Boys and Girls?

A/N: Hey guys, here's a weird little idea that just popped into my head one day. I'm not sure if I like how it came out but here goes. Anyway I hope you like it. The story is set during OoTp.

Disclaimer: I don't even own my name!

In the late hours of the afternoon, a red-headed girl was pacing at the base of the stairs to the Gryffindor girl's dorms. Her eyebrows were knitted in concentration and her hands were clasped behind her back. She stopped pacing and started stroking her chin with one hand as she regarded the stairs.

"Hey Ginny, what are you doing?" someone said, tapping Ginny on the shoulder.

Ginny jumped and whirled around.

"Oh erm, nothing Hermione," Ginny squeaked. "I just, uh... I um, thought I lost and earring here this morning."

"Oh, well did you find it?"

Ginny was staring at Hermione's chest.

"Find what?" Ginny said, snapping her head up to meet Hermione's eyes.

"You earring. Ginny are you feeling okay?"

"I'm fine. I guess I'm just not feeling quite myself today. Anyway don't worry about my earrings. I didn't really like them anyway."

Hermione gave her a strange look but said, "If you say so. So are you just going to stand here all day or were you planning on going up?"

"I er, hadn't decided yet."

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Well while you're deciding, I'm going to go get my arithmacy text book," Hermione said brushing past her to walk upstairs.

Ginny reached out and grabbed her wrist. "No, I think I'll come with you."

"Okay, Ginny, but could you please let go of my hand first?"

Ginny blushed and wouldn't meet Hermione's eyes. Ginny took a cautious step on the stairs. She seemed to be waiting for something, but after a moment she relaxed. She smiled in relief and followed Hermione.

She's acting really strange, Hermione thought. If I didn't know any better, I'd swear that Ginny was flirting with me!? This can't be happening to me.

Things had only gotten stranger since Ginny had followed Hermione upstairs. Ginny insisted on hanging out since, as Ginny put it, "we never hang out anymore," even though Hermione saw her nearly every day. Then she proceeded to regale Hermione with tales of some of the twins "better" pranks.

"And then George, the brilliant wizard that he is, put gnome love potion in Ron's shampoo. The little blighters kept sneaking up on him, trying to shag his ankles! Mum had to chase 'em out of the house with a broom! Then there was the time those exceedingly cunning twins put a sticking charm in Gin... er, I mean my hairbrush..."

Hermione was immediately suspicious. Maybe someone used polyjuice potion. That would surely explain Ginny's odd behavior.

"Ginny," Hermione said in what she hoped would be a casual tone. "What is your patronus again?"

"A horse," Ginny said without batting an eye. "Why do you ask?"

"Um, I forgot," she said quickly, unwilling to admit that she suspected Ginny of being an impostor. She frowned to herself. Ginny got that question right, she thought. Maybe someone gave her some sort of potion though I suppose she could just be having an off day. Hermione decided to keep an eye on Ginny just in case.

When they got to her room Ginny acted like she'd never seen it before.

"So this is what Hermione's room looks like," she whispered.

Hermione said, "What are you talking about. You've been in my room many times."

"Yeah but I feel like I've never really seen it until now," she said emphatically.


Ginny walked up to Hermione's dresser, where she had some framed pictures. There was one of Hermione 's parents, one of Hermione with Harry and Ron, one of the Weasleys, and hidden in the back there was a small picture of Viktor Krum and Hermione at the Yule Ball. Ginny dropped her wand on the dresser and snatched the picture. She yelled, "What the hell is this Hermione? Are you still dating Krum?"

"No, and I don't see how that is any of your business."

"Oh, well... you see one of my brothers likes you and I don't want him to get hurt."

Hermione's face softened. "You can tell your brother that I'm not dating Viktor. I just keep that picture as a reminder of the first night anybody saw me as a girl."

"Her-mio-neee, you're lovely and any bloke who can't see that is a git," she said and sat on the bed.

"Thanks Gin," Hermione said, smiling slightly. Hermione sat down next to Ginny.

"No problem. So shall we get into our knickers and have a pillow fight?"

"What!" Hermione jumped back in shock.

"Relax, I was just joking," Ginny said a little too quickly. "So do you have a crush on anybody?"

Hermione's eyes narrowed. "What's with the sudden interest in my love life?" she said stiffly.

"Hey, you don't have get so uptight about it. I was just curious. Besides, I'm a girl. Girl talk is kind of what we do, right?"

"Er, I guess," Hermione said. She knew there was something strange going on, but she couldn't figure out what it was.

Maybe Luna is right about Wrackspurts befuddling people or something, Hermione thought. It would explain Ginny's behavior.

"So Ginny, have you happened to have been up to the astronomy tower lately?" she asked in what she hoped was a casual tone.

"No, why?"

"Oh, no reason... Anyway to answer your question, there's this one boy..."

"Ooh, who is it," Ginny said in an exaggerated manner.

Hermione mumbled. "Your brother, actually..."

"Is it Ron? Please don't let it be Ron." Ginny grabbed Hermione's hands.

"I thought you wanted me to get together with Ron?"

"I did?," she said in confusion. "I mean of course I did! But I changed my mind 'cause he's so wrong for you. He's jealous and he argues with you too much. Besides, I know this other guy who likes you that would suit you much better. He's clever, charming, devastatingly handsome..."

"Who is it?"


"George who?"

"George Weasley! Who do you think?"

"What! Are you sure? I mean how do you know," Hermione squeaked. She'd been harboring a crush on the Weasely twin in question for most of the year, but she dismissed it as utter frivolity because she thought that he would never be interested in her.

"Of course I'm sure, 'Mione. I know George almost as well as Fred does!"

"I didn't know you two were so close," Hermione said, looking at 'Ginny' suspiciously. Only a select few people called her 'Mione.

"Well there's a lot you don't know about me..."

They were interrupted by someone knocking on the door. She said, "Hermione, it's Ginny. I need to talk to you!"

Hermione only raised her eyebrows as the 'Ginny' before her shrugged sheepishly. It was just as Hermione thought: this 'Ginny' was an impostor!


A/N: Ahh not a cliffhanger! Sorry guys. I wrote out and then I decided that it worked better as a two shot. Anyway I'll update it soon I promise.

Please review and let me know what you think! Reviews have become my drug of choice.