This is a new series i'm working on. i think i'm gonna do it as one chapter for every episode. This first chapter started as a one shot but i think it's just gonna be an introduction to the character.

Please read and review. I don't own the characters that you recognise.


"Mika! Hey, Mika, can I talk to you for a minute?"

I looked up from the text message I was sending and smiled at the tall, handsome man who'd stopped beside the bench I was sitting on.

"Johnny? I wasn't expecting to see you until tonight." I frowned slightly when he didn't return my smile. He sat next to me but left a few inches between our bodies and began twiddling his thumbs. My frown deepened as I watched him glance around before gazing at me. Instead of meeting my eyes, he kept his gaze just above, on my forehead.

"I've been thinking a lot, since I asked you out last week and I, uh… I don't think it's a good idea. I'm just… I'm not good enough for you."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

It was a fair question. I was a waitress by day and a bar tender by night. Johnny was an up and coming lawyer at the only big firm in Charming. He made five times what I did and he came from a family of high fliers, one of the families that Charming was oh so proud to have raised. Unlike my family… some people saw us as Charming royalty and others regarded us as scum.

Johnny was shaking his head and looking around uneasily.

"You're wrong. I don't deserve you. I couldn't keep up with you if I tried. You're too much of a woman for me."

I looked at him as he rushed through his words, understanding suddenly dawning on me. I tilted my head and surveyed the street in front of me.

Charming was the perfect picture of small town living. The store fronts were neat and tidy, colourful and inviting. The streets were clean and looked after and the people were, usually, polite and friendly. It was a town taken straight from a 1950s sitcom.

The only dark cloud on the town's reputation was the group of men sitting across the street, watching my conversation with barely concealed glee. There were only three of them today, dressed in their baggy jeans and their leather vests. They were parked outside the new café, leaning on their bikes and blowing smoke in the air as they watched.

"Look, Mika, I gotta go. I'm sorry… okay."

"Don't worry about it Johnny." I sighed. "I'll make sure they know that you held up your end of the bargain."

The relief on his face was nauseating and I shook my head as I slouched away.

I glared at the bikers as I strode towards them, hating them for their relaxed positions and their amused and satisfied expressions.

"Where is he?"

"You're boy's gonna make a fine lawyer some day, running away from his problems and taking the first bribe he's offered." Tig commented. Jax and Opie chuckled to themselves.

"Where is he?" I repeated, looking around for his bike.

"You ready to give up and let him ink you?" Jax asked with an amused grin. "I'm getting a little tired of chasing off the other boys. I feel like your big brother."

"You are my big brother, jack ass." I glared as fiercely as I could. "Now where the fuck is that no good, dumb ass prick?"

"He's at the shop. You know he ain't got the balls to come here himself. He knows you'd eat him for breakfast." Tig smirked. "What you need is a real man, honey."

"Oh yeah, know any?" I asked flatly.

I turned my back and started to walk away before Jax grabbed my wrist and tugged me towards him.

"Come on, I'll give you a ride to the shop and you can throw you're hissy fit there."

"Screw you, asshole." I snapped as I climbed on to the back of his bike.

This was the third time in a month I'd ended up in this position, I mused. And it was all that baldy headed bastard's fault. He just kept hacking my emails and my phone… it didn't help that the entire club thought it was hilarious to mess with me.

Three dates… three times I'd been dumped before we even got started. I'm not sure what exactly he was threatening them with… hell, I'm not sure it was even him doing the threatening. He was pretty close with Happy and the taller man was a lot more menacing than he was.

Either way, this was one push too far. I knew he was stubborn. I knew he had a jealous streak a mile wide and I knew that the others didn't take too well to me 'messing around' with other guys but screw 'em all. I wasn't about to let him tie me down for the rest of my life while he got to roam the streets and nail whatever tail he wants.

Teller Morrow Auto was buzzing with people as I climbed off the back of Jax's bike. Jax gave me a one fingered salute that I promptly returned, before heading inside. Opie stood next to me for a few seconds, leaning down to mutter in my ear not to kill him, they needed him. Tig wandered off, shouting at the top of his voice about how fucking hot it was out here.

I spied him inside, standing with Chibs and the Prospect beside a black Chevy. I stood at the door, crossing my arms across my chest and tapped my foot on the ground until I caught their attention. I saw his eyes widen and his mouth form a little O shape as he looked at me. Chibs and Half Sack looked between us before leaving, amused grins playing across their faces. Sadistic bastards.

"Don't hurt him too much, love. We might need 'im one of these days."

I glared at Chibs as he left before storming across the garage to him.

"Hey baby." He smirked. "Where's your date?"

"You think you're funny, Carlos?" He scowled at the name and I smirked.

"Oh come on, Mika, the guy was a total douche. Besides, he called Gemma a biker whore on the phone." His dark eyes were wide and pleading and I bit my tongue, hard, to keep from telling him how adorable he was. And okay, if I'd heard him saying that about my mom I'd have decked him myself. But that wasn't the point.

"You can't keep doing this, Juice. It's not fair." I told him as I hoisted myself onto the car. He walked slowly towards me, placing his hands on my knees and pushing them apart, moving closer to my body. For reasons I couldn't fathom, I didn't push him away. In fact, I briefly tightened my legs against his waist and tried to ignore his smirk.

"I'm gonna keep doing it for as long as you're holding out. You bring those assholes round, I'm gonna get rid of them. I ain't gonna stop and I ain't gonna apologise."

I sighed and rested my head on his shoulder. The leather of his cut was cool against my forehead and his hands came up to tangle in my hair, pulling it out of its ponytail and separating the strands slowly.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked softly, knowing I was going to get the same response I got every time I asked the question.

