CHAPTER 3- It should feel like cheating…but it doesn't.

Isabella's POV-

There is no point denying it any longer…I am in love with Jace Lightwood.

The kiss was interrupted when Church managed to squeeze in between us.

"Oh my poor baby, its okay I love you too," I said as I picked him up and cuddled him.

"Wait, love him too, as in you love me?" he said with that cocky ass attitude, a devilish smile on his lips.

"Yes, I Love You." As I said there was no point denying it.

"Awwww, Iz I never knew that you were capable of expressing emotions."

"You know that you are a jackass. Right?"

"Yeah but you love me."

"Maybe I might change my mi…" suddenly I was pushed against the wall, church jumped out of my arms as Jace pinned me.

"No you won't"

"I might." He leaned in and tried to kiss me but I kneed him in the stomach, hard.

"Shit, that hurt." He growled.

"Awwww, I thought that you liked it rough?"





"I love you too" And he captured my lips in his, his body pushed against mine, one hand in my hair the other around my waist.

Nobody else was home; I later learned that Maryse and Robert were in Alicante with Max, Izzy was with some fairy Knight and Alec was at Magnus's House. I only remember four things from that night, one, somehow we ended up in Jace's bedroom, two, church may have had the door shut on his face, three, the name Edward didn't cross my mind the entire night and finally I realised that I never thought of Jace as my brother, I have always loved him.

The next morning I awoke to the warmth of the sun on my back. After I decided to open my eyes, the first thing I saw was Jace's cocky grin directed at me.

"Oh, shut up," I groaned.

"Hey I didn't say anything."

"Like you needed to." As he was about to reply the door swung open and Isabelle pranced into the room.

"Jace, Iz's car is out the front but I haven't seen her yet, have yo…."This was the point when she actually decided to look at the bed. "ARHGGGGGGGGG, don't you guys lock!!!"

"Don't you lock," Jace replied.

"Anyways, Hi Iz, how are you?" I guess she chose to ignore the fact that both Jace and I were lying in bed wearing minimal clothes and my hair probably looked like shit. Izzy sat on the end of the bed and waited for an answer.

That's a good question, how was I? I just cheated on Edward. But what was weird was that I didn't feel guilty, at all. But I am confused because I am not even sure weather I still love Edward. My head hurts!

I was about to answer when Alec walked past the door, said "Morning." Continued walking, did a double take, backtracked and strode into the room, asking "What the HELL is going on?"

"Um … Hi Alec."

"Hi Iz ….Sooooooo, what up?" Heavy on the sarcasm.

"Nothing really, how have you been?"

"Good, though apparently not as good as some." He said suggestively while glaring, damn I had hoped he wouldn't notice the currant situation. "I m going to leave now and take Isabelle with me, you two should get up and dressed, then come down for breakfast."

As soon as they left (Iz had to be dragged out of the room screaming, "but I haven't seen her in so long!") we got up, showered, and dressed. It probably wouldn't have taken as long as it did but Jace kept interrupting what I was doing by coming up to me and kissing me passionately.

After I opened too curtains I saw a silver volva drive down the street and turn right at the intersection, heading towards a hotel. It made me think of Edward and how I left him without an explanation. What I felt for Edward was love, but it was nothing in comparison to what I felt for Jace.

If the love I felt for Jacob Black was like the sun, and Edward eclipsed it, what I felt for Jace was like the pull of a black hole. He drew me to him; like a magnetic force, and once I got too close, I was consumed by it. The sun and the moon were destroyed by the sheer force of it, but although I was closer to the destructive power of it, I was protected. Jace would never hurt me and he would die to protect me, but the difference between that and Edward's manner is that Jace knows that I have to fight my own battles and that there are going to be injury's along the way. Edward would shield me but Jace would stand on the side lines cheering me on while watching my back.

Edward has hurt me before, deeply. So has Jacob. Jace never has, and I know that he never will.

A pair of warm strong arms wrap around my waist from behind. His warm breath tickles my ear and as his lips press to my collar bone a delicious shudder runs down my spine. "What were you thinking about?"

"I was thinking about how much I love you." A small lie.


"Why do you think that there was anything else?"

"Because I know you better than anyone else."

"I was thinking about the people I left in forks and about how much I love you."

"Was on of them the vampire you were dating?" There was no accusation in his voice, no trace of anger or disgust.

"How did you know?"

"I wasn't keeping tabs on you I swear, I know that you're a big girl who can look after yourself. Besides you are one of the best shadow hunters I have ever seen."

"Damn straight"

"Magnus regularly checked on you to make sure that the glamour was working, he saw you with one of the sparkly vampires. He told Luke, and he asked me to go down and check on you.'

"Did you?"

"No, I told him that if you needed help that you would call."

"That doesn't sound like you."

"Well at that time I was still hurt that you left in the first place and I also didn't want to see you with anyone else, especially a downworlder."

"I'm sorry." And I meant it.

"Its okay, besides I think you made up for it last night."

"Don't make me hurt you."

"Okay, Okay!"

Yay. Another chapter finished.

PLEASE REVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope that you enjoyed it and if you have any questions or suggestions about something that you would like to happen in the story PM me or leave it in a review an I will see what I can do! (PS, THAT LAST PAER OF THE AN WASN'T MEANT TO RHYME!!! I SWEAR)

