I will be using the term Hercules instead of Heracles.

Thanks for all the reviews!

Disclaimer: I may not own Percy Jackson but I do own Annabeth Chase! Wait, I don't? Oh come on! But I do own Max, Gregor, and Peleus Armstrong right? I do? Yes! What do you mean they're worthless figments of my imagination?

I tried to stand up but my legs were hurting horribly. His electric eyes were filled with malice and absolutely no mercy.

"Hercules," I said breathlessly. "How are you alive?"

He walked towards me silently with the same type of malice in his eyes. I reached into my pocket for a packet of ambrosia but none. Maybe that bottle of seawater, but no I gave it to Tyson. Where was he anyway? Again the realization hit me. Hercules, son of Zeus, Strongest Man in the World, was going to kill me!

"Hercules," I said once more pleading for mercy. "What are you doing here?"
"Perseus," He said. His voice wasn't as deep as I thought. It was slightly softer then Zeus' but with all the malice of Hades. "Finally, Perseus the two heroes of Olympus meet in a duel to the death!"
"But how, are you alive?" I asked once more. "I thought you were supposed to be reincarnated!"
"It's your entire fault!" He began. "I was supposed to be reincarnated into you. But your father prevented me from entering your soul, trapping me in the reincarnation dimension for years. Finally, father took pity on me and gave me a chance to become a god. As long as I complete this one quest I will be the true hero of Olympus. That requires you dying."

I stared at him in disbelief. Why did dad forbid him from me being his reincarnation? Because right now it was about to bite me in the butt. Then something dawned on me.

"You can't kill a god!" I said feeling victorious.
"Oh," Hercules growled. "And do you know a thing about being a god! You're vulnerable as ever. All you have is extra forms. And I know you'll try to disintegrate me, but I am protected!"

Well that ruined a couple of plans. If I survived this Zeus and I would have a serious talk. He lunged towards me with a 3 foot long celestial bronze sword. Thankfully I had strength to dodge his attack, but it was too late, Hercules was upon me. He grabbed my ankle as I tried to crawl away and tossed my over his head about 30 feet away. I reached for Riptide accepting the fact that I had to fight instead of run.

He charged me again but this time I deflected rolling under strike and slicing at his back. He dodged with speed and grace and and kicked back at me. I jumped back but my leg again struck me with pain. Hercules came like a raging storm, angry and ready to ruin my day. I swiped at his chest plate hoping to make a scratch. The sword connected with the armor making Hercules take a step back. I took advantage of this moment and rushed him, slicing at him swiftly with all the grace a 3-legged one-eyed antelope.

I stumbled with thrust allowing Hercules to try a maneuver I've never seen before. Instead of parrying or dodging he moved in and stopped the blade with his hand, lifted and sliced at me. I tried to my move but I made the mistake of trying to rip the blade out of Hercules' hand. I took impact right by my ribs and golden ichor spilled out.

All hope of beating Hercules evaporated when I saw my golden blood pouring on the ground. It was much different than regular blood in a regular body, I actually felt vulnerable. It's feels degrading, angering, and downright sad. One thing popped in my head. Run. But stupid me threw a punch first. He caught my fist and lifted me overhead and tossed me on the ground. I was aching all over as my godly body started to unravel. I tried to keep that secret power under hoping that when the time came this form would give me the edge. Hercules though, had no problem revealing his power. He lifted me up into a choke, with my mind racing trying to find the power to escape. He squeezed even tighter crushing my throat, taking all oxygen away from me.

I slipped away. Power taken. Will broken. Mind racing. It was the perfect self-diagnose for death. I could feel nothing, more could I feel the pain. Beautiful freedom grasped me as darkness washed over me. No more Hercules! No more running errands for the gods! No more suffering! I could rest.

Just let it take over. A voice in my head told me. And it will be all over.

Just as I was about to let it take over, Poseidon shouted at me.

"No Percy!" He said. "Do not succumb to the death! If you fail the gods die. There will be no hope for this world. I protected you from Hercules' spirit because I didn't want you to be like him. Pride took Hercules a long time ago; you my son are not Hercules! Imagine a world without the gods. The Titans would take over the land, the seas would flood, the skies would thunder endlessly, and death itself would never happen. Before the Titans would ever even able to take full control, mortals would go made, all religions fighting each other over the cause of this, the mist would fade and all demigods viewed as targets. And within a year the universe would collapse within itself and Lady Chaos would have to rebuild itself."

