It's Alternative

Jane slipped her red shirt over her shoulders. It was tighter now, but that was all the better to excite her spouse on her wedding day. Jane reminded herself to thank Governor Landon-Mackenzie for helping push through the legislation that allowed her to take Daria Morgandorffer as her wife. It had only been two years since they had started dating. Of course Jane had actually designed the engagement ring the very day Daria had agreed to try such a relationship with her. Jane had had a good feeling at the beginning and was sure it would last. She had waited though until Daria had felt more comfortable. Jane had immediately dropped to one knee immediately when Daria had thought nothing of giving a passionate kiss at a very public awards ceremony. Jane made a note to thank the Pulitzer people when she and Daria attended next year.

Six months and a week had passed and both women were about to have their fairy tale wedding. Alternative was the word used most often during the planning stages. Jane smiled as she made the way down the stairs of casa de lane, mentally checking the traditional list of things a bride should have as she went. Her shirt was old and her bride had that old green jacket. She had borrowed a top hat from that magician friend of Quinn's. Daria had loaned the tank as her transport for the day. Both women had new pairs of boots, white of course. Surprisingly this had been the only thing a family member had complained about and it had come from Jane's mother Amanda, which was a little more shocking. Quinn had resolved the issue. Jane had trouble finding something blue and had actually been stressing over it until the pervious week. Daria had been fine; the centrepiece of her engagement ring was a sapphire. Jane had felt like such an idiot when Daria had been looking into her eyes on bad movie night and had begun describing them in such beautifully descriptive language. Comparing them to the clears skies and the perfect jewels yet unknown to mortal beings. Jane had felt such a fool, her reason for the sapphire on Daria's ring was after all to do with the colour of her own eyes.

Jane made a quick check to make sure the members of the reunited mystic spiral had not eaten the wedding cake in the fridge, and made a few quick calls to make sure the various take away place that were catering the reception would deliver on time. Jane finally made her way out to the gazebo. It had taken some convincing but she and Trent had final managed to get their Dad to leave it standing. It after all represented both the youngest Lane children becoming more responsible than their parents. The artist passed the assembled guests, smirking at the sour look on Daria's aunt Rita's face and trying not to burst out laughing when Aunt Amy stuck out her tongue. Jane took her place and put on her top hat.

"Looking good Janey," Trent said. Jane smiled at her brother and best man. Jane caught sight of Mrs Morgandorffer taking a seat in the front row of Daria's side. She caught sight of Jane and held up a few fingers to indicate how much longer Jane's true love would be.

Jane suddenly felt a rush of panic come over her, what if she couldn't make Daria happy, what if she couldn't provide for her, what if… she felt Trent's callous hand upon her shoulder.

"Janey?" he asked.

"Umm…" Jane tried to put her fears into words.

"She loves you Jane," Trent reassured her. "Daria will never be disappointed with you."

"It's just that…" Jane was interrupted by the sounds of here comes the bride emanating from the old keyboard that had been purchased so long ago for that assignment, perhaps the singular time Trent had truly failed Daria and herself. At least Jesse was getting some use out of it today. All doubts vanished from Jane's mind as Daria rounded the corner. For the first time Jane felt she had seen a sight of beauty that she wouldn't share through her art. In this moment Daria was hers and hers alone. Quinn followed behind ensuring that the train on the Griffin designed wedding dress did not trail through the mud. Jane glanced down and saw a photo amongst the bouquet. It was a picture she herself had snapped of the late Jake Morgandorffer. Smiling happily as he prepared to inflict yet another attempt at Kitchen Sink stew upon the family. He had always been happiest in the kitchen, the one place were all his stresses diminished without the aid of tryptophane.

Jane wiped a tear away from Daria's eye.

"You okay?" the artist whispered.

"Yes," the author replied in an even more hushed tone. "I just wish he was here."

"I know," Jane replied as she took Daria's hands in hers. "I'm sure he's here watching right now. In fact I bet 20 bucks at least on member of spiral claims to have seen his ghost before the clock strikes twelve."

Daria actually giggled a little. Jane knew how much Daria had wanted Jake to last long enough for this day but he had succumbed to his continued battle with heart problems two months back. He had asked for Jane and Daria to see him as he lay on his deathbed. He expressed his only regret was not being able to give Daria away, something he had always worried about since his first scare. Both Daria and Jane had reassured him that he had been a great Dad and they both forgave him. He had passed away that afternoon with a huge smile on his features. He had been very proud that Jane had called him Dad.

"So I was thinking Jake if it's a boy," Jane said.

"Very funny Jane," Daria replied with a smile.

"May we get this show on the road ladies?" asked Charles Rutthimer the third. Ever the servant of love he had taken courses to perform civil marriage ceremonies during college. Both women indicated their readiness. Jane promised to continue putting up with everything about Daria and love her for it, while Daria promised much the same but with the added stipulation to always go with Jane when the infamous Lane wanderlust hit. The I do's were said. Upchuck managed to keep from uttering the word feisty when Daria Morgandorffer-Lane and Jane Lane-Morgandorffer shared their first kiss as married women. Jane struggled against herself trying not to make it more physical, especial when she felt Daria caressing her behind.

Later at the reception it was time for the traditional waltz. The temporarily reformed Mystic Spiral had a very alternative musical choice.

"Hey we're mystic spiral," Trent began. "And this is the only Love song we ever played."

The band launched into a rousing rendition of Freaking Friends. Jane muttered something about she being the oblivious one whilst Daria used the noise to cover a whisper to her wife. Something about the back of the tank and her and her wife in nothing but that old jacket and red shirt and maybe the top hat. Needless to say later that night Jane looked into that suggestion.