YES! I finished my exams and school is over. YAHOO! I'm sooo sorry that I haven't wrote soo long but I guaranteed you that this is the longest chapter I have written. And good luck to people who have exams.

"Haruhiko-sama's dad is coming back?" I questioned. Fuyuhiko-sama is more busier than Haruhiko-sama because he's the president of Usami corporation and barely comes home. I never see him around the mansion therefore he never seen me. And he sleeps at the opposite side of the Usami household.

"I don't care," I said. Who should care about a person whom I never met, I thought.

"You have been here for three months without seeing him. You should meet him."

"I'm not sure it's a good idea to meet him. I became a butler under special circumstances, Anna-chan. I didn't have any training before I came here. He wouldn't approve of me."

"You're a nice guy. He'll like you."

"I don't really want to meet him," I said reluctantly.

"You have to sooner or later."

"I choose never," I replied back at Anna-chan. Anna-chan gave me a disappointed face.

Then I saw Tanaka-san in the hallways. "I need to ask Tanaka-san something," I said as I ran towards my mentor.

"Tanaka-san," I called out.

He turned toward me. "Yes Yoichi-san?"

"Should I meet with Fuyuhiko-sama who's coming tomorrow?"

Tanaka-san was in deep thought. "It's a problem that you hadn't any special knowledge but given the limited time of learning, you have improved rapidly even for a beginner. It's a wise choice for you to meet Fuyuhiko-sama."

"I see," I said.

"But you have to improve on your sociability," he said as he glanced at my faded bruise on my cheek. "Still Fuyuhiko-sama is not a bad man."

Yeah for a man who calls his son "the spring prince" who doesn't smile. "I don't know," I said. "I guess it won't hurt to see him."

The next morning I was serving Haruhiko-sama breakfast. Tanaka-san had other business to do. I still remember the uneventful moment with Haruhiko-sama was unpleasant. But I have make sure that doesn't affect my duties as a butler, I thought as I got ready to serve the master breakfast.

I pushed a sliver cart towards him with the breakfast covered by a dome lid. "Good morning Haruhiko-sama," I said to him. Then I lifted the lid showing his breakfast. "Today we have French toast with cinnamon apricot jam laced with graduated sugar. On the side we have a savoury French omelette with cubed honey ham. Your drink is black coffee grind from high quality beans from Brazil. Would you like milk or sugar?" Then I ended that with a butler smile, genuine for only Haruhiko-sama. And that speech, I had to memorized that for a half an hour from chef, Ta-chan.

"None," Haruhiko-sama said as I was transferring the plates on the table.

So he doesn't like sweet things does he? I thought as I placed the cutlery on the table.

Then I was finished setting up the meal for Haruhiko-sama. It was sparkling that I was scared of my own talents. "Please enjoy you meal, Haruhiko-sama." I bowed deeply to Haruhiko-sama. Then I turned to leave.

Then Haruhiko-sama said "Suzuki-san."

"Yes? Haruhiko-sama. Is there something you need?"

"Come to my room tomorrow."

I was surprised at Haruhiko-sama's command. As usual, really direct, I thought. "I thought you were going be busy for the next month, Haruhiko-sama," I said.

"That's correct. But I put some time aside for a lesson tomorrow."

"When? Haruhiko-sama," I asked.

"This afternoon."

Wah, I thought, that's too soon. How I'm suppose to think of a lesson that fast. I have tend to Tama-sama and Alexander-sama's needs after this. "I'll be there. Haruhiko-sama."



"I'm sorry."

My eyes blinked in surprise. "What for?" This is a first for me seeing Haruhiko-sama apologizing. I thought he was a type of person that doesn't admit their mistakes.

"I was forcing something on you. It wasn't kind of me."

Oh. That event when Haruhiko-sama was asking why I didn't tell the person my feelings, I thought. "Didn't I tell you to forget about it Haruhiko-sama? It was nothing, Haruhiko-sama." Then I added. "Please enjoy your meal, Haruhiko-sama."

Then I watched Haruhiko-sama eat his meal from the wall. The same thought ran through my mind every time I watched him eat. Aren't you lonely?

Here I go I again, I thought as I was in front of the door. The I gulped as my hand formed a fist shape to knock the door. Then I suddenly realised something. Argh! I forgot to think up the next lesson, I thought as ruffled my hair with my hands. What should do? We've done hugging and moods. What else to teach? Then I tried to remembered stuff from the boys' love books. The cover of the recent novel popped into my head. A cover of two boys kissing. Kissing… Like the hell I do that. But last time I wanted to do it with Haruhiko-sama. Argh. What am I? A perverted person! ARGH! I'll figure out when I'm with Haruhiko-sama.

Then I knocked on the door. "Come in," said Haruhiko-sama's voice. My body jolted from the sound of Haruhiko-sama's voice. I stiffly walked into his room.

"I'm here, Haruhiko-sama."

