Rai: I'm pretty sure you've all picked up on my lazy updating habits by now _ My sincere apologies… Ehe… Junior High can be pretty stressing, along with the fact that I barely get any time to myself nowadays. Teachers seem keen on making their students' lives a living hell with projects and homework, and I also have basketball two to three times a week until about 5/6pm. And on the days I get to home early, there's always homework waiting for me… So I ask all my lovely viewers to please bear with me Dx I'm most certainly undeserving of your support x'[

… Well, on another note; I hope you enjoy this story! Insomnia comes in handy when a plot bunny appears -.- (nervous laugh) Ahh well anyway, please enjoy!

And along with every fan fiction I've written thus far, the disclaimer is the same. Me no own. Me wishes me could.

Oh and, by the way, this will be an eventual yullen fic with a side dish of lucky. To come in the near future ;D So if you don't like it, leave now or bewaree~


Obligatory Damnation

Chapter 1:

The First Day


"We're all just going through the notions. We're not really alive- all we are is dead inside."


Sunlight streamed in through the open window; a gentle breeze caressing the sole occupant of the room. The person seemed to be in his mid-teens, though his snow-white hair would, at a glance, make some think otherwise. With a soft sigh, the boy opened his eyes, revealing two orbs of an enchanting silver-grey.

Idly, the teen regarded the sound of the front door slamming, and instantly knew the cause to be his guardian. Recognizing that that was his guardian's way of warning him to "get his useless ass out of bed," the boy sat upright and mentally prepared himself for his first day of hell… Oh, pardon the mistake; this hell is most commonly referred to as school, is it not? Oh. Goody.

Yu Kanda, being the early riser that he so conveniently happens to be, scowled at the morning sun, who in turn seemed to be smiling gaily down upon him. With a trademark 'che,' he continued on his daily walk to school. When said school became visible before him, his scowl deepened. Oh yes, Yu Kanda was not a people's person. Not in the slightest. So when Lavi Bookman, the teen's self-proclaimed 'best friend' ran up to him and slung an arm around his person, Kanda was tempted to unsheathe his family's precious heirloom and rid himself of the nuisance. Of course, against his better judgment, Kanda decided against being sent to jail for manslaughter of the 1st degree; and instead settled for glaring at the red-head.

"Aw, come on Yu! Lighten up would you?" Lavi said merrily, ignoring the death glare his companion sent him.

"I thought I made it clear to not use my first name, idiot bunny." Let it now be known to the public that Yu Kanda absolutely loathed being called by his first name.

"Well, Yu, hurry up and turn that frown upside down! We've got a transfer student today, and from what Lenalee's told me, he's a smartass~ He's a junior like Lenalee, even though he's only 15." Lavi stated, completely ignoring the fact that he'd signed himself up for a death wish. Again.

"So the brat skipped a year." Kanda said indifferently, twitching at Lavi's too close for comfort proximity.

"Yes, well, that means we have a new buddy, Yu!" Lavi replied, bouncing up and down like the idiot Kanda so willingly dubbed him as. "I mean, I know you enough, buddy 'ol pal of mine. You're the type of person who can't stand to be around imbeciles, right?" Snorting, Kanda wondered why Lavi hadn't gotten the message. "So that means you'll be able to tolerate our new transferee. What with his prodigal reputation and all." Well, there wasn't a rule that stated prodigies couldn't be idiots. Lavi was a prime example of that, after all.

~~Insert Page Break Here~~

"First day and you just barely made it on time. Nice work, Walker."

"Can it, Mikk. I don't need a lecture from you of all people. And what the hell are you even doing here? Shouldn't you be running errands like a good Tyki-pon?"

"You wound me, boy. Can't you just accept the fact that I'm here and came to greet you, mister transfer student of mine?" At that, the boy turned swiftly to stare at the man, a frown settling itself onto his delicate features.

"You are not saying what I think you're saying." The white-headed teen blanched when the older male grinned at him.

"Perhaps I am dearest nephew." Tyki's eyes gleamed mischievously at his nephew's reaction to the relation.

"Shut up. Take me to class, old man." …And then his expression turned blank.

"I'm only 26, Allen. Hardly an old man. Whatever happened to my little gentleman?" The boy, now revealed to be Allen, smirked up at his uncle.

"Yes, well, call me your nephew again and you'll be neutered, clear? And gentleman? All hopes of me remaining as one shattered when you made him my guardian. Honestly, are all you Noah bloody mad? Or have you forgotten what kind of man he is?"

"Wasn't our fault. If there's anyone you should be blaming it's the 14th. He entrusted you to that womanizer. He and Mana both." Growling, Allen glared at Tyki.

"Don't you bring that name into this conversation."

"Aye, boy. But you may want to think again when insulting us. You are, after all, a Noah yourself. Anyhow, enough of this chit-chat, okay? Follow me or you'll be late to class, boy."

