Hi guys, I'm so sorry I haven't updated for a week but work has been insane and I have been doing way more than my usual 40hr week : ) I hope you enjoy this, it's a little shorter than normal but with enough fluff and romace to make up for it : ) I just want to say thanks to everyone who has reviewed and added me to their favourites or story alerts; you guys make my day. Thanks, maddie : )

Temperance Brennan had been kneeling on the floor before him for over an hour, her knees hurt, her back hurt and her eyes were tired. The only part of her body it seemed that wasn't tired was her feet which were having a well deserved break. Every second of that past hour she had resisted the feeling to stroke his hair to behind his ears or to rub his arms or to move him and curl herself up inside of him.

He looked different to her last memory of him. He was skinner than she remembered not in the fact that he had lost fat as such but he had lost some muscle mass and that was probably why he was so tired, his physical fitness levels were not up to their usual standards. His hair had grown out a little bit and now hung near his ears and he hadn't shaved in four months. So there was a dark beard covering his face that she had never seen before, she had been used to the little bit of stubble if he had gotten lazy that was fairly sexy on him she had to admit but she had never seen it like this before.

She hated seeing him like this, so tired and worn out. So abused, it was probably he most appropriate word to fit him. They had abused the old Booth and this is what they had turned him into. All she wanted to do was for him to wake up. Just wake up so she could talk to him and hold him and love him for the past four months in which she hadn't seen him. She now guessed that this was probably the reason that Andrew had called her for the day previously, to tell her that her Booth was safe. Her Booth was safe and her heart just couldn't get over the fact that he had finally come back to her.

She sat up rigidly as she saw him move around on the lounge. He moved his arms around and he hit her on the shoulder when he shuffled and that was the moment he woke up. He opened his eyes groggily and they flickered for a little bit until they caught her eyes and from that moment they were wide awake.

"Bones." He smiled and leant forward and kissed her whilst she hid behind the cover of the lounge. The kiss that he gave her was probably the best kiss of her life; with his hand on her cheek she was in tears feeling just how much she had missed his tenderness.

"Bones, don't cry." She couldn't help it, she was teary and emotional and hormonal and all in all just overwhelmed.

"I can't help it I have just missed you so much, I barely survive without you. I have been such a miserable bitch, I have no idea how anyone has been able to stand me." She laughed and cried at the same time and he wiped the tears out from under her eyes, his own eyes beginning to tear up.

"I haven't survived without you, all I thought about for months was you and did you think I was still alive had you moved on? I didn't know what to do. We were supposed to get married today. We could have been married today but those…" Booth got this look on his faced that scared her he was that angry. She put a finger to his lips.

"I love you but I want you at the moment we can talk about all the other stuff later." He nodded his head and then motioned for her to come and sit up on the lounge with him.

"Bones come lie up here with me; all I want to do is hold you." She smiled a little hesitantly figuring that now was probably the most appropriate time to get this conversation over and done with.

"Booth I need to tell you something," he nodded his head whilst holding her hand still.

"I'm pregnant." The look of shock on his face nearly killed her and she just waited for him to say something.

"Bones what happened?" he said a little angry and she didn't understand.

"Did you move on quickly or something, forget about me with a one night stand whoever the…" she cut him off again by putting her finger to his lips again and silencing him with a glare.

"No look." She took her hand away from his and she backed away from the lounge so he could see just how pregnant she was that she wasn't a couple of months to someone else that the baby was most definitely his.

He just stared at her in shock again seeing her so pregnant. He smiled and came over to where she was kneeling. He placed his hands on her stomach and it made her heart thump to see how happy he was. She loved the fact that as soon as he put his hands on her stomach their baby decided to kick like crazy, even the little one was happy to have Booth back. He laughed as he felt the baby kick and her body loved seeing Booth so happy.

"I found out two weeks after you left home. I got sick from Abby and so Cam as usual forced me to go to the doctors and he told me congratulations that I was fifteen weeks pregnant and at that stage I wanted to cry because you weren't there. So here I am with eight weeks to go. I couldn't do any of it without you. I'm sorry to overload you at the moment but I couldn't buy baby things or find out the sex or get things organised or anything; I only went to appointments when I had to and Ange came with me. I just couldn't do it without you and now you come home and you find out that you are going to be a father again in eight weeks; its just so unfair to you and…" this time it was Booth who was putting their fingers over someone's mouth.

"Bones, I don't care. I am happy, I love you, I am glad we are having a baby and I am just really happy." He was smiling with every word and she couldn't but mirror that charming smile of his, she was just happy. He held her in an embrace and it felt so good to have his arms around her again. She kissed him and she wanted to remember every touch every moment so she could imprint the feelings inside of her brain so that she can always feel like this, or at least remember what it felt like.

"Did I happen to mention how gorgeous you look pregnant?" She shook her head, she hadn't expected this she looked hideous.

"Booth my stomach is stretched out, I have put on twenty five pounds, I can't fit into anything and I can barely lift myself up I am that heavy. I don't think I look that gorgeous at all." He raised his eyebrows.