That sounded like a grim fate. But to add to the effect, Annabeth, the love of my life, appeared right in front of me.

She smiled with her pearly white teeth and beautiful blonde hair. She walked towards me with open arms. I tried to run towards her but I couldn't move. Just as she almost reached me, she stopped. She pulled out her knife and faced sideways with many other half-bloods. Mortals and monsters alike attacked Annabeth's Half-Blood Phalanx. They battled for what seemed like hours. 3 half-bloods remained, Annabeth, Nico, and Clarisse. They fought on with half celestial steel and half steel swords, like Luke's Backbiter, only hoping to win. The rest of the Mortal and Monster forces charged the three taking them captive.

In a public viewing the three were tied up to a post.

"The day of demigod passes with the death of their strong leaders." A mortal speaker said. "First with the death of Clarisse la Rue daughter of the fallen god of war, Ares."

They mocked her, took Clarisse's Maimer and stabbed her in the heart letting her fall from her post. A dracaena slithered up to her, carried her body, and dropped it by a couple of Laistrygonians who devoured her body.

"Next Nico di Angelo," The mortal speaker said shuddering at the sight of the Laistrygonians devouring Clarisse. "Son of the fallen god of death, Hades."

They slit his throat to my displeasure. Finally the moment I've been dreading. I wanted to run but I couldn't.

"And finally," The announcer said. "Annabeth, daughter of the fallen goddess of wisdom, Athena."

They brought the sword to her throat.

Right before they cut her throat, she looked me in the eyes, looking betrayed.

"Percy." She whispered.

I screamed and wiped the image out of my mind. That alternative universe was not one I wanted to happen. An image of Tyson came into my mind. He was nearby, and that meant the seawater nectar was nearby.

When I came back to the real world Hercules was about to stab me with his knife. I had the element of surprise, being alive. As he went to stab me my hand shot up meet the knife's hilt. I twisted his hand and sucker punched him in the nose and ran. I felt the wind rushing through my hair, positioning it so it blew with it. I only stopped to regain my footing, feeling terrified of what would happen if I died. I leaped into a clearing where Tyson's body lay. The leap was my fatal mistake. As I landed I could feel my leg break right under me. The crunching sound was disgusting and the pain was almost unbearable, but Tyson and the seawater nectar were so nearby.

"Perseus," Hercules called. "You cannot escape. Accept the fact that I'm the better man, and face your death like a man."

At this point I was crawling towards the seawater nectar. So close…

"Ah there you are." Hercules said. He stomped his way towards me menacingly.

I grabbed the bottle and took off the top. Hercules grabbed my foot. I gulped down a quarter of the bottle. Hercules took out his knife. But right now I was healing. My feet and my legs healed themselves as the sea green liquid washed my system clean. Pash was right, it was delicious! It tasted like all my favorite drinks combined in one cleaning fluid. My formerly crushed throat fixed itself. I regenerated.

"Time to die!"He said.

I kicked him in the stomach, but not like before, I kicked him with such power it rocked him 20 feet back. I jumped up and continued to him with Riptide out in the form of a Trident. Hercules is going to die! He tried to defend himself but I was sweet with the Trident. I blocked his sword strikes with ease, slid down and stuck him in the chest plate.

He tried to maneuver himself away, but it was too late for Hercules. I struck down on him with force and malice. He tried to sidestep, but I butted him in the stomach with my Trident, and stuck him in the head through the open mouth of his Nemean Helmet. He bled profusely as I continued to punch him in the face. He tried to punch, but I caught his fist, and twisted it until it broke. I did the same thing with his other hand, rendering his greatest allies useless. I ripped off his helmet ready to kill him. All that was keeping me from killing him was that nagging thing called conscience.

"Well," He said sliding back on the tree, blood on his face, both hands broken, and maybe a couple fractured ribs. "What are waiting for? Kill me Perseus and take your place as champion! Do it!"