"Suit yourself, pedophile."


To say that junior class C-1 was surprised and confused was an understatement. When their homeroom teacher appeared before them sputtering incomprehensible dignitaries, along with a smirking kid beside him; all were understandably stupefied. Coughing, Mr. Mikk walked over to the chalk board and wrote a name in elegant cursive: Allen N. Walker.

"Class, I'd like you all to meet your new classmate. His name is Allen Walker, and prior to today, he's been home-schooled. He is 15 years old and, due to his home-schooling, has been upped to this grade. Please treat him well. Now are there any questions for the boy?" Tyki asked, grinning when his nephew twitched at the title.

"What does the 'N' in your name stand for?" A random girl asked, openly ogling the new student.

Grudgingly, Allen replied, "Noah." After all, he was still part gentleman, even if Cross had butchered most of it out of him. But for the sake of Mana and all that is good, he decided he'd at least try

"So that means you're related to Mr. Mikk?" But for the love of God, why did he even bother? Tyki, sensing that Allen was like a time bomb about to explode, maneuvered him to his seat and told the class that today they were going to have a little free time before class started. With that being said, he pulled a chair over to his dear nephew's table and sat, pleased with the irritated gaze the younger sent him.

"Honestly, Mikk, you're teaching habits are questionable."

"Oh come now, boy, stop being so cruel. Shall I introduce you to a classmate of yours?"

"That isn't ne-"

"Excuse me, Lenalee? Would you scoot closer this way, please?"


"Yes, Mr. Mikk?"

"Formalities aren't very necessary, Lenalee. I believe I know you and your companions well enough to be on a first name basis, right?" Tyki said, staring pointedly at the girl.

"I'm not sure that brother would take to it very well… You know how he is after all." When Tyki paled at the mention of her brother, Allen took a sudden interest in the conversation. "Anyway, hello there Allen. My name is Lenalee Lee. It's very nice to finally meet you~"

"Finally?" Allen asked, intrigued. What, was he being stalked now?

"Well, news of your arrival has been with the student council for a while now. About a month prior to today, I'll say." Allen whistled; why would his coming here be of any importance? "Oh, and let me be one of the first to say, welcome to Black Order Innocence High School!" Blinking, the teen took the time to glare at Tyki, who hadn't welcomed him when he arrived.

'And he wonders about my being a gentleman.' He thought.

"It's nice to meet you too, Miss Lee." Allen stated, smiling briefly. What was Tyki trying to do? Open his eyes to camaraderie?

"Oh please, call me Lenalee. I'm sure we'll become great friends!" she replied, smiling brightly at him.

"Yes… Well… I do apologize for anything inappropriate this old man's done prior to my being here. I'll see to it that all of it is put to an end. Right, Mikk?"

"Really, Allen? Back to calling me that? Fine then, we'll fight fire with fire! But just remember that you asked for this, nephew~" The revelation didn't seem to surprise Lenalee as much as she thought it would have. After all, this only confirmed the suspicions of the students. So… Staring at the two in disbelief, Lenalee shrugged before pulling her seat over and watching the exchange with amusement. It seemed the class had taken to doing so from afar.

'I think high school life is going to be much more fun from now on.' Lenalee thought, smiling mischievously at the new student. 'Much more fun.'

~~Insert Page Break Here~~

Staring at the sky from underneath an apple tree, Allen sighed contentedly. His first few classed flew by, and now it was lunch time. Homeroom with Tyki could have been much more bearable if not for the fact that he had to be the teacher, of all things. And as it turned out, Tyki was also his first period; which happened to be AP Psychology. Figures the man would teach that. He loved messing with peoples' heads, so it was only a matter of time before he sought to teach others about sanity and its counterpart.

"Oi, boy. How were your classes so far?" Speak of the devil, and the devil shall appear.

Propping himself onto one elbow, said boy stared lazily at the one who dare interrupt his peaceful not-quite slumber.

"Hey, don't look at me like that. Cross asked me to look after you while you're here."

"I'm surprised the man would do anything for my well-being." Allen mumbled, stifling a yawn.

"Don't judge a book by its cover, boy. You never know, he might actually care for you." Tyki replied.


"Ah hey! Allen! I've been looking all over for you!" Looking up, Allen found himself staring at the Lenalee girl, accompanied by two older teens, heading in his direction. Chuckling at the youth's not so eager expression, Tyki nudged the boy with his foot, causing him to lose balance and fall over.

"Hey! What was that for you bloody git?" Allen fumed, the peaceful air around him now completely gone.

"Um, guys? What's going on? You aren't arguing again, are you? I think I saw enough of that 1st period." Lenalee said, laughing awkwardly. The red-head behind her kept his gaze on the psychology teacher, and the long-haired one seemed to not care at all.

