A/N: Twilight & all associated elements are property of Stephenie Meyer. No copyright infringement is intended. This story is mine.
Chapter 1 - The Snow Ball
Interpolated(v) –
1. to introduce (something additional or extraneous) between other things or parts
2. to alter by insertion of new matter, esp. deceptively or without authorization
"What do you mean, 'no'?" Jacob asked me, looking crushed and pouty. I closed my eyes, rolling them beneath the cover of my eyelids.
"I mean no. What else do you want me to say?"
"Nessie, I just asked if I could escort you to your winter formal and you turned me down. What's up with that?"
Sighing loudly, I tried to explain in a language my loyal pup could understand. "First of all, call me Carlie. You know it's what I go by at school, and I would prefer if everyone else could not blow my cover."
I knew why he was looking all dejected over that. He was the one who came up with that god awful nickname. Sure, everyone liked it better than the ridonkulous name my mother gave me, but I felt like a cartoon character when people called me Nessie.
The sentiment was not lost on me with the whole name thing. Mom wanted to honor her parents and Daddy's. I liked the fact that I carried my grandparents' names, but she could have at least made Carlie my first name and stuck the long ass tongue twister in the middle.
Le sigh.
Jacob's puppy face was still in full force, but I ignored it, continuing my explanation.
"Second, they have a rule at school about non-student guests for the Snow Ball. One of them is no dates over twenty. Considering that you're a twenty-two year old who looks like he's at least twenty-six, you're not so much an option."
He opened his mouth to protest, but I put a finger over his lips.
"Third, this is my school experience, my first formal, and my choice who I want to take. You can't just go asking a high school girl to be her date to a school sponsored function, Jake."
Popping my earbuds back in, I commenced cleaning out the disassembled engine of the GTO Aunt Rosalie and I were restoring for when I turned sixteen. Well, when my body looked sixteen. I was still only six human years old.
I didn't understand Jacob anymore. For the first few years of my life, he had been my buddy, my best friend, my sidekick. Or maybe I had been his. Either way, he was fun and attentive. He spent time with me, taught me things, and paid me all the attention I wanted, even if it included dressing the part and acting out Shakespearean plays as I recited them. For so long, I loved having him around. It made Mom happy because they said he was her best friend for a long time, and Daddy seemed to appreciate the guardian angel role that Jake played. He was my Jacob.
Then I started high school.
For all my early years, the family taught me everything I needed to know, and certainly more than someone my age – both chronological and physical – would ever learn in school. Everyone in the family contributed something. I grew up too fast to be in the public eye, so formal schooling wasn't an option until my age slowed as I hit the teen years.
Right now, I was a freshman in high school; far more intelligent than my "peers," but enjoying the opportunity to make friends and experience things for myself.
Mom and Daddy were nervous about it, but I was used to that by now. They wanted the family, or at least a few of them, to pose as high school students with me and attend my school as well. It was Aunt Alice who put a stop to that, insisting that they all try college instead. That was how we ended up in Oregon. It was far enough away from Forks to be discreet, but close enough that I could still visit Grandpa and Sue, and Jacob and Seth would be relatively close if there were ever an emergency with the tribe.
Jacob was always with us, so I never questioned his presence or why he became a part of the family by proxy. It was just something I accepted. Seth ended up tagging along for a number of reasons. One was that he simply wanted to. He liked Jake and was loyal to him as his Alpha, he liked Daddy, and he enjoyed being around our family. Of all the wolves, he had the most easygoing relationship with the Cullens. The tribe agreed that Jake should have another pack brother with him, if for no other reason than as a precaution.
When Jacob started acting strange, I blew him off. I was supposed to be enjoying the high school experience, but his behavior felt uncomfortably possessive at times. He always wanted to know where I was, what I was doing, who I made friends with at school, and every bit of information about everyone and everything. Our friendship deteriorated and he became more of an imposition in my life than the constant companion he once was.
Now he was more like a constant pain in my ass.
Lucky for me, Seth was not a pain in the ass. He was funny, laidback, and sweet. When he decided that this would be a good time for him to finally go back to high school and get his diploma after dropping out six years ago, I was ecstatic. Seth was protective of me, but not in the same way as my family or Jacob. Being in school together, he was a good friend and not overbearing.
