The velvet sky erupted with the purest raindrops, the shimmering moon beating down upon the buildings and the ground. The echo of the contact to the metal of the car bonnets, and the shop windows left an omniscient echo in the back of their minds. The street's serenity was broken by the sound of sudden footsteps, splashing against the pavement. Geum Jan Di approached the doctors surgery as the rain beat down against her face, trickling down. Her clothing drenched with the cold bitter shiver down her spine. Yoon Ji Hoo had finally found what he was looking for, standing out of his grandfather's old surgery and sitting on the steps. Drenched from head to toe, the little mouse curled into a ball for her own protection. Yoon Ji Hoo stepped out from the shelter of the bus shelter to approach her cautiously, to approach the mouse in its wildest state. The eye contact held was almost painful, the aching pain in her eyes as the bangs dripped onto her soft nose to trickle down, and fall onto her lower lip.
Yoon Ji Hoo's eyes fell upon Geum Jan Di's once more as she stood before him in the rain, each droplet hitting her dark hair soaking up the moisture to drip upon her temple. The only sound heard was a panting, the feminine panting brought dismay to his hues, his brows furrowing together as he took one step closer to the female persistent to keep a distance. "Ji Hoo Sunbae ..." The voice was barely heard above the raindrops hitting the cars around them. Jan Di's clothing drained and clinging to her delicate body. The shivering grew within seconds until she let out a scream, the scream echoed through the empty road as the rain hit her face to merge with her tears. Ji Hoo took a step closer, his hand extended in the cold and wet air. Geum Jan Di stepped away from him, her shoes drenched with moisture for her lips to shiver through her words, clearer and louder than before.
"Why? Why don't you leave?!" The loud voice from the small female echoed once more through the streets. Yoon Ji Hoo's coat was somewhat dry on the inside, keeping him warm whilst she drowned in the rain. His coat slid off his torso to offer the garment to female. His white shirt and blue sweater gradually built up with moisture to soak through to tan skin, leaving an inconspicuous shiver. The coat was wrapped around her shoulders, his strong hands forcing the coat tightly around the front of her body. The rain beat down upon them, harder and harder, the tears of her face were hidden by the gathered streaks of moisture. "J-JiHoo S-Sunbae.—" the voice finally matched the body it came from, the rain seemed to illuminate her wide eyes, the rosy lips – this time when a tear fell he could recognize the substance.
"Jan Di-ah, where is Gu Jun Pyo?" the masculine voice softly emitted, leaving in the air and their minds the name that brought several whines from her lips. The shiny ring of her finger was missing, the smile on her face had faded, and the sadness had overwhelmed. "We can find him." JiHoo took hold of her hand once, though it slid away from the slippery skin. "Aniyo." She whispered. The hand was clasped once more, this time a tighter embrace held her captive. "ANIYO." The hands pushed at JiHoo, distance found between them once more. The cold bitter air seemed infantile compared to the radiating sadness from the female opposite of him. JiHoo's breathing visible in the form of a clouded fog with every pant for breath. The hand extended once more, and this time it lingered for longer than he'd expected. The wet clothing clung to his once warm body to leave a shiver to slither down his spine to bring a tremor.
Jan Di focused on the hand covered in rain, the shaking of the fingers. In the back of her mind came worries, worries that filled her mind, but also her heart's shattered pieces. The emptiness filled with a warmth. "I came to put out the fire." JiHoo explained quietly, the solemn expression broke; the lips curved up to display a faint hint at happiness in her broken heart. She accepted his hand, holding on tightly to glance into the dark eyes.