DISCLAIMER: I do not own anything...sadly.
Ginny is much more hyper here than in the books and movies, just so you know. :P
Dedicated to Enoraa. :))) Thanks!
A Midsummer Nights Dream
Summary: Hermione vowed never to fall for a Slytherin, especially for their vain prince. They both thought they hated each other, but can a school play change their minds?
1. The starting day
"Mione! Mione!" Ginny screeched, bursting into the girl's common room and sat down on Hermione's bed. The brown-haired girl looked up from her book.
"You'll-never-ever-guess-what-happened-never-ever-ever-believe-me,-you'll-never-ever-guess what's-happened! Guess what?"
"Um...you've put your shirt on backwards?"
Ginny looked at her confusingly. "What?" She asked, and looked down at her shirt. "Oh." She shrugged. "Oh, well, that's not it. I've suggested William Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' as the school play for our Muggle Studies class and Professor Harrin just said that we will perform the play for the end this year!"
"And you're excited about this because...?"
"Well, I thought you've always liked Shakespeare."
"So? What are you thinking?"
Hermione set her book down and straightened on her bed, biting her lip slightly, thinking. "Well, I've always liked acting, too..."
"Okay? Audition for a role then!"
Hermione looked at her best-friend warily. "I don't know...I'm not an expert or anything."
"Come on, Mione, no one expects you to be. You'll just have to practice."
"Why do you suggest me?"
"I don't know, because you know the most about Muggles? This play should be easy for you."
"Shouldn't it be a pair audition?"
"Well, it doesn't have to be. I'll just let my brother audition with you if you want."
"Ron and I are over a month ago, I'm not expecting him to audition with me."
"Okay then...That won't stop you from auditioning though, right? I mean, come on, I would love it if you would play Hermia...Whoever she is."
"She was a very beautiful woman of Athens, who was in love with a man named Lysander, but got displeased when her father wished that she would marry Demetrius, another person."
"See? Look at how much you know." Hermione made a face. "Come on, Hermione, just try? You've been studying too much; you really need to get your mind off your studies for a while."
Hermione bit her lip again, thinking it over in her mind. After a while, she agreed, and Ginny gave her a hug before dragging her out and to the theatre. (there probably isn't one, but I don't care. :P)
They passed Harry and Ron, who had just gotten out from the library, and waved to them; Hermione barely caught the confused look on their faces as they watched them run away.
When they finally stopped, Hermione bent down on her knees to catch her breath, although Ginny seemed to be okay. "Hi, Proffessor Harrin, Hermione would like to audition for the role, Hermia."
"Gin-Ginny, not yet–" Hermione panted, but was cut off.
"Hermione says she wants to get the role quick." Hermione gave her a look.
The grey-haired lady stood up from her seat and tilted her glasses so they were on the bridge of her nose. She seemed to study Hermione for a while, even though she knew the young lady very well, and gave her an approving nod. "In a hurry, Ms. Granger?"
Hermione finally caught her breath and nodded slightly, gulping as she wiped some sweat off her face. "Yes, I guess, since Ginny dragged me all the way here."
The teacher just smiled. "Alright then, come over this afternoon after class, there are actually quite a few people who want that role as well." Ginny frowned.
"Don't worry, it's the skills that matter, not who auditions first." With a wink, she returned to her work, and Hermione practically dragged Ginny out of the room.
"It's okay Ginny, I'll just audition." Hermione said.
"I was so looking forward for you to get the role. That way you could show off your acting skills."
"How do you know about my acting?"
Ginny shrugged. "I don't know, I just thought that after so many years of knowing you, you'd be good. I mean, come on, you've acted plenty of times in the past six and a half years."
"True." Hermione agreed, and Ginny continued whining all the way back.
As they entered the Gryffindor common room, they came across Harry and Ron, who were sitting by the fire, obviously talking about them.
"What were you guys up to?" Ron asked, his red eye-brow arching up as he studied them.
"Just a play that Hermione's auditioning for." Ginny said. "We're having a Shakespeare play this year."
"Shakespeare? What's that?"
"It's a him, stupid."
"So, did you get the role?" Harry interrupted.
Hermione shook her head. "Not yet. The actual audition is this afternoon."
"Why are you doing this anyway?" Ron asked her.
"None of your nosy business." Ginny said, giving him a look. Then she thought for a while and shrugged. "But I'll just tell you; Hermione's putting too much effort on her books, she thought that she could just get her minds off of it for a while."
"Hey, you're the one who said that." Hermione mumbled.
"Who cares?"
"Shouldn't it be a pair audition?" Harry asked. "It's usually a pair when it comes to plays for the two main characters."
"It doesn't have to be, Professor Harrin will just pick partners for the soloist." Ginny said. "She told me earlier."
"So what's the play gonna be about?" Ron asked, not sounding too concerned, though.
"A story about Hermia and Lysander from 'A Midsummer Night's dream'."
"Who's tha–"
"They were Athenian lovers. According to Hermione, Hermia was suppose to marry this other man called Demetrius but she was in love with Lysander. it's complicated; it's more of a comedy, though."
"So, Hermione's gonna marry two people?"
"Shut it."
"Well, is she?"
"None of your business." Ginny snapped for the last time. "Anyway, let's go, Mione, ignore this ignorant brother of mine."
"Bye sweetie!" Ginny waved to Harry and pulled Hermione up the stairs. She looked quite amused.
