Disclaimer: I don't own Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge. Or The Wallflower.

Author's Note: I wrote this during a waiting in the doctor's office. And it's based on the drama. Episode 4 spoiler for those who haven't watched it yet. I think it's episode 4...

First Love

By: Higasa

Kyohei scoffed at the idea.

First of all it was a ridiculous suggestion. Him, Kyohei, falling in love? Yeah right. Least of all with a weird girl like Sunako Nakahara. He have to admit it though she wasn't ugly, just weird with her skulls and talking to Hiroshi-kun.

Second of all Sunako wasn't his first love or last love or any love for that matter like Noi keep persisting in saying. His heart wasn't pounding because that he had to watch Sunako being courted by the old fart. (It just made him wanted to punch him instead because the said old fart could be Nakahara's father for goodness sakes or rather a grandfather.)

He couldn't understand why he was annoyed for the past couple of days.

"That's because she's your first love."

He growled. "No, she's not!" And fell back onto the bed.

Stupid. Utterly rubbish thought.

Sure, he had kissed her…once, but that didn't meant anything special. Of course it also didn't mean that he'd go kissing around every girl, even if it didn't meant anything like Ranmaru did. It was for Takeru's sake (and for a decent meal again).

The only explanation for this continuous heartthrob and annoyance was probably the French food she had cooked the other day. Sure, he loved Sunako's cooking, but a Japanese can only take so much of other kinds of food besides Japanese.

Yeah, it a heartburn. That was probably it.


Not first love, falling in love, or anything of that sort.

It was a simple heartburn.

His male housemates and Noi were stupid.

First love? Yeah right.