"It's not my fault this old man is fond of harassing." Allen muttered to himself, but they all heard him anyway.

"Okay, listen here boy, can't you just behave? I find myself yearning for that little, polite, and oh so adorable cross-dresser more and more as the day goes on~" Allen, turning an impossible shade of red, tackled the older man to the ground; all the while ignoring the stares the trio gave him.

"Oh shove it, Mikk! You know damn well it wasn't my fault! What was I supposed to do? I was a kid! A damn kid! How was I supposed to know that being dressed as a girl wasn't proper? It's not like you or the others did anything to stop Rhode and Lulubell from doing it, now did you?" Chuckling fondly at the rise he had gotten, Tyki ruffled Allen's hair.

"Yes well, we were all afraid of what they'd do to us if we interfered…"

"Um, guys? We're still here you know!" Lenalee spoke suddenly, interrupting the bickering Noahs. Turning their attention back to the girl, the two sweat-dropped.

"Sorry…" Allen muttered, opting to sit cross-legged against the tree trunk. Finally taking notice of the strangers once more, Allen voiced his thoughts. "And who the hell are you two?" Yes, a gentleman he is…

"Watch it, brat. Learn to have some damn respect."

"I will when I want, straight cut-fringe. You don't tell me what to do."

"Why you-"

"Ahahaha…ha… Come now Yu, let's behave, okay? Er... Hi there!I'm Lavi Bookman, senior. And this guy's Kanda Yu, also a senior. Don't call him by his first name or you'll be chopped into bits~"

Racking his mind for where he had heard that name before, Allen clicked his tongue as he remembered. "Aah. So this is the one subject to your pedophilic ways… Right, Tyki-pon?" And the aforementioned 'subject' just blinked questioningly.



The trio stared dumbfounded as the psychology teacher chased the new student around the campus, the two throwing insults back and forth, when suddenly they came to a halt; paling when a limo stopped in front of the entrance. Why on Earth did it seem so familiar to the three?

"Aah! Tyki-pon, Alli-pon, you came out to greet me? I take it you two are behaving yourselves?" And suddenly realization dawned upon them as the glutinous figure of the Earl stepped out of the vehicle; one of Black Order Innocence High School's top contributors.

"Good evening, Earl." Allen greeted pleasantly, a nervous smile adorning his features.

"Hey, Earl. What brings you here?" Tyki asked, rubbing the back of his head in a sheepish gesture.

"Evening, my darlings~ I came here to check up on Alli-pon~ Marian told me you were transferring today and I couldn't wait to see my little boy~"

"Earl! I'm not a little boy anymore!"

"Ah! Earl, sir! What brings you to Innocence High? Are you in need of anything?" The voice of Lenalee was heard as she made her way towards the man.

"Why hello there, Miss Lenalee~ I see you are doing well as always~ Is the headmaster in today?" The Earl questioned.

"Ah yes, brother is in today! Would you like me to take you to him?"

"Please do~ In the meantime, why don't the rest of you wait out here? Hm? I'll inquire to the headmaster if I am able to take you all out for the rest of the day; to celebrate Alli-pon's first day~ It's great that he's made so many lovely friends on the first day~ Right, Lavi-pyon, Kanda-pyon?"

"Wait a minute we're no-"

"But of course, Earl! Thank you for the generous invite~" Lavi replied, clamping a hand over the other teen's mouth.

"Very well then~ I'll be out in a bit~"

"Hey… How do you guys now the Earl?" Allen asked, jolting his acquaintances out of their revere.

"Ah well… My last name says it all. Bookman heir at your service; here to record official documents and meetings for history's passing~ And as for Yu here, he knows him through me and Lena."

"Che, idiot rabbit; why'd you stop me? We aren't the shorty's friends, remember?" Kanda said coldly, glaring at his friend.

"My name is Allen, thank you very much."

"Ahaha… Well I don't know about you but I already see a bond beginning to form~! So, what do you say, Allen?"

Staring at the two before him, Allen sighed tiredly. "Do what you want."

"Yay! Yay! Yay!" Lavi exclaimed, bouncing up and down like a mad man. He failed to see the predatory gleam embedded in Tyki's eyes as he watched him, but oh well. Allen though, fully aware of his uncle's desires, smirked knowingly. Oh yes, maybe having friends wasn't going to be that bad after all…

Looking up to the teen identified as Kanda, he found that the other had taken to glaring holes into his very being.

"Excuse me, but can I help you in any way?" Allen found himself asking, his eye twitching at the newfound attention.

"Yeah; get lost, beansprout." Upon realizing the intended jab at his height (or lack thereof), Allen growled at the older male.

"I'm pretty sure my name is Allen. A-L-L-E-N. Really, it isn't that hard to comprehend." Grabbing the boy by his waist, Tyki prevented him from going on a rampage by lifting him off the ground and placing him on his shoulder.