Ron sighed, rubbing his forehead with his fingers. Harry spotted it and smirked. "What? Scared that she would be kissing someone in the play?"
"What? Will she?" Ron practically yelled, making everyone look at him.
"Relax, it's a play. Nothing serious." Harry said, placing a hand on the red-head's shoulder. "I think." He later added.
Ron groaned.
"Stupid sister."
"Bloody hell..." Ginny mumbled, and stared wide-eyed at the line in front of her and Hermione. There were at least 40 people there, including some with partners, and right now there are two people on stage acting some parts where they...well, fainted. Not much of a talent there by just being unconscious the whole time...
"Next!" Professor Harrin yelled impatiently, obviously displeased.
"This is gonna take forever!" Ginny exclaimed. Hermione was surprised that she wasn't actually whining. "Maybe I should use a spell to hex these people and make them fall asleep–"
"Ginny, no evil plans, please." Hermione said, making a face. "Bloody, I think you're turning into Voldemort."
"Am not!" Ginny retorted. "But...Professor Snape is possible..."
"Professor Snape does not plan evil schemes."
"In my mind he does."
Hermione paused at that comment, but just shrugged a second later.
"Come on, 'Mione, this is gonna take forever! I'll just do a simple hex..."
"No, Ginny, no hexes. You might get yourself suspended! And besides, it was your idea to come here in the first place."
"Don't reason with me, 'Mione." Ginny said quietly, not in a really friendly way.
37 minutes later...
"Finally!" Ginny yelled, pushing Hermione on stage. "Go! Go!"
"Hermione Granger?" Professor Harrin said, tilting her glasses. "No partner?"
"No ma'am," Hermione said, "uh, couldn't find one."
A pause. "Okay then, have Mr. Finlen audition with you." She gestured a Hufflepuff boy up the stage who had short black hair and a chubby body. He looked sweet...but dumb. "And act this part, I just want to see how well your acting is right now." With that, two scrolls flew up in their hands.
Hermione looked over it a bit, and immediately memorized all the lines. She looked up and saw that the boy beside her is still reading it...even though he only has 3 lines while she has 9. It was a very short scene, about a princess named Seariel who was standing at a balcony while a prince, Char, came to see her. Apparently, she loves him and was the one who called him there, but the prince didn't know it. Hermione just thought it was dumb, especially the lines. She wondered which idiot wrote it.
"Okay." Finlen said, and looked at Hermione while smiling, his small eyes barely visible when he grinned. "After this, I'm going to get some cheese!" Hermione stared. Okay...
Seariel/Hermione: -stares dreamily into thin air while Prince Char comes near her-
Char/Finlen: How are you, my princess? -bows, but was too fat and toppled over. Seariel sighed while he tries to get up-
Seariel/Hermione: Oh look at me, standing here all alone, with no one around. I'm in the world by myself, with no one by my side. I feel so lonely, and so, so sad.
Char/Finlen: -finally gets up, and stares at her for a few seconds- Are you lonely?
Seariel/Hermione: -turns around and smiles at him sweetly, almost sickly- I just said that, you idiot.
"Cut!" Professor Harrin yelled, while a few girls offstage giggled. Some even laughed. Hermione sighed. "Mr. Finlen, you are disqualified."
"But-but...my best friend says that, if I don't get the part, he won't give me cheese!" Hermione rolled her eyes.
"Disqualified. What part of that word don't you get?"
The boy hurries of the stage.
"Does...that mean I get the part?" Hermione asked hopefully. Through the corner of her eyes, she sees Ginny jumping slightly.
The teacher smiles. "It's possible. Now all I need to do is get you a partner."
"So, um, yes then?"
The professor's smile widens. "I guess so. But that is...only if I find the right prince charming."
Hermione beams at her. "Thank you, Professor." And jumps off the stage.
"You got the part!" Ginny squeaked happily while giving Hermione a hug.
"But yeah, only if she finds another good actor to be my partner who doesn't have a collaborator already."
"I wonder who it'll be. Hope it's not a Slytherin, there's quite a few of them here."
"I completely agree." Hermione said, nodding. "Okay then, now that that's done...let's go and eat some cupcakes!"
And with that...the two left off to the kitchen.
Hermione looked anxiously around her as she sat at her table during dinner. Everyone was there, and Professor Harrin is coming onstage to announce the roles. She was nervous, not to mention excited, but she was crossing her fingers the whole day, hoping that if she got the part, her partner wouldn't be a Slytherin.
Actually, after that thought...maybe a Slytherin wouldn't be that horrible...
Yeah, guess it wouldn't be too bad.
"I will now be announcing the roles for our play this year. Don't come whining to me if you didn't get the part you wanted, it was all depended on you." A small pause. "And my cat." Everyone exchanged confused looks. "But anyway, on we go." She looked at some papers in her hands. "The role for Theseus: Jerry Trimrode." A few people in the Ravenclaw table cheered. "Hippolyta: Nima Sweetken." A cheer from the Hufflepuff table.
"...Hermia: Hermione Granger." The whole table cheered for her as she beamed, almost a little embarrassed. Okay, so yeah, anyone could be her partner. I mean, Professor Harrin is good at picking people right? How bad could it be?
"And Lysander: Draco Malfoy."
Hermione's smile drops.
Okay...that's bad...
I know, short, but I'm really bad at writing long chapters. Ha ha. Sorry. I will try my best!