandon nodded at her answering some question that she asked. I could only guess that she had asked him on a date. My quiet and reserved son was going to be on a wild ride with Leah but according to Sue, Billy, and Jake it would be a happy everlasting one.

"Now tell me again why Emmett the vampire needs my computer to hack into the government?"

Author's POV

Collin, Brady, and Seth sat with their respective mates in Seth's cabin. While they still followed Sam and Jake, Seth was the older shifter so Collin and Brady let him take charge.

"So I guess everyone found out that sharing venom and blood with our mates is extremely pleasurable and not at all deadly?" Seth asked. bluntly.



"Kichiri was worried but I told her that the God's had blessed us and that nothing would happen." Collin spoke up from his spot on the floor. Resting his back in between Kichiri's legs.

"Yeah I reassured Senna that too." Brady mumbled as he nuzzled his face into Senna's neck as she sat on his lap.

"I had to tell Zafrina that too. However once that was settled we became each others mates." Seth added.

"Seth we are all adults it's okay to say we fucked like bunnies." Senna giggled out as Brady's hair tickled her.

"Yeah and when we wolf out we will get to see it on repeat until our bond settles." Collin smiled as he said this making Kichiri nudge him with her knee.

"I don't want your wolf brothers to see me like that." She hissed at Collin.

"It's okay they won't say anything to you or even really pay attention. We all are used to seeing things that we do not want to see. Imagine seeing inside your sisters mind and knowing everything about her. talk about creepy." Seth shuddered causing Zafrina to laugh as she sat beside him holding his hand.

"Well we still have the rest of the weekend to get to know our mates. Let me know if anything goes wrong or if any of you have any spirit dreams. Tough times are coming and we all need to be ready.

"We are mated to warriors and as we fight so will they. Our mates are unlike imprints. We have a choice and we have a say. We definitely will not boss our Amazonians around though. I think they may hurt us if we think we can do that."

They all chuckled at Seth's remark.

"Seth is right we probably will hurt you if you think you can make us into little timid housewives. We are equals." Zafrina added before standing next to her mate.

"Now get out. Zafrina and I need to get a little more acquainted."

"Don't forget Seth we have to be at dinner with the family and chief at six sharp!" Brady yelled as he scooped Senna up.

"Sure sure." Seth waved him off with Jake's catchy phrase before Zafrina tackled him in the foyer.

Jasper's POV

It was weird to think that just a couple of weeks ago we thought nothing of the wolves other than a pungent odor that wafted over to our border every so often. Now they were our brothers and sisters. Their mother our mother and our father their father. We were all bound together in the strangest way.

All of this unity happened because of one amazing women. Isabella Swan. She brought us all together and together with her we would stay.

"Jasper stop day dreaming and paint the porch." Emmett yelled at me as he threw a paint brush at my head. I of course caught it before it could make contact but I still growled at him.

"It's okay Jazz he's going to be distracted tonight so you can beat him at Halo." Alice whispered from beside me. I smiled already thinking of the victory gloating I could do.

We were nearly done with fixing Sam and Emily's house after we nearly burnt it down with the kitchen fiasco.

Sam had started on it that night. Not able to deny his imprint anything and his wolf was upset at their den being essentially unlivable. No den for the wolf's mate meant no nookie for the wolf. That wolf sure did want it's mate. Sam nearly did the whole thing by himself. He also had our help (along with our pockets) and so he went ahead and upgraded the whole house.

Emily was going to love it when she saw it which would mean Sam would finally be out of the dog house. Figuratively of course.

Bella's POV

The house was surprisingly empty today. Everyone had gone off to do other things while I set out to make dinner for tonight. Which was surely going to be the most lively and interesting dinner ever in history.

A chief of police, a chief of the tribe, our children who are shape shifters, the pack's mates, Carlisle, along with our vampire children.

What could go wrong?


So it took two days longer than I planned but it is out and I hoped you guys enjoyed it. Be sure to review and tell me your thoughts. Next chapter will be out next week at the latest.