I thought that it had a lot to do with when he phased. Jacob had been sixteen years old, and from what Mom says, he was already pretty mature for a guy his age. His attitude and disposition remained as that of a guy in his early twenties, no matter how old he was in human years. Seth, on the other hand, was only fourteen, so he truly was much more of a teen than Jake. It wasn't that Seth lacked maturity, because he certainly didn't, he was just more like me than Jacob.
My relationship with Jacob became strained in the first few months of high school, but the friendship with Seth blossomed.
I liked Seth a lot. I couldn't remember ever not knowing him, considering that he had been around since Mom was pregnant with me. In fact, I had a special respect for him since he had helped protect my parents from that vindictive vampire Victoria back when my mother was still human. Now, he was more than just a guy in the background. He was one of my best friends at school, a study partner at home, and an all around cool person.
That was why I wanted him to be my date for the Snow Ball at the end of January. Not Jacob. Seth.
To be completely honest, I had absolutely no idea how to broach the subject with him. Did I just walk up to him and ask? Or was I supposed to wait for the guy to ask me? What if he didn't want to go with me, though? What if he already had some other girl he wanted to ask? I hated feeling confused.
I really shouldn't have been surprised when Daddy came to my bedroom a few nights later. I heard him before he knocked, of course, but he still did so as a formality. It was sweet of him to give me some semblance of privacy, even when our family lived close together in four houses spread across a piece of old farm land. Daddy, Mom, and I were in one, Grandma and Grandpa shared the original farmhouse, my aunts and uncles were in a third home, and the wolves occupied the fourth. Everyone said it was better for the scent that way. Personally, they all smelled fine to me. The vampires were like flowers and candy, and the wolves had rustic smells, like trees and ferns.
"Carlie, baby? Can I come in?"
"Sure, Daddy," I replied, giving him permission to enter. "Thanks for the name thing," I added. "Do you know that you're the only one who has never messed that up? Well, you and Seth, I suppose."
"I didn't know that," he said, giving me a sweet half smile. I knew that was the same one that my mom liked so much. I could tell why. My dad was a charmer.
Smiling back, I asked him if there was something he needed.
"Just wondering if there's anything you'd like to talk about."
I shifted uncomfortably on my bed, setting my Accelerated Algebra textbook aside and clearing a space for him at the end of the twin size mattress.
"What are you digging for?" I asked, thinking up a humorous image of him flipping my head open and rooting through it in search of something. He laughed at my silly antics and placed his hand over mine.
"I think that we should talk about your feelings for Seth, sweetheart. It's been on your mind for quite some time now. I know that talking to your dad about this kind of thing probably isn't the most ideal situation, but it still needs to be addressed."
"No, it's okay," I admitted. "You'll know whatever I think about, so there's no use trying hedge anyway. I love you, Daddy. I'd rather discuss it with you since you'll have a better understanding than just my explanations. Even if it a teensy bit weird to talk to my dad about boys," I teased.
He scooted closer to me, pulling me into an affectionate, fatherly hug. "I know that perspectives can become a little skewed now that you and I appear to be nearly the same age, but I'll always be your dad, and I'll always love you like you're my baby girl. But," he added, "I will also do my best to treat you as an intelligent, responsible young woman, as long as you continue to behave as one."
Hugging back, I nestled my head onto his chest, watching my bronze curls tumble across his shirt. I loved that our hair was the same exact shade, and I often wondered how much fun it would be when we could pretend to be siblings or twins when we attended school together in the future.
"So…" he said, nudging me to get on with it.
"I don't really know what I feel right now. I mean, I like hanging out with Seth and talking to him. I think it would be fun to go to that dance with him. Beyond that, I really have no clue what I think. Maybe I like him that way and maybe I don't. It's hard to tell yet."
"Hmm, I see," he said softly, humming with acceptance of my words.
"When did this start, if you don't mind sharing that kind of thing with your old dad."
I giggled at him, pushing my shoulder into him playfully. "Geez, I don't know. We've had more time to do stuff together since school started, but I can't really put a date or time on it, you know? It just sort of happened."
"Well, honey, I have a pretty good feeling that if you spoke to Seth about the dance, he would be more than happy to attend with you."
"Really?" I asked, jumping back and reacting in a manner that was much more excited than I anticipated I would be. "I mean, has he thought about it?"
"You know I won't tell you what goes on in other people's minds, but it's a pretty good hunch I have, all right?"
"Thanks, Daddy," I said, a wide smile growing across my face. He gave me another squeeze.
