"Loving you was my favorite mistake."

Bella's POV

Carlisle turned on the radio. "'Come with me, into the trees....'" I shut it off quickly. The lyrics after that part were something I didn't want Carlisle to hear.

"Bella?" he softly questioned me. "Inappropriate song." I could hear him chuckling as he turned the corner to the Cullen house. "Edward will be surprised that you decided to pull the all-nighter with Alice." I scrunched my face up, "He won't be surprised. He gave me 101 ways it would make Alice sad if I didn't come." I didn't see the problem, as vampires didn't even sleep.

"Bella, you put up with too much from our family." I was silent as I got out of the car. "Carlisle?" I whispered. "Yes?"

I took a deep breath. "Do you think I did the right thing in choosing Edward?"

Carlisle's POV

I don't know what possessed her to ask that question, but before I could answer, Edward came out to greet us. I quickly barred my thoughts from him, and he looked up at me with a confused face before turning to Bella.

"Are you ready to face my sister's wrath?" I could almost feel the warmth coming off of Bella's face. "It won't be that bad." She said more to herself then us.

"I'm going into Portland for the week, so feel free to extend the sleepover. Some new born vampires have settled there, and I want to make sure they don't get too out of hand." Bella nodded, giving Edward a hug. I tightened my lips- there was a part of me that wanted Bella just as bad as Edward did, and I wanted to keep that part under control.

Edward told her that he loved her, but when she replied back I could hear the saddened tone in her voice from earlier, and I sighed as I watched my son leave as if nothing was wrong.

Alice came down the stairs with a troubled look on her face. "Oh thank god he's gone. Carlisle, Bella, do you have a minute?" Bella smiled, "You guys have all the the time in the world." I chuckled, and Alice looked at me with a disapproving look. My smile dropped, "What's wrong, Alice?"

Bella's POV

I wasn't expecting Alice to have a vision of me and Carlisle. Well, maybe my sub conscious brain was, since I had been playing with the idea that me and him would make a good couple over the last week.

It wasn't because I felt less distant with Edward; he was the best person you could ever get. It was the way that Carlisle looked at me with those kind, gentle eyes, like I was something important to him. So when Alice explained to me what she saw was going to happen, I about choked.

"Bella, you need to understand that you can change this. My visions are only based on what a person decides," My shallow breath was the only thing that could be heard in the room. "Unless, you don't want to change it?" Carlisle looked tired next to me, going over her vision in his mind.

Please don't think I'm crazy, Carlisle. My thoughts were whirling, and I wanted nothing better then to climb into a hole and hide my face from them. 'You're going to leave Edward, Bella. You'll leave him for Carlisle.'

"Don't you think this is a little bit extreme, Alice? Bella would never leave Edward." Carlisle still looked calm, but there was an edge to it that I couldn't pin down. This was so wrong, but I wanted so desperately for it to be right. "No, Carlisle. It's the truth; you and Bella must both have made decisions to be with each other because you're both in my vision at your wedding!"

I felt bad for Alice, this wasn't and easy topic. "Bella, why don't you go upstairs for a while." Carlisle whispered. I got up, annoyed that he wanted to keep things from me.

My feet dragged on the steps to Edward's room, and I was a little dizzy from the news I had just received. I paused when I passed Carlisle's room, It wouldn't hurt if I waited in there. After all, we are getting married.

That wasn't the only reason. I didn't want to be found by Alice or Carlisle if I could help it. I just wanted to hide from them until Edward got back from Portland so that he could tell me this was all just a big mistake; that Alice was playing a practical joke on me.

I crawled into his bed, probably the only one in the house, and closed me eyes. They were heavy with sleep already since I hadn't been sleeping well for the last few days. My mind drifted to some unrecognizable pictures and I soon drifted off to sleep.


"Bella?" a soft voice came from next to me. My eyes fluttered open to see Carlisle sitting next to me on the bed. He smiled gently. "You were calling for me in your sleep," He wiped the brown mess of hair out my face. "Do you want to talk?" I shook my head violently.

"OK. I'll be here until you do." I looked up into his liquid topez eyes and swallowed loudly. "Carlisle, I don't know what to do."

"None of us do sweetheart. Alice says to just let it be...," He fumbled with my hand, "But Bella, I need to know if you want this. Is Alice telling the truth in saying that you wanted to be with me?" I stared into his eyes, watching for any sign of wanting to be disgusted with me, but he only looked a little sad. "Yes," I stuttered, "For a while. I didn't think of leaving Edward though."

Light tears ran down my face, and I saw the pain in Carlisle's eyes. "I don't want you to hurt, Bella." He lied down next to me, taking me into his arms, "I promise you it will be alright." He kissed me softly on the head as I closed my eyes again to wipe away the fear I felt.

"As soon as forever is through, I'll be over you, Isabella."