A/N: New Paire story from me. It's a little different from the others and I hope you like it as well. I also hope for reviews. They always make me feel better and inspired my muse fr more. Thanks to all who'll take their time and share their opinion with me. I'm gonna be grateful. Also - please, please let's make it clear once again. English is not my first language. The reason I'm going without beta here it's because I want to learn from my mistakes and get better. Thanks for your understanding and please let me know what you think of the story. Thank you!

Story: Claire works as a stripper in a night club. Peter distance himself from his family and goes to see her. He inherits his father's fortune, but he's not happy. He's hunted from memories of the night he resorted his powers. Night, spent with Claire.

Few notes: It's AU Paire. Spoilers up to the "Brave New World", but without Claire's jump. Peter and Sylar are enemies. Claire is distant from her family, same as Peter. Isaac is alive. His girlfriend name is Kay (a fictional character, created by Valor95 - thanks for letting me use her); Zack is in New York and is Claire's and Isaac's roommate. Claire is working as a stripper in a night club. Peter can't forget the night he spent with her and goes to see her every night. How they reached to here - read and you're gonna find out. "winks"

Enjoy and review, please!

Loves, Arinna

Chapter 57 Matter of love

Few hours earlier

Peter would never understand his mother and that was a fact. He knew how strange she could be sometimes. She could be so secretive and she couldn't surprise him, not now. But it turned out that he was badly wrong. Peter wouldn't thought that she could harm an innocent baby. More so, his own son. That was her grandson and yet, she was holding him in her arms and staring at his face with pure hate. Yes, she hated him. She hated that innocent baby that didn't even have a name yet. But yet, she did.

"Mother?" Peter didn't want to startle her. She could drop him and harm him and he had to think clearly now.

"He shouldn't be here," Angela didn't even look at her son. She was staring at the sleeping baby in her arms.

"Put him back in his crib, Angela!" Kay's voice echoed in the small corridor.

They were outside of the babies department. Angela had taken out Peter and Claire's son and now was standing in the corridor. Peter's heart skipped a beat. He could sense that something was wrong. Something in her thoughts didn't like him. He looked at Kay and she nodded. She had seen it too. It was good to have a friend like her. She could think clearly now, unlike him. His emotions were in total mess and his heart was beating faster. Angela wanted to harm his son. She really did.

"Mother, please!" Peter tried again, afraid to take even a step further. "If you have a problem with me, just deal it with me! My son doesn't have to do anything about it. He's just an innocent child!"

"An innocent child?" Angela hissed and finally looked at Peter. "You haven't seen his future, Peter! I did! It's dangerous and a thing like this... it should't have to exist!"

"He's not a thing Angela," Kay said carefully and approached to her. Angela's arms trembled and Kay stopped. "He's just a baby!"

"Mother, please!" Peter put up his hand. "If you ever loved me, you'd give him back to me! Please!"

"I'm sorry, Peter!" Angela said, but he could read clearly in her eyes. She wasn't sorry! She wanted to do it and more importantly, she had planned to it. "You are my son and I love you, but I won't be responsible for that disaster! And besides... the change already started!"

"No!" Peter rushed to her. Now he knew! She had done something to him! His son's face looked calm, too calm. "Kay!" He screamed and the young woman rushed to Angela as well. "Take her away from here!" Peter hissed, already holding his son. "Make sure you know everything about her plans before... you finish everything."

"I'll make sure of that!" Kay grabbed Angela's arm and lowered her voice. "Now, Mrs. Petrelli... let's have a little chat, shall we?" Then she teleported away with Peter's mother.

Peter was left in the small corridor, staring at his son's face. Thanks to his healing power, he knew what he had to do. But his emotions were in total mess. He had to focus now. He had to be strong for his son. He knew that he was the only one that could help him. Therefore, Peter took a deep breath and his palm laid his hand on his son's chest and his eyes closed. He could feel the healing energy rushing out of him. He didn't care if someone could see him now. The most important thing was to help his son. Peter knew that he had to help him in any cause. He kept doing this, even when he felt his body getting weaker. He had to make sure that his son was going to be okay.

"Peter?" Isaac's voice pierced the haze around him. "Peter, stop!"

"He has to be okay," was the only thing Peter could say. He felt so weak now, but he didn't stop. "I owe this to Claire!"

"She needs you as well," Isaac's hand lay on his shoulder. "Listen to me! Now!"

"Just few more minutes!" Peter was able to say.

"No!" Isaac took his arm and moved it away from his son. "Your son is alright and you're making yourself sick! Stop it! Now!"

"How..?" Peter finally looked at his son. The color was back to his baby face. He looked way better. Then he looked up at Isaac. "How..?"

"I managed to stop you? Because you were stupid enough to use all of your powers!" Isaac scoffed, seeing how Peter's head hung in between his shoulders. He took his son and walked into the babies room, putting it back to his bed. One of the nurses there gave him a look, but Isaac didn't pay any attention to her. He went back to Peter. His head was still down and he was breathing heavily. Isaac took the seat next to him and placed his hand on his back. "Feeling any better?"

"My mother..," Peter was able to say. "My own mother... I don't get it! Why?"

"I have a picture I want you to see when you can," Isaac said instead. "A new one."

"A picture?" Peter took a deep breath and was finally able to look at his friend. "You meant painting?"

"No," he sighed. "I meant a picture! It's... complicated and you'll see why!"

"Okay," Peter was finally able to smile.

Now time

Claire went back to sleep. She needed time to recover. Peter knew that and to make things easier for the both of them, he hadn't shared everything with her. Just in case, he asked Pete to have his own crib in his mother's room. Claire was going to be fine soon. He'll make sure of that. Once she was out of that hospital along with their son, Peter was planning to go and see Isaac's picture. It was a picture, not a painting. He had insisted to call it like that! Also, he had to talk to Kay. Peter knew that she must have found something interesting. Kay was good of what she was doing. It took him some time to realize that, but he did. Kay could do so much more than she allowed herself to do. That reminded him of himself in his early days. He knew how powerful was then, but he wanted to be fair. The thing was, that only hurt people he loved. He wanted to do what was the best for everyone else back then. He didn't think of himself. That was such a huge mistake! Now, he had realized it.

"Baby?" Claire's sleepy voice made him look at her. "Come here?" She was reaching out her arms for him.


"I need your arms around me, please?" She smiled shyly and Peter gave up. He could never resist that smile. Few moments later, he was lying on the small bed, wrapping his arm around her waist and kissing the back of her head. "I love you," Claire whispered and his heart skipped a beat.

"I love you too, baby..." he mumbled. "More than you'll ever know!"