"There's something else we should discuss, though." His voice was more serious this time, and it made me feel a bit uneasy. I didn't like his tone at all. "It's about Jacob."
I gulped. "Yeah?"
"He's hurt right now. I'm not saying that you should feel guilty, because it is your decision about the dance, but please tread lightly where he is concerned."
I was suddenly very concerned about why my dad would be defending Jacob this way. They got along, but it seemed strange for some reason.
"He's very protective of you, much like I was when I first fell in love with your mother," he explained carefully. "He has felt that way about you since the day you were born, and this…change in your relationship is affecting him very much."
"I don't understand," I replied in an almost whiny voice. I didn't mean for it to come out that way, but I was frustrated and confused, and Daddy was starting to get a little cryptic.
"I know you don't, and you're not supposed to right now. Just remember that he cares for you and loves you very much. Whatever role you want him to play in your life, he will, but not having any place…that is almost unbearable for him. Be the compassionate young woman we've raised you as and don't cut him out completely. The things he does are all with good intentions."
After speaking for a few more minutes, Daddy gave me one more firm hug, pressing a kiss into the top of my head before exiting my bedroom. Head swimming, I fell back against my pillows, closing my eyes and attempting to rest my mind.
Jacob picked us up from school the next day, and I leaned over the bench in the front seat of his truck to give him a warm hug. "Hey Jake," I smiled. I was trying, just as Daddy requested.
His grin in return showed gratefulness and relief, allowing me to rest easy.
A few moments later, Seth appeared from the front doors of the school, bounding over to the truck before opening the back door and jumping inside.
"Hey Jake! Hi again, Carlie. What's happening?"
We shared light conversation on the drive home, commenting on the recent snowfall and the winning record of the boys' basketball team at school. I was about to hop out as Jacob pulled up to my house when I realized something.
"Oh shoot, Jake, just head over to your house. I think I left my French book there the other day when we were studying, and I need it to do my homework tonight."
Jacob complied, driving around the circular drive and taking the gravel path to their house.
"Do you just want to do the homework with me?" Seth asked once we were inside. He pulled a soda from the fridge and offered one to me. I politely turned down the offer.
I agreed to stay to do homework, and we sat at the kitchen table with our books and notebooks open as we worked. When we completed the assignment, Seth started telling me about some new CDs he had purchased recently, so I followed him into his bedroom to load the music onto my mp3 player.
Seth's room had a nice warm feeling. The walls were a chocolate color with a hint of a subtle reddish-purple. It complimented the oak furniture and linens in varying shades of blues and tans. Seth created collages of album covers he liked, pasting them together purposefully, then having each collection framed. There were a number of them. Some were done by color, while others were by genre. My favorite was his Beatles collection that had all the albums in chronological order. It looked very cool in his room.
As we waited for the music to upload, I sat on his bed, bouncing nervously and watching him in the swiveling chair at his desk.
"Hey Seth?" I asked nervously, trying to find the best way to say what I wanted.
"Yeah?" he replied, rotating his chair to look at me.
"You know that Snow Ball thing at school?"
"That dance at the end of this month?"
"Uh huh. You gonna go?"
"I dunno. Maybe."
Feeling anxious and queasy, I stayed silent for a moment, trying to think, but failing.
"You?" he asked after a long stretch of silence.
My stomach flipped. "Yeah, I think I'd like to."
He hummed noncommittally, not looking at me.
We were quiet a bit longer, but then I stood up and took a few deep breaths as I leaned against the edge of his desk. I held my hand out, palm down. He recognized my gesture – it was a request for him to take my hand so that I could show him something that was on my mind. We had done this many times as I grew up.
His hand met mine automatically and without reservation, and once that important contact was there, I opened my mind and made my case. I flashed the memory of a poster at school advertising the dance, then I imagined myself in a pretty dress and him in dress pants and a crisp white shirt with a tie.
"You want to go with me?" he asked, meeting my eyes slowly. I nodded, biting my lip in a way that I knew made me look like my mom. "What about Jake?"
"He's too old," I said, brushing off the idea. "Plus, I'd rather go with you. If you want to…I guess," I finished nervously.
"I think…" he began, but drifted off for a few seconds. I squeezed his hand, still pressed against mine, waiting for an answer. "I think it would be a lot of fun to go together."
Releasing my lip that I had been chewing on again, I gave him a confident smile this time. The shy, hesitant one from earlier was long gone now that he had agreed to be my date. His smile was a mirror to mine, large and pleased, his straight white teeth standing out from the russet of his skin and the cherry color of his lips.