"Well you obviously don't see what I see then." She shrugged her shoulders.

"Well you definitely are not going to think that I look incredible without clothes on, that is truly horrible." He raised his eyebrows again laughing, helping to lift her up. He started to pull her hand towards the bedroom.

"Really because your legs are looking pretty fantastic and don't even get me started on what pregnancy does to your boobs. Brennan you do things to me." She was blushing and he could tell.

They lay down together on their bed and she could feel the bed coming back to its rightful size now with both of them in it. He put his arms around her and she snuggled further back into him. He was running his hands up and down her body and for the first time in four months she felt turned on and she murmured to him not to stop. He murmured something in return about her liking it and she just turned towards him and began to unbutton his shirt and pants and his eyebrows raised all the way up.

"Do you want to make love to me Temperance Brennan?"

"Do you want to make love to me Seeley Booth?"

"Yes I do, what about you?" She smiled and kissed his forehead.

"It's all that I have thought about for four months, do you know how much sexual frustration builds up in a period of four months? The hormones in my body just couldn't take it. So yes, I would very much love to make love to you Booth." He smiled and began to move her shirt upwards and for the rest of the night she was absolved in a state of pure bliss.


She woke early the next morning and smiled at the thought of her previous evening. Making love to Booth and finding him home just thinking about it all made her a different person. She rolled over to see if she could have a repeat of the previous evening to find there was no one in bed with her. Her heart nearly stopped.

She jumped out of bed and looked for any evidence that she didn't dream Booth up, there were no clothes on the floor next to the bed and black bag. She walked through the hallway thinking that maybe after putting so much stress on her highly intelligent mind she had finally cracked, she was insane and that maybe she had dreamed Booth up.

Then she rounded the corner to the kitchen and her heart nearly stopped again. Booth was there at the stove making them both breakfast and she felt her heart beginning to piece everything back together. She walked over to him in her nightie with her hand on her stomach and he turned around to face her hearing her walk in.

"I thought I was walking quietly." She said smiling. He smiled.

"No, not quietly; I don't think you know how to walk quietly." He came up behind her and put his arms around her and she laid her head on his chest.

"You scared me, when I woke up and you weren't there I thought I had dreamed you up or something." He kissed the back of her head and whispered in her ear.

"I'm sorry." They broke apart when he smelt the bacon burning and he needed to turn her eggs for her as well.

He finished cooking breakfast and she set the table and they sat down to a meal for the first time in months. They ate in relative silence and they just enjoyed the peace of being together. She hated how emotional she was getting and she wanted things to go back to normal. Now that Booth was back she could go back to living her life. She finished off her breakfast and was asking her what she wanted to do today.

"Well I thought we could go have lunch or dinner or something with everyone from work they will be so glad to see you back if not for the fact that they love you but I will probably go back to acting like a normal person and for that they thankyou." He smiled.

"What would you do without me?" He said jokingly and cut it out once he saw her face, he realised that he had hit a sore spot.

"Hey Bones its okay I'm here now, I didn't mean to say that. Damn I should have been more sensitive." She just nodded her head and got up out of her seat.

"Where are you going?" He asked signalling that he was going to follow her.

"I want to show you something, I'll be back in a minute."

She walked down the hall and found the two envelopes that she had buried deep in the linen closet not wanting to see them at the time that she got them but now that Booth was home all she wanted to share. She brought them back to him and she motioned for him to sit down on the lounge with her. He pulled her onto his lap and she gave him a strange look.

"I'm not too heavy?" He smiled.


"When I got these I didn't really look at them, because they scared me a lot but I feel a lot better about it now. This is the first one; Booth do you want to see what you baby looks like?" He smiled.

"Really?" She loved the excitement in his voice. She opened the large envelope and pulled out a few sonograms.

"This is your baby at three months and that's the little heart beat there. At five months and this last one here is about a week or two ago." He just sat there in a kind of amazement and she felt her heart beat faster.

"Bones, this is incredible."

"Yes it is." She said simply and he wrapped his hands around her stomach.

"Are you ready for the next envelope?" He nodded his head and then pointed to the envelope.

"What's in that one?"

"This one," she said whilst ripping the paper and sliding the sheet out.

"Will tell us whether we will be having a daughter or if we are having a son; I didn't have the guts to find out before without you. So I decided to wait."

"Are you serious Bren that's incredible, let me see."

"Congratulations," she began to read the letter.

"Congratulations, Dr Brennan and Mr. Booth you will in twenty-two weeks time be the proud parents of little girl. She is so far at eighteen weeks perfectly healthy and mother and baby are doing well. Any questions don't hesitate to call me. Dr David Simpson."

She took herself off of Booth's lap and turned around to face him, he looked so happy and it was strange but seeing him like that made her happy as well. He kissed her and she wrapped her arms around him, feeling his warmth.

Author's note: I don;t know whether to end the story there? There is some other stuff I have planned that will make the story go longer. Let me know what all of you think? Thanks again, Maddie : )