Wow...its been WAY too long since I've written one of these. .

I've actually been trying to write one from a quote someone gave me, but I was suddenly smacked in the head with writer's I'll just put this up, and hope that I get the other one finished soon. O.o;;


How long had it been?

How long had it been since Winston Churchill first sat in this office? Arthur wasn't sure. Absently, he looked around the room, catching all the subtle hints that screamed 'Winston!' yet didn't speak loud enough to be seen at first glance.

At a nod from Churchill, England set the rather large stack of papers down on the desk, holding back a sigh of relief. The stack had been heavy.

Once again he glanced around and wondered, 'How long has it been?'

He couldn't remember, right now, but it was probably written down somewhere, in his study. Too bad he didn't have the time to go home and check. He was too busy helping out. With that thought, he turned back to his eighty-year-old Prime Minister.

"Those are all of the paper," he mumbled, knowing what was coming next.

"Well, I should hope so!" Winston said, staring distastefully at the horrifyingly large stack. "These should last me until I retire. Maybe even longer!"

Arthur nodded, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. Even after all these years, Churchill's mouth never seemed to slow down. His wit was as fast as ever, though it didn't really show right now. Still, England knew it would probably show itself within the next hour, or so. It always did.

Churchill sighed. "Sit down, sit down," he said, motioning to a chair. "I'm going to have you help me sort through this mess."

England nodded, moving the chair over, and took part of the stack, sifting through to see what was what.

"Anthony is getting impatient," England told Winston, attempting to start a conversation.

Anthony Eden was the man who was to be Churchill's successor, if the man ever retired. So far, Churchill still didn't look like he'd be stepping down too soon, and Eden had been mumbling to himself every time he'd passed by Arthur in the halls.

Churchill sighed a bit, leaning back in his chair. "Yes..." he began. "I must retire soon. Anthony won't live forever." Arthur blinked at this, but Churchill was not done, and a small smile graced his lips as he mentioned, "When I want to tease Anthony, I remind him that Mr. Gladestone formed his administration at the age of eighty-three."

A grin made its way across England's face as he laughed. Down the hall, one Anthony Eden wondered just what was going on in there.







Well...its rather short....but they all are, really. Sorry!

Its been too I wanted to get something quick in here. I actually have a few quotes lined up, now, so hopefully it won't take as long, next time. O.o

Its just been kinda hectic at home. Plus, I've had to get through my writer's block for 'Memories'...yeah. Just not good, all around. -.-;;

Anyways, just so you all know, Mr. William Ewart Gladestone spent a lot of time in politics (to summarize it) and was, at one point, Prime Minister. I'm looking at the dates on the page I'm reading, and it almost looks like it spreads over nearly all of the 19th century. O.o He was born in 1809, and died on 1898. This guy had a pretty long life. Most of his adult years seem to have been in politics. O.o

Anyways.....yeah. That's it for now, folks. I'll try to get something else up soon, though 'Memories' and my APHxTeam Fortress 2 crosser both take priority.