Three weeks later, I was in Aunt Alice's bathroom with her and Aunt Rosalie as they helped me prepare for the dance. Mom had opted out of this portion of the night as the anti-fashion queen. Alice didn't complain about her absence. She would instead be photographer before we departed for the dance. Emmett volunteered to drive us since Seth was only fifteen years old, according to school records. I was glad it wasn't my parents or Jacob driving tonight. I felt like that would be a little weird.
My dress was turquoise with a black sash below my breasts. The color was one of my favorites to wear. I had always thought it complemented my hair and skin tone nicely. Alice had styled my hair in a loose but fashionable manner. Most of it hung down my back, but a small portion was pinned back in loose twists to keep it out of my face. Rosalie applied the perfect amount of make-up to my face, even though we all knew I didn't need it. The only person, mortal or immortal, who rivaled Rosalie's beauty was me. Had she not loved and adored me so much, I'm not sure that she would have liked me, but she quelled her jealousy for my sake. There was no room for those kinds of silly feelings in our family anyway.
As I examined myself in the full-length mirror, it was the first time that I truly felt independent and like a woman. My body had changed so rapidly that breasts and hips came to me in a few short months. I was tall like Rosalie, though not as statuesque as my dad. My body was mostly slim like both my parents, but I had more curves than mom did. My chest was more ample, and my bottom was rounder. There was a bit more definition over my hips. I was not voluptuous in the model-like way of Rosalie, but my body was perfectly proportioned and attractive. My ensemble for the evening accentuated every positive thing about me.
I knew I was beautiful, but tonight, I actually felt beautiful.
When we descended the stairs to join everyone who was waiting, I smiled and saw Seth smile back at me. He looked handsome in an outfit very much like the one I imagined him wearing when I asked him to be my date for this dance. His tie was the same shade of black as his pants and had small turquoise diamonds all over it that matched my dress. I complimented him on his suave look, and he told me that every girl at the Snow Ball was going to hate me for looking so much better than all of them.
After a round of pictures and a bunch of unnecessary formalities about what time the dance ended, we climbed into Emmett's brand new Jeep and headed for the school. No one mentioned the way Jacob scowled at Seth and me when we put our arms around each other and smiled for pictures, nor did we acknowledge him when he slipped out the back door, letting it slam shut on his way. My focus was on having fun with Seth and my school friends at my very first dance. I wasn't sure if I could label it as a first date, but I secretly thought of it that way in my head. The thought of Seth telling me otherwise if I said it aloud was too unpleasant to risk.
Everything was better than I could have ever anticipated. All eyes really were on me throughout the night, and I couldn't help but enjoy it. It may have been a bit vain and shallow to think that way, but when you've been fawned over since birth, it's hard to not feel special and enjoy attention.
For the first forty-five minutes, we lingered in the lobby and around the refreshments, socializing together and apart. Many photographs were taken. Teenagers loved the opportunity to dress up and feel grown up or glamorous, so smiling faces and laughter were prevalent. Girls pranced around happily while guys huddled together in groups, telling jokes and commenting on which girls looked the best and which less popular ones really caught their attention when they were all dolled up for the event.
Another hour passed with dancing in large groups, and only one slow song came on in all that time. Seth was across the gymnasium when it started, so a junior guy I knew from my photography class asked me to dance with him.
Finally, after the Snow Ball prince and princess were announced, the DJ began interspersing more slow music throughout his playlist. The first one was a love ballad made popular on Top Forty radio, and girls all around me squeed as they embraced their dates and boyfriends. I giggled at the reactions, smiling and looking up at Seth through my eyelashes as he took my hand. It was a bit awkward at first, as neither of us knew what the proper distance was for friends. His hands settled safely on the sides of my waist, not too high and not too low. My arms wrapped around his neck, but I only allowed my fingers to hook behind his neck, leaving a vast wasteland of space between us. I felt the urge to close that gap and press myself into him, but I didn't.
The night was going so well, but I still felt unsettled. Seth had done nothing wrong, and I wondered if that was the problem. A strong part of me wanted him to hold me tightly the way I saw other guys doing. I wondered what his fingers would feel like tracing up and down my back…or resting suggestively at the crest of my bottom.
Those feelings confused me because I had no idea if he ever really would do something like that. He had agreed to be my date and seemed to be enjoying himself, but that didn't give me any answers. My friends only fueled my internal debate.