Haruhiko-sama was working at his desk again with papers and files piling up. "You're late," said Haruhiko-sama with a cold voice.

I sweat-dropped. I keep on forgetting that to Haruhiko-sama that time is precious nowadays because of his projects, I thought. "My apologizes, Haruhiko-sama," I said. "It won't happen again."

"Let's begin the lesson," said Haruhiko-sama as he abandoned his work and stood up. "We have a time limit of a half an hour," he said diligently as he faced me.

That's so short, I thought as I felt down. Then Haruhiko-sama looked at me intently. Oh right the lesson, as I remembered. "Have... have you kissed before?, Haruhiko-sama," I said. There was nothing I could think of but this.

"Yes," said Haruhiko-sama.

My eyes widened. "You did?" That caught me by surprise. Who did he kiss with? Misaki?

"With Misaki," said Haruhiko-sama.

Misaki... just as I thought. "I see," I quietly said. My anger bubbled silently inside of me. Obviously it's Misaki. Why it's always Misaki? Why did he get Haruhiko-sama's heart and his kiss? This is unfair. I want Haruhiko-sama to notice me. I want him to forget Misaki. I want his heart to be mine.

The hidden me woke up again as jealousy overflowed. I looked up at Haruhiko-sama's face. "Want to see how I kiss, Haruhiko-sama?" I proposed affectionately. "A proper kiss?"

Haruhiko-sama didn't say anything for a while. "It just a lesson," I said as I touched the side of Haruhiko-sama's arm.

"Okay," he said. I heard a small objection in his voice but I didn't care for some reason. I wanted to make him mine now.

"Sit on the bed," I said and he did.

I took off his glasses from his face. The cold metal was pinched between my fingers. My heart was again pumping furiously because of his eyes that stared back at me. "Close your eyes, Haruhiko-sama." As I was hoping it would make the process easier.

Haruhiko-sama closed his eyes. His tired face showed tension. "Relax, Haruhiko-sama. Today I want you to experience a kiss because of the little time we have."

His lips was slightly apart making it more tempting. I took a breath but it was no use. My heart was beating furiously just because of him. Then I slid my hand onto his side of his head. His hair fell soft between my fingers, really soft. I leaned closer to Haruhiko-sama's face as I closed my eyes.

Then it all happened magnetically. My lips went for his immediately. The only thing I could focus was Haruhiko-sama's lips. His lips are dry but soft, I thought as I put more pressure onto his lips. This was different from the other girls I dated. My body felt automatically pulled toward Haruhiko-sama. Oh crap, this is no good, I thought. It's making my body all fuzzy and weird especially my chest.

"Yoichi-kun?" said a girl's voice.

SHIT IT'S ANNA-CHAN. Instantly I pushed Haruhiko-sama away from me. I turned my head toward to the voice. I saw Anna-chan by the door with face full of shock. Another awkward moment.

"I'm sorry," said Anna-chan as she bowed. Then I saw Anna-chan disappeared from the door.

Oh crap... what should I do now? Anna-chan saw us.

Then I realised that I was on the bed. When I looked up, I saw that Haruhiko-sama was on top of me. I blinked several times. How did I get into this position? I thought. Haruhiko-sama was staring back down on me. "Your face is red," stated Haruhiko-sama.

My hands clasped on my face to cover my embarrassment. They could feel the heat emitting from my face. "Can I get up?" Then Haruhiko-sama let me get off the bed. I slowly got off the bed. I looked at myself. I was a mess. My hair was mussed up and my butler clothes were wrinkled probably when Haruhiko-sama pushed me down.

I looked at Haruhiko-sama and I saw Haruhiko-sama looking distressed. His eyebrows were furrowed deeply. "This is a mistake," said Haruhiko-sama getting up.

I watched Haruhiko-sama. It looked like Haruhiko-sama was going through something he couldn't process. He was holding his hand to his head and with his back towards me. I couldn't bear that Haruhiko-sama was in pain. Butlers have make their master comfortable and I'm not doing a good job of it. I slowly closed my eyes and did what was right for Haruhiko-sama.

"I don't have feelings for you, Haruhiko-sama," I said clearly but sharp pain in my chest opposed. "Remember this is a lesson. I am sorry if this disturbed you, Haruhiko-sama."

"Leave," said Haruhiko-sama sounded irritated.

"Yes, Haruhiko-sama," I said then I left as I was told.

Crap I made him angry, I thought as I walked through the halls. My hands were shoved in my pockets. Damn it. Ever since I met Haruhiko-sama, there's a me who wants to possess him. Do I like him this much? I sighed. Again I was being a bother to Haruhiko-sama.

"Did something happened with you and Haruhiko-sama?" asked Tanaka-san as I was passing him by.

"I'm going to sleep, Tanaka-san," was all I said to him. Then I left.

The next day I found Anna-chan outside of my room. "Anna-chan I can explain about yesterday," I said. I took a huge breath as I was ready to make up a huge lie on the spot when Anna-chan said this.

