Sister Complex
Well, this was just insanely easy to write, even if it is really short, haha. I wrote this in response to some apparent spoilers of chapter 154. Don't know if they're true, so I tried to finish this before the actual chapter came out, so yeah, here we are.
Dedication: To deddinity, for giving me the inspiration to write this chapter, haha. Hope you like it!
Disclaimer: I do not own Skip Beat! or any of it's characters. All OCs belong to me though, haha.
"Thank you so much, Jelly san." Kyoko murmured reverently, looking at her new image in the mirror. "It's perfect."
Jelly Woods clasped her hands together in delight. "I'm glad you like it!" Leaning over the young woman sitting in the seat in front of her, Jelly whispered, "Just remember to put in a good word for me to Darling." 'Although I'll probably just get candy again.' Jelly giggled. 'But then, that's just like Darling.'
Kyoko nodded vigorously, her new soft mid-length black layers swishing back and forth gently. "Of course!" Her bright brown eyes tilted upwards to look at Jelly. "To have my make-up and hair done by a stylist like Jelly san is like a dream come true!" Kyoko's eyes sparkled in happiness. "I cannot thank you enough!"
Jelly smiled, "Well, we better not keep your 'nii chan' waiting for much longer. As much as I love my Ren chan, I'd prefer not to make him angry if I can help it, not while he's playing 'that' character."
Kyoko nodded in understanding. Quickly getting up, she bowed respectfully to the older woman. "Thank you for all your help, Jelly san. I will be taking my leave now."
Jelly waved once, "Make sure to say hi to Ren chan for me!" she called.
Kyoko smiled serenely, already starting to get into character. "I'll make sure to tell him, Jelly san."
Opening the dressing room door, Kyoko stepped outside to see her "brother" gnawing away on cigarettes before violently crushing them beneath his shoe one by one, not caring that everyone within a fifteen-meter radius was avoiding him like the plague.
Kyoko smiled in exasperation at the now familiar scene. After practicing with Cain for the past week, all fear of the man had vanished once she had realized that "she" was the only one exempt from his wrath.
Letting "Kyoko" settle down into the dark recesses of her mind, she smiled, calling out in a soft, clear voice, "Nii-chan!"
Cain slowly shifted his gaze in the direction of the voice, getting up in one swift motion. "That took too long, Megumi chan." Cain growled.
Megumi pouted cutely. "That doesn't give you the right to litter the ground with cigarettes! Please pick them up before we go, nii-chan."
Cain's eyes narrowed dangerously, grabbing Megumi's shoulder roughly. "How many time have I told you not to talk back to me?!"
Switching tactics, Megumi put her hand on top of Cain's, leaning in slightly. Looking up at him pleadingly, Megumi whispered sweetly, "Please, nii-sama, for me?"
Cain stiffened, abruptly looking away. "Shit," he murmured in a gravelly tone. "You don't fight fair, bitch." Nonetheless, Cain released his grip on Megumi's shoulder, and quickly cleaned up all of the crushed cigarettes on the floor before depositing them in the nearest trashcan. Dusting his hands off, Cain glanced over at Megumi. "Happy?" He asked quietly.
"Don't forget to wash your hands, nii-sama." Megumi replied, watching an extremely disgruntled Cain move towards a nearby bathroom, slamming the door open and thereby terrifying all of the occupants inside.
A minute later, Cain came out of the now vacant men's bathroom and walked towards Megumi. "Done?" He bit out, his black aura practically engulfing the younger girl.
Megumi nodded happily. "Yes, nii-sama."
Cain sighed harshly. "About damn time." Cain bent down so that his eyes were level with Megumi's. "Well?"
Megumi tilted her head to the side in amusement. "Your reward, nii chan." Megumi whispered into Cain's ear, before softly kissing Cain on the cheek, surprising everyone in sight.
Megumi glanced around furtively before following Cain out of LME. 'I hope you all enjoyed the show, haha.'
A/N: Just to clear things up, Jelly's Darling is Lory. ^^ Well, at least that's what she called him in the manga, haha.
I might actually continue this one if people like it, so tell me what you think. ^^