"I think Seth likes you," my friend Marina said matter-of-factly on our walk back from the water fountains. Seth had gone to use the restroom and hadn't returned yet. Marina's boyfriend, Chad, was with us.
"Oh yeah," he chimed in immediately. "Can't keep his eyes off you, even when you're not around him."
"Really?" I asked hopefully, grabbing my throat when my voice squeaked. How embarrassing!
They laughed at me, but only for a moment. Nevertheless, I felt my cheeks heat up in the way my family always told me reminded them of my mother. I favored Daddy much more with my features and hair, but my eyes, blush, and lip biting habit were all hers.
"Give him a little more signal, you know?" Chad suggested. I didn't know, so he elaborated. "Dance closer, touch him more often, smile more."
I couldn't imagine smiling any more than I already had been, considering how happy I was to have this time alone with Seth all night long, but I would try to be more conscious of it, if it would help.
As it turned out, my tactics weren't really necessary. When Seth found us outside the gym, he held my hand for the first time and led me into the thick of the dance floor. Although our skin made contact, I kept my thoughts closed off from him. There were things I wanted him to see and questions I wanted answered, but I preferred to act like a normal teenager right now and figure this out the natural way.
A slow song came on just then, so I took a step closer than before. My hold on him was more of an embrace this time, keeping us close, but not pressing our chests together. The new proximity forced him to enclose my waist in his arms, lest they be bent at an uncomfortable angle.
I looked at him and he smiled sweetly. His teeth were bright against his dark skin, even in the dimly lit room. "I'm having a really good time," he told me.
"Me too," I agreed, and we danced in relative silence, spinning in slow circles while he hummed along to the song. His tune was slightly off-key, but it was cute and charming.
The DJ segued right into another romantic slow song, so we held our embrace. Little by little, with each spin, I inched closer to him. We shared snippets of conversation, but we were mostly quiet, listening to the music or focusing on one another. I'm not sure where his mind was, but mine was completely his in those moments. Finally, our bodies were flush against each other, and I laid my head over his heart. With my enhanced hearing, I could tell that it was beating faster than usual, a turn of events that made me smile to myself.
"You look really…beautiful," he said cautiously. I wondered why he sounded so nervous. I hoped it was for the reasons I wanted.
Tentatively, I ran my fingers up his neck with a feathering touch, toying with the hair at the nape. He hummed once, which did not escape my notice, so I continued, getting braver as I did.
"I'm really glad you came with me tonight. Thanks for that."
"You're welcome," he said, looking down at me. I tipped my head up to see his face as we spoke. "It was sort of surprising that you wanted to go with me, but it's been fun."
"Why would you say that?" I asked.
"Oh, you know, I thought you would want Jake to be your date, and when you said you didn't, I guess I was surprised you'd pick me instead of one of the guys here at school."
"What guys?" I asked, rolling my eyes.
He laughed at my question. "Oh, I don't know. Maybe one of the fifty or so who drool over you every day," he said sarcastically.
"It's true."
"Well, even if it is, I don't like any of them."
"Huh," was all he said after that, and I felt really nervous about his lack of response.
I shifted away from him for a minute, averting my eyes to watch people around us for a while. A third slow song had already started, and we continued to dance.
What he said – and didn't say – was getting to me. I implied that I was interested in him as something more than friends, and I got nothing in return. It was doing a number to my self-confidence by the second, while at the same time making me feel frustrated and angry. Times like these were when I craved blood much more than human food.
Steeling myself with a deep breath, I decided that there was only one way to get the answers I desired, and that was to face the situation directly. I opened and closed my fists behind his back, dragging them forward to his shoulders. My feet stopped moving and I placed my hands firmly on either side of his neck. Palms flattened against his skin and my fingers fanned out, curving around to the back. Seth stopped moving when I did, looking down at me seriously. I could see my look of determination in the mirror of his dark, shining eyes.
Opening my mind and sending the pictures to him, I expressed my feelings to him in the way that was most natural to me, the way I communicated before I ever learned to speak.
To my complete embarrassment and dismay, Seth jumped back when the message became clear. I had essentially told him that I liked him in that way…and he rejected me.
"I'm sorry, Nes- shit, Carlie. I'm sorry, Carlie. It just…we can't."
Before I had time to respond, Seth had darted away, making his escape from the gymnasium and apparently as far away from me as he could get.