"I support your relationship."

"Huh?" was all I said.

"I can't believed that happened. It was so cute. Both of you kissed and KAWAII—" Then she started to ramble. She's a fuushiyo, I thought as she excitedly rambled on and on. She is a fan of boy and boy relationships.

"Good luck to both of you," she finally said.

"Thanks." I said very quietly.

"You have to be careful, Yoichi-kun," she warned. "I heard that Fuyuhiko-sama likes his sons very much. He would do anything for them."

"It doesn't matter," I said. Haruhiko-sama hates me.

"That could be a hinder to you relationship. No worries. I'm supporting you." She gave me two thumbs up. I swest-dropped. I was getting scared of Anna-chan's hyperness.

I sighed. At least it's better than have her be in disgust at me. "Do me a favour?"

"Yes, Yo-i-chi-kun?"

"Never speak about this to anyone."

"Aww... You're blushing."

It was time to meet Fuyuhiko-sama, Haruhiko-sama's father. It was planned that he would come this evening. Haruhiko-sama will come to the Usami mansion with his father after a dinner at a restaurant that I do not remember. Foreign words are hard to remember.

They came through the doors and I got to see Haruhiko-sama's dad. Fuyuhiko-sama was a man who was a bit shorter than Haruhiko-sama and has brown hair. There was a gentle presence about him but I'm sure he is greatly feared in the business world. Crap... The idiot dad is taller than me, I thought as looked up. I'm two heads smaller than him.

Fuyuhiko-sama gave his bag to Tanaka-san while the maids carried out the luggage. "Tanaka-san, how have you been?"

Tanaka-san smiled and bowed. "I'm good, Fuyuhiko-sama."

When I was about to carry the heavier luggage, Fuyuhiko-sama spoke to me. "You're new here." He gave me a puzzling look. "What's your name?

I had to drop what I was doing. I bowed to him and stayed in a bowing position. "My name is Suzuki Yoichi. I became a butler about three months ago."

"Where did you get that bruise?"

Crap he noticed. The bruise is not barely noticeable now. If Haruhiko-sama saw it so can the father. "A small accident," I calmly said. Not a good first impression, I thought nervously.

"Interesting kid," said Fuyuhiko-sama. "Can I call you Suzuki-kun?

I didn't want to familiar terms with him. I looked up at Tanaka-san for help. He nodded. "Yes, Fuyuhiko-sama."

Then I straightened my back. Suddenly he went up close to me and studied me. I leaned back a bit, sweat-dropping. What do you want old man? I thought.

"Your eyes are blue," said Fuyuhiko-sama in a trance. "Are those contacts?"

I was about to answer "It's none of your business, old man" but Haruhiko-sama saved me."Father," said Haruhiko-sama pulling his father back. "Don't you think it's late?"

Right on cue Fuyuhiko-sama yawned. "Excuse me. Jet-lagged is such a problem with planes," said Fuyuhiko-sama. "I'll be retiring to my room now."

I watched him going up the stairs. I whispered to Haruhiko-sama gratefully ,"Thank you Haruhiko-sama." Even though I didn't deserve to talk to him anymore after kissing him.

Then Haruhiko-sama did something surprising. He leaned towards to my ear. "I want to continue the lessons," whispered Haruhiko-sama in a low voice. I was happy for a moment that Haruhiko-sama was allowing me to continue with the lesson but when he said this."As long as you don't like me everything would be fine." I clearly heard my heart break.

When he moved away, I answered with a butler smile, "Yes, Haruhiko-sama." Then he walked upstairs as he left me in the biggest heartache I experience.

I want to do lessons because I want to learn why I like him. But somehow my feelings were almost exposed and now I have been told that I shouldn't like him. My heart is in a turmoil. Shit. What should I do now?

Okay who wants to strangle Haruhiko? I know you all want to but I have to base Haruhiko off of this. Haruhiko is still in love with Misaki and believes that you can love only one person and that another person love is troublesome - my theory. I know it so mean or maybe he jealous.*smirk* I guess Yoichi have to earn his love the hard way. Well I am going to update chapters faster now because of summer vacation.

Extra Scene when Yoichi kissed Haruhiko : )

The atmosphere fell silent between them but something was stirring. Yoichi felt hesitated but his body was already moving on its own. Haruhiko's face looked so different when the glasses where taken off. As Yoichi's hand touched lovingly on the side of his love, Yoichi kissed Haruhiko on the lips. It was steady kiss that Yoichi planned to give but his affections spilled onto the kiss, trying to convey something. Haruhiko responded with the kiss. Instinctively Haruhiko's arms wrapped around Yoichi slowly pulling into his presence. The couple fell down on to the king-sized bed with Yoichi on the bottom and Haruhiko on top. The clothes and sheet rumpled underneath them. The embrace was tight as if they didn't want to let go. The kiss had turned passionately like they finally realised it. But a girl by the door broke that connection by revealing her presence.