"Why are you doing this?" He retorted. "Why can't you just accept that you're my old lady? Why can't you just get the god damn tat?" He slid his fingers beneath my shirt and brushed them against the skin of my hip bone, the spot he wanted my tattoo. I shuddered slightly as he repeated the motion twice before tugging his hand away and looking him in the eye.

"I'm not my mom, Juice! I'm not gonna turn into a battle scared woman who doesn't mind that her husband is fucking anything that moves every time he goes on a run. I'm twenty four! I'm not ready to be tied to one person, no matter how much I might love him."

"You're acting like being an old lady would be the end of the world." He groaned, moving his hands back to my hair and pulling me up so that I was looking at him. "Would it really be so bad?"

"Yes! Seriously, just listen to me okay. I get tattooed and if we ever break up no guy in this town will ever touch me. Ever. Because all they'll see is a damn crow and they'll automatically know I 'belonged' to a son and who wants to risk their life for a chick, huh?"

"You're damn right they'll never touch you." He scowled briefly before grinning. "Look, baby, you act like becoming your mom is such a bad thing… your mom is the strongest person I've ever met. She fuckin runs this place. She's a straight up bad ass. That's not a bad thing."

"I know it isn't… but I'm not my mom, Juice. The first time you came home smelling like some sweet butt, we'd be over. And I'd be alone for the rest of my life."

"You're already planning my affair! Jesus Michaela, you're so sure I'm gonna screw up! I have never cheated on you! Never. You're so fucking sure I'm gonna cheat on you… I could be faithful."

"Sure you could." I drawled. "When the rest of the guys are screwing the bimbos and Tig's harassing you to do the same you're just gonna sit there and shake your head and say no, thanks, I've a wife at home?"

He glared at me, pushing himself away from me and pacing. "Why do you always gotta do that? You always gotta make things seem so much worse than they already are. Can't we just cross that road when we come to it?"

"You just don't get it, do you? If we break up you'll have a hundred sluts ready to help you get over me, I get no one. Not a single guy."

He rolled his eyes before leaning towards me. I pushed myself back as far as I could and shook my head. "If the guy isn't willing to go up against the club for you then he's a weak ass loser and you deserve more." He pressed himself right against me and smirked. "And why are you so sure we're gonna break up? Why can't you accept that me and you? We're forever."

He slid warm hands up my face to tangle in my hair and tilt my head backwards.

"No, Juice… I said no…"

He ignored me and pressed his warm lips against mine. It took all of three seconds for me to respond. His hands slid down my back until he was pulling me against him. I was half on the car and half wrapped around his body.

I wanted to hate myself for being so weak when it came to him. Every time he scared one of my dates away, I found myself in this position. The problem was, I decided as he kissed his way down my throat to my shoulder, that as long as he kept doing that with his tongue, I didn't care.

"Not in the garage! How many times do I gotta repeat myself?"

Juice peeled himself off me and flushed under the disapproving, cool glare of my father.

"Sorry, Clay." He muttered and walked towards the door that led to the clubhouse, leaving me and dad alone.

"Where's your date?"

I glared at the amused look on his face and shook my head.

"Aren't you supposed to be on my side? Aren't you supposed to tell me to stay away from the big, bad bikers?" I asked with a small smile as I accepted the bottle of water he held out towards me and shifted myself off the car.

"Hell no. Why would I want you going out with someone I can't scare into treating you right?"

I chuckled and he grinned, shrugging a little.

"You over this whole thing yet?"

Everyone seemed to see my reluctance to get tattooed as a ridiculous notion.

"Why can't you all accept that I don't want this? That I don't want branded like a fucking cow?"

"It ain't branding, baby." He took a seat on a nearby bench and I slid down beside him, allowing him to throw an arm over my shoulder in a rare show of affection.

"You know when you were ten and Jax took Tara to get her crow, all you wanted was a tattoo. You begged your mom to let you get one so that you could be an old lady like her and Luanne."

"I just wanted to fit in then. I didn't know what getting that tattoo actually meant in reality."

"I know that. And I get why you're not sure if you want it now."

I shot him a sceptical look and he laughed and nodded. "I do. I get it. But what you gotta remember, baby, is that the guys in this town look at you and they see SAMCRO, whether you have a crow tattoo or not. They see me, they see Jax and they see Juice and you torturing yourself and not getting inked ain't gonna change a damn thing."

He was right of course. He was a lot of things, my father, both good and bad but I always forgot how insightful he could be. When he wanted to be.

"You're a part of this world, You were born into it and there ain't no leaving. Getting inked and becoming an old lady isn't as bad as you're thinking it is."

He got up and walked away, leaving my with my thoughts. Juice and I had been together for two years. I'd known him a lot longer than that but it had taken him a long ass time to ask me out and even longer for me to agree.

I had never dated a club member before. I was convinced I was a strong, independent woman who didn't need the men in the club to look after her and I tried to prove it by having a string of boyfriends through and after high school. None of them lasted very long because none of them were strong enough to deal with this life; with my family.

With Juice it was different. He knew the world. He knew how it worked and I never had to hide anything about myself from him.

I had never realised that before. Juice knew me. The real me. The me that felt completely comfortable behind the bar of the club house because I knew the people and they knew me. None of the other guys I had ever gone with had known the real me. They had gotten the sugar coated version, the version that I deemed suitable to show the outside world and as I thought about it, I wasn't sure I wanted to sugar coat myself for the rest of my life.

I threw my head back with a groan and pushed myself off the bench.

Decision made, I headed towards the darkened club house, ducking behind the bar and pouring myself a shot of Jack. I tossed it