Alone, stunned, and heartbroken, I stood in the middle of the dance floor, tears welling in my eyes. Most people continued to move around me. A few couples stopped to gape at me, having noticed Seth's abrupt departure. It wasn't until Marina came to my side that I moved.
"Come on, Carlie, let's go into the restroom and fix your make-up. We can talk in there."
I allowed her to guide me, and although I was sure people were staring, I didn't meet any of their eyes.
"Tell me what happened," Marina implored.
Feeling numb, I complied, sniffling the entire time. "I told him I like him and he took off. Just like that! What do I do now? I've known him practically my whole life!"
"Maybe that's the thing," she offered. "You know, since you said your families are so close, it might make him feel weird or nervous. He might be scared that it could mess things up, but Carlie, I promise, I know that he likes you."
"Then how could he do that?" I sobbed. "He just took off and left me all alone in the middle of the dance. That's mortifying! Everyone is probably out there laughing at me."
"Shh, it's okay, sweetie. Everything will be all right."
Once my make-up was fixed and my breathing leveled out, I told Marina that I needed some time alone to get fresh air. My frustration and surge of emotions had spiked my desire for blood, and I knew that I wouldn't fully calm down until I sated that need. Slipping around the back of the school, I took off my heeled shoes and jogged through a shadow until I reached the forest. I dropped my pumps near a tree and took off running.
I smelled a fox nearby and could tell from the hint of blood in the air that it had just captured a rabbit. Foxes didn't supply much blood, so my family usually avoided them. But they were sweet and tasty, and tonight, it would be just the right amount to help me gain back control of my bearings.
The fox sensed a predator and clenched its meal between its teeth before darting toward its hole, but I was too fast. I snatched the small creature by his tail and snapped his neck before he had the opportunity to rear back on me. Drawing the small, limp body to my mouth, I sunk my teeth into his neck where there was the least amount of fur and drained him quickly.
Almost immediately, I could feel the blood soothing me as it ran down my throat and through my body. As I took several deep breaths of the crisp January air, I heard the familiar padding of gargantuan wolf paws approaching. When I turned around, Seth was standing ten yards away from me in only a pair of boxer shorts.
"What are you doing out here?" he asked, a frown on his lips and his eyebrows scrunched together.
I held the lifeless body of the fox up for him to see before unceremoniously dropping it at my feet. "I needed a snack," I deadpanned.
"In the middle of the dance?" he asked in disbelief.
"Well, I was a little worked up and needed something to take the edge off," I snapped, not caring that my words were harsh and accusing. "My date bailed on me."
"I'm sorry," he said emphatically. "I was a jerk, but you freaked me out in there and I didn't want to lose control in front of all those people, you know?"
"Why would you lose control? I don't understand why you would react that way! I mean, you said I looked beautiful and that you were having fun with me. You held my hand, we danced. What's the problem? I thought you liked me."
He didn't respond right away, but when he did, the fierce emotion in his tone made me gasp. "I do. That's the problem!"
"Why is it a problem?" I demanded, moving closer to him. He stayed frozen in place, but looked as though he would disappear again if I came too near to him.
"You just don't understand, I can't do that to Jacob."
"Do what?" I howled. "Why does he have anything to do with this? Is it because he's mad that I'm spending more time with you than him since we started school? That's so ridiculous. He doesn't have any claim on me! I can do what I want!"
"But he does." Seth said, much quieter this time, but no less serious.
"No, he doesn't. You don't make any sense."
"You just don't get it," he said. "I freaking hate that no one has told you because you deserve to know the truth."
"Then you tell me. Please, Seth."
By that point, I was right in front of him, nearly as close as when we were dancing, except this time, his body was almost bare and we were both seething with emotions.
The look he gave me was one of absolute defeat. I still could not understand what he was keeping from me.
"Please," I begged again, taking his hand in mine. He tried to pull away weakly, but I would not allow it.
"It's not my place. It's something between you, Jacob, and your parents." His voice was so quiet that if I were a human, I would have had to strain to hear him. But I didn't. I heard every word, and each one confused me further.
I didn't want to feel that way, and I didn't want to wait for answers. All I wanted was to understand what was going on before I screamed.
"Don't do this to me, I'm begging you. All I want is answers, and I know you have them." Hesitantly, I put my free hand flat against his stomach. He drew in a sharp breath as I dragged it up his chest. I moved my other hand from his so that they were both lying on his pecs, gently rubbing up and down. I had no idea what I was doing. I had never touched anyone this way, but I was going by pure instinct. "Just tell me. All you have to do is say the words and then I'll understand why you don't want me."
