Link's Mission

~Link's Diary~

Day one:

I beat Ganon last night it was tough, but I did it. Zelda was going to send me back to be a Kokiri, lucky I managed to talk her into letting me stay until I find out something…who pieced my ear(s).

The suspects are the following:


~ I suspect him because he was the first one I saw when I woke up from seven years of sleep.


~Why I suspect him…nobody knows. Well, maybe it's HE'S A BAD GUY, duh.


~You see when ever she's around my I get this weird feeling and

her face sometimes turns red.

I'm going to start right now, no wait on second thought I'm going to go to sleep. So, I'll start asking people tomorrow.

Day two:

Last night was great, I had a wonder night's sleep and dreamed about…Oh yes I forgot that I'm supposed to be telling about my interviews.

*Interview #1:

Epona, the horse

~I interviewed Epona, she was one tough horse I couldn't get a word out of her. I have to understand why.

*Interview #2

Billy, the evil super chicken

~Billy was just as tough as Epona…maybe they know something.

*Interview #3

Malon, the farm girl

~Malon…I asked her the following questions and got her answers.

1: Malon, can I ask you some questions?

~Sure why not

2: Okie dokie, Malon, what is your name?

~Um…you just said it loser.

3: So, you just said it loser is your name right?

~No, my name is MALON

4: Did you piece my ear(s)?


5: Did Zelda piece them?


6: Did Rauru?


7: Why didn't Epona answer me?

~Because she's a horse of course

8: Is it Ketchup or Catsup?


Okay those were my interview for today I report back tomorrow and tell you about my interviews with Zelda and Ruto.

Okay, I know this was the DUMBEST story ever so please review and tell me what you think about it. I will try to update it at least once a week. So if you have any ideas of what I should do please write it in your review or send it to [email protected].