"What the- Mikk? What the hell do you think you're doing? Put me down you pedophile! I swear if you don't put me down this instant I am going to yell rape at the top of my lungs! Mikk? Hello? DAMN IT! RAAA-mmph!" Surprisingly, the hand currently clamping Walker's mouth shut did not belong to any of the three. It belonged to a man with long, red hair and half a mask covering his face.

"M-M-Master?" Allen shrieked, his face turning considerably paler than usual.

"Close your trap, idiot apprentice. People can hear you from miles away." The man responded, inhaling a puff of smoke from his cancer stick. "And you can put him down now, Tyki. The boy will behave himself in my presence."

Sweat-dropping, Tyki obliged. "If you say so, Cross."

"Master, what are you doing here?"

"Are you questioning me, brat?"

"Of course not, Master; just asking a simple question."

"If you must know, the fat man invited me out today. For your celebration or whatever the hell it is."

"You shouldn't insult the Earl like that. And I find it hard to believe that you'd bother coming, Master."

"Don't question me, idiot." And that was the last thing Allen heard before blacking out.

Sighing, Tyki rubbed his temples. "Bring him into the car, will you, Kanda?"

"Che. Why the hell does it have to be me?"

~~Insert Page Break Here~~

"Ugh… Where am I?" Allen muttered, clenching his aching head. "Damn Master and his fucking mallet."

"Language, boy." Staring up at his uncle, he cursed once more.

"I'm at the mansion… Aren't I?" Allen asked, less than pleased when he received a nod from the elder Noah. "At least tell me the 14th isn't here; he's the last person I want to see."

"He isn't. But your dear friends are. Now wakey wakey, help me entertain them. And I think proper introductions are in order; what with the way things occurred today."

Growling, Allen sat up and rubbed his eyes. So damn troublesome... But nevertheless he obliged with Tyki's request. "Allen Noah Walker. 15 years old, youngest Noah member. Fond of playing the piano and watching the clouds. Current guardian is Cross Marian. Pleased to meet you all."

"…So that's how you're related to the Noah Clan? You… Are one?" Lavi asked, relief settling over his features; as well as realization. Had he honestly been jealous? Smirking, Allen nodded.

"Why? Did you expect something else?" Blushing slightly, Lavi shook his head no. "Tyki here is my blasted pedophile of an uncle. The Earl is my supposed grandfather. Anything else you'd like to know?"

"What do you mean by 'supposed,' Allen?" Turning his gaze to Lenalee, he smiled wistfully.

"Nothing really, a little insider between us Noahs. Anyway, what other information do I have the honor of revealing to you?" He remarked sarcastically.

And before Lavi could help himself, he blurted out, "So are you single?" Silence encased the room and its occupants, and a certain someone felt his certain nephew grinning at him.

"Yes, I am. Why, Lavi? Interested?" Laughing at the reactions he received, Allen chuckled. "I'm joking! Damn, this is going to be much more fun than I originally anticipated."

"What is, Allen?" Lenalee asked.

"Having friends."

"You've never had friends before?" This time it was Lavi. A few moments of silence passed before Allen decided to speak up, eyes hidden by his bangs.

"Can't say I have. The only people I've ever associated with are the Noahs and my Master. Hardly sufficient company; but to each his own." Noting the strained look Tyki was giving him, Allen put on a smile. "I'm kidding, Tyki. The Noahs are everything to me. You should know that, asshole."

But no one in the room missed how fake the smile seemed. No one missed the underlying pain present within Allen's eyes. Perhaps he was just tired of concealing it any further… Whatever it was, the weary form of Allen Walker from then until the end of the day, spoke volumes.

~~If you haven't gotten the hint by now, Insert Page Break Here!~~

Lying in bed that night, Yu Kanda found himself thinking about a certain white-haired sprout. Replaying the scenes from today in his head; he found that he didn't exactly hate the smaller boy, but he was far from tolerating him.

Perhaps it was because the two had more things in common than he had thought. Before Lavi and Lenalee, all Kanda had, was his adoptive family. He too, knew the pain of solitude and introverted demeanor.

Maybe it was because he understood what the sprout was going through, did he want to break the façade that was Allen Noah Walker. Not because he was beginning to care for a complete stranger, no in fact it wasn't that at all. Yu Kanda was only bothering with the small brat because he wanted to satisfy his personal goals. Yes, that was it. The boy was only a challenge for Kanda to take on; nothing more. When he was done figuring Walker out, then he'd be gone from his life. Kanda would make sure of it.

After all, when you complete a puzzle; the only thing left to do is put it back in its box. It's only fun the first time around.

Rai: Cheers for a crappy analogy! ...Ah, so right now Kanda's somewhat of a bad guy?

Well, as the story progresses, much more drama will occur; and pasts will be revealed!

So until next time,

Rai signing off~