"Carlie, I never said that I don't want you," he answered, his voice trembling.
I couldn't stop touching him. My mind was in so many different places and my emotions were off the charts, but I just kept rubbing my hands on his dark, hot skin. I had seen him and Jacob both shirtless more times than I could remember, not to mention the rest of the pack, but this was different. I was seeing Seth with new eyes, and he was gorgeous. His body was tall and hard, rippling with muscles, and his skin was so deliciously hot. He was not hulking like Jacob or Uncle Emmett, but he definitely was not slight. I would compare him to Uncle Jasper, but with thicker arms and a more solid presence about him.
"You've gotta stop that," he muttered, closing his eyes tightly and placing his hands over mine. He didn't halt my actions though, despite his words.
"Give me a reason why and I will," I replied, unsure where those confident words came from as they left my mouth.
He didn't respond and I didn't stop. My touch didn't stray from the wide expanse of his upper chest, but I didn't need to. There was so much to feel there, and the motion was becoming soothing and intoxicating all at once.
"Seth…" I whispered after a long stretch of silence.
My thought never reached completion because before I could find my words, his scorching lips were pressed against mine and his arms were around me. I froze for the first fraction of a second, but then I was kissing him back. Again, I didn't know what to do, yet my instincts drove me. Our mouths seemed to mold against one another and it was a feeling I had never experienced.
We started with soft, small pecks, and then our lips moved and didn't stop. I felt his tongue graze my lip and understood what he wanted. Mine parted enough for our tongues to lightly caress, which was all we needed for the fire to consume us. It wasn't a frenzy, but there was still a certain desperation in the action. All I knew was that I never wanted it to stop.
His mouth trailed across my face and down the side of my neck, holding its place on the top of my shoulder. I leaned into him, tucking my face into the side of his neck and doing the same thing.
"We have to stop," he panted, but I couldn't.
He did, but I continued, peppering his shoulders, collar bone and neck with alternating wet and dry kisses as I moved across his skin. His hands were in my hair at the back of my head, not guiding, only accepting where I chose to go.
The intensity was explosive, and I wanted more, more, more. I took a chance, moving down past his collar bone and lavishing my tongue over the place my hands had been resting minutes prior.
It was incredible and unlike anything I had ever known. When he pulled me back to his mouth, I devoured his lips, giving of myself and taking from him at the same time. Just when his fingertips grazed the back of my thigh below the hem of my dress, a sharp whistle sounded from behind Seth.
He whipped around immediately, shielding me with his body and his arms held out to keep me safe. When we saw that it was Emmett in the distance, we both calmed considerably and began walking toward him. I noticed that he was holding my shoes and Seth's clothes, which he tossed at us while shaking his head.
"Let's get a move on. The dance has been over for more than half an hour, and I get the feeling you two need to prepare for a fallout when we get home."
I jogged to Uncle Emmett's side and looked up at him. "Are you mad at me?" I asked him hesitantly.
"No, kiddo, but your pup here is in for a world of hurt."
"What is that supposed to mean? Why is everyone being so damn cryptic lately?"
"Watch your mouth," Emmett shot back immediately, but he still pulled me in for a firm side hug. "I don't think anyone will be keeping secrets after tonight."
Turning my head to Seth, who was a few steps behind us, I gave him a concerned, questioning look.
"Don't worry about me. I can hold my own, and I know how to take responsibility for my actions."
"My physical age may not match the number of years I've been alive, but I assure you that I can think for myself just fine. I'm not much younger than Mom was when she decided she wanted to give up her life to be with Daddy, so I'm pretty sure I'm old enough to kiss who I please."
"It's more than that," Seth said, stepping up and placing his hand in mine for a moment as we walked. "There are things about the pack you've never been told, and it's time that you know. Jacob is the Alpha, and it's something between the two of you, so you'll have to wait for him to get your answers."
The ride home was silent, and I couldn't keep the sense of foreboding at bay. Emmett hesitated as we entered the property, not sure which way to go first.
"I think I should drop you off first, kiddo," he said.
"Oh no," I protested. Take me to Jake and Seth's house. I'm getting my answers tonight."
