E/O Drabble Challenge word: shoulder

Spoilers/Notes: Happy Birthday Kiwisplashj and 494dwangel! So, 494dwangel was requesting Dean and Sam and cat stories for her birthday, which I was already writing, then I saw the prompt for kiwisplashj this week, and decided to combine the two. Consider the drabble a teaser for what the more extensive "Cat-fic" Winchester story. Think of it like a sis-fic centered on a furball ... could be fun, yes?

The title to the story comes from T.S. Eliot's Practical Cats: Macavity

Word count: 100. In Chapter 1. I can't account for the rest.

The Hidden Paw

Dean was awakened by a tapping against his shoulder. He startled momentarily, and then recognized tiny paws. He turned just as a small dark nose nuzzled against his neck.

"What?" He whispered. "Did Sam kick you in his sleep again?"

He rolled over next to the furball of a cat in his bed. Dean frowned and pointed.

"You know, this never works. I'm not going to get any sleep with you there."

Apparently, the cat disagreed as she started purring gently, curling up next to Dean.

Dean sighed. "Fine. G'night, April."

The cats eyes were shut. In the darkness, Dean smiled.