I looked in his eyes, and saw something I haven't seen before. Nothingness. No pride, no life, ready and willing to die. I didn't know how to respond to this request I looked at deeper into his soul until I saw a boy clinging to a father who had to push him away. Now pride had consumed Hercules and he had trapped himself in his own snare.

"DO IT!" Hercules screamed.

I screamed in rage and stabbed him in the shoulder. Leaving him alive.

"We look up to you!" I screamed. "You were a standard. Every hero wanted to conquer like you. But now I see what you are, nothing but a man consumed in his own pride!"

Hercules said nothing in return. I turned to Tyson who was on the ground moaning and groaning. I went to him and gave him a drink of the seawater nectar. He coughed a bit and looked at me.

"Percy?" He said obviously still dazed. "Where are we?"
"I don't know." I said.

We went around looking for the rest of the group. Max was tangled in a tree. Gregor was on the ground by a lake. And Anemoi and Aeolus were walking around looking for us. When the whole thing was over with Aeolus set up camp and Gregor got to work on rebuilding our chariot.

When I went to sleep my spirit was at unrest. I visualized Olympus, put in the coordinates, and teleported there. By now you may be wondering why I didn't just teleport to Atlantis? But teleportation is very complex. I have to know where it is, know what it looks like, and am able to get back. Anyway I teleported to Olympus in search of Zeus.

Minor gods were traveling in the streets drinking and eating. No one noticed me. I finally got to the throne room.

"Zeus," I screamed. "Where are you?"

Zeus came out of a large door, with automaton arms. He looked like he had been through a lot, but he was about to get a face full of me.

"Ah Perseus," Zeus said agitated. "Your spirit lives. It seems my son has succeeded. Now where is he?"
" He didn't kill me," I said clenching my fists and walking up to him. "Your plan failed Zeus."
"Oh," Was all he could say. "Well get going, celestial steel won't retrieve itself."
"Oh," I said angrily. "Oh is all you can say. You nearly kill me and my brother and all you can say is, OH!"
"Yeah," Zeus shrugged. "Oh. Nothing to it Perseus. Just leave."
"Zeus!" I screamed in anger. "Do you understand what you put me through? Do you understand the severity of your actions?"

Zeus just shrugged. He turned to leave, but I wasn't done.

"Why would you send Hercules after us?" I asked exasperated.

Zeus stopped in his tracks. He turned his head creepily like Pash.

"Why?" He said. "Hercules was the hero of Olympus. I was proud and loved him. He was my pride. Hera made him in to a murderer. When Poseidon expelled him from your body, he went on a downward spiral. He was a shell of his former self, and I was ridiculed. And this glorious opportunity came for me- I mean him."
"You did this out of pride." I said. "You didn't care for Hercules, just your reputation."
"Do not pretend Perseus." He said clenching his fists. "Pride consumes all of us. Why do you think your father would expel Hercules from your body, hmmm? It's because he was thinking of one thing. It would be embarrassing for his son's accomplishments would be because of my son. Soon Perseus pride will consume you."

And with that I was gone.

I woke up to the sound of construction work. Max, Gregor, and Tyson were putting the finishing touches on our chariot. It looked good as new.

"Lord Perseus," Max said, hammering down a nail. "We should be ready for departure in about 10 minutes. "
"Where are we?" I asked.
"In the forests of Kupang, Indonesia." Aeolus said. "We have four days till Melbourne."

I nodded and attended to the cooking sight. Aeolus had made eggs, bacon, and orange nectar, a surprisingly distinct taste. After I munched down the food quickly, I was ready to go.

"Percy take a look at this," Aeolus said involved in the Atlantis book once again. "The Thanatos Boar or the Boadar, it says he used this legendary boar, with four arms, two legs, and two 3 feet tusks. The Thanatos Boar hunted the enemies of Thanatos and still lives today. We should look out Perseus."

I nodded my head slightly bored, and boarded the chariot.

"Well," Max said taking the reins. "Off to Melbourne."


Finally done with that chapter. I'm going to warn you right now there will be some monsters and gods that I make up. Please bare with me.

Click the green button! Oh wait. What's that? It's a blue button now. Huh. Well click the blue button. Man that sounds wrong.