Seth and Emmett exchanged a look, and when Seth nodded, Emmett pulled out his phone and started dialing. "If you're going to do this, Edward and Bella need to be there." Holding the phone to his ear, he only said a few words before hanging up and turning the Jeep toward our destination. "Meet me at Jacob's. Shit's going down and you all need to tell her the truth."
When we stopped in front of the house, I took a deep breath, preparing for God only knows. Well, that wasn't true. Apparently, everyone knew what the hell this was all about except for me.
Seth entered the house first, and I was close behind. Jacob was in his face so fast that it made me take a step back, running into Emmett, who steadied me.
"You've got a hell of a lot of explaining to do," Jacob snarled, actually circling Seth like a shark, his nostrils flaring as he tipped his head toward his pack brother.
Seth's face was stoic and hard, revealing no intimidation. "So do you. She's here to get her truth."
"What did you do, you traitor?"
Seth glared at him. 'You're got a lot of nerve, Jacob. You may be Alpha, but you don't get to belittle me."
"Her scent is all over you!"
"Hey!" I yelled at him, making his head snap up in my direction.
"Care to include me in this conversation? I would love to know what you are freaking out about."
"Would you?" he sneered. His tone and dark expression rocked me. Jacob had never been anything but kind and loving toward me, even when he got on my nerves. "You're just as guilty!" He moved dangerously close to me, skimming his nose across my cheek and down my neck.
I pulled back and slapped him across the face with all my might.
"How dare you judge me! Or Seth, for that matter. What goes on between us is not your business, Jacob Black!"
He had taken a few stunned steps back after my assault and Emmett moved between us. I reached for Seth's hand, but he shook his head minutely. I didn't know why, but I trusted him and didn't allow his refusal to hurt me.
"Yes, it is my business!" Jacob bellowed. "You are mine and Seth knows it. He is breaking tribal law."
"I'm not a possession!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, throwing my hands in the air and turning to leave. Just then, my parents ran through the door, pulling it from the hinges. They flanked me, enveloping my body in a protective embrace and growling at Jacob.
"Emmett, go get Jasper, please. We need everyone to settle down before anything can be accomplished," my dad said calmly. Mom took a step toward Jacob, pulling him out of the foyer and into the kitchen. Once it was just me, Seth, and my dad, he looked at both of us carefully. "Would you like to get me up to speed?"
Neither of us spoke, but I knew that my dad was looking into our minds for details. Seth kept his head down. I stood my ground, hoping that he would understand that I was not ashamed of my actions, even if my father was peeking at the intimate details of my first kiss.
"I see," he said eventually. "Seth, you know I've always been very fond of you, and while there are certain things I would rather not witness in your minds, I know that you truly care for my daughter. That being said, I understand that this situation is not your fault, nor are your natural feelings. We'll do our best to take care of this together."
Just then, my uncles entered the house, and Daddy directed Jasper toward the kitchen to help calm Jacob, who could be heard arguing with my mom.
Emmett walked over to Seth. "I think you should come stay at our place for a while. Let's allow everyone to take care of this."
Seth's eyes moved from me and back to Emmett. "What about Rosalie?"
"She'll deal with the smell. These are extenuating circumstances."
I watched Seth jog to his room and return a few minutes later with a duffle bag on his shoulder. My heart clenched in a way that was new and strange as I walked over to him. Stopping before we could touch, I looked into his eyes, searching for something…anything.
His large hand met my face and I leaned into the warm touch. "No matter what, I had a wonderful time with you at the dance. Thank you for allowing me to escort you tonight."
When I inched closer, he gave me a quick hug and kiss on the cheek. Tears pricked in my eyes when he and Emmett ran from the house.
Alone with my father, he came to me, providing me with a reassuring hug. "I'm sorry things are happening this way. Perhaps you should have been told sooner, but no one knew the best way to handle such a delicate situation."
"I'm so confused," I said with an exaggerated sigh, sagging my shoulder dramatically.
"I know, baby. Let's go sit down."
Beside me on the sofa, Daddy softly told Mom that we were ready. A minute later, she walked into the living room, followed by Jacob and Uncle Jasper. Mom sat beside me, and Jake was in the recliner that Jasper pulled a few feet away from the couch. He stayed behind Jacob's chair, watching him carefully.
Note: You can view the banner for this story on my blog: sweetdulci(dot)blogspot(dot)com - I'm working on getting the playlist up there soon. Thank you to tby789 for the beautiful banner and DahliaBlack for amazing beta work on the entire story.