Hello! A while back, I found one of my mother's books on Churchill (she has this strange obsession with the man. It doesn't help that I'm going to a school named after him, either.) and I came across a few funny quotes. So, I wrote some one-shots.

I call them...the Churchill files! ---insert evil laughter here

Well...I hope you enjoy the first file.

Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia. Do I seem insanely awesome to you?.....I didn't think so.

Yes, Even England Can Get Grounded

It was a very nondescript day in England. But that didn't matter. Arthur Kirkland wasn't outside.

Arthur sighed, reluctantly closing his book as someone began to speak. It was good manners, no matter how much he wanted to keep reading, and a Gentleman was always polite. The man standing droned on and on, and Arthur's eyes wandered slowly around the room.

Germany was on the rise, and he was confined to the House of Commons. Petty squabbles and long-winded, boring speeches took up most of his day. Basically, Arthur had been grounded.

It was actually amazing how the Queen could ground her own country, as much as he hated to admit.

Still, it was rather embarrassing.

He was to show up at the House of Commons for every meeting, on time. He wasn't allowed to touch a glass of alcohol, much less set foot in a pub. Those were the terms.

The last term, Arthur could deal with. Alcohol was what had gotten him into this mess, in the first place. He doubted he'd drink any for a while, even if he wasn't grounded. (A/N: Fat chance!)

Green eyes narrowed.

The first term, however, was a bit harder to handle.

Arthur blinked, realizing that someone else was speaking, now. He'd missed the first part of the meeting.


If the queen found out he'd been day-dreaming, she'd--

Arthur shook his head angrily. Bloody hell! It wasn't as if the woman was his mother! What on Earth was he thinking?

"Sir Kirkland?"

England looked up to see---to his embarrassment---that everyone was looking at him curiously. He really needed to pay more attention.

"Is something the matter?"

England cleared his throat awkwardly. "Er...no, no. Carry on."

Half an hour later, he wished he hadn't said that. The same man had been droning on and on for the last twenty minutes, and Arthur was about ready to climb the walls, his leg bouncing impatiently beneath the table.

Suddenly, the speaker cleared his throat.

Everyone was silent.

The man cleared his throat again, and when nothing happened, he sighed. Wondering why he'd stopped, Arthur followed his line of sight to find one Winston Churchill relaxing in his chair, eyes closed.

"Must you fall asleep while I am speaking?" the MP demanded.

Churchill shifted slightly.

"No," he replied, eyes cracking open. "It is purely voluntary."

Arthur's head hit the table with an audible thud.




Well...? How was it? Good? Bad? Total garbage? Please tell me what you think. I'll post the next one as soon as I can.

In case anyone was wondering (at least, my sister was when she first read this.) and MP is not medical personnel. XD I know its stupid, but that's the first thing that popped into my head when I saw the two letters side-by-side. An MP is a Member of Parliament. I tell you this, so you won't have to feel as stupid as I did. If you already knew, then more power to ya!

Yay! Canada beat the US, in hockey! I was so happy. I'll bet nearly everyone was watching that game. Sid the Kid is my hero. Lol

Was anyone watching the men's curling game? Canada beat Norway. It was very heartwarming at the end. Johnny Mo looked so happy...

Anyways, thanks for reading! And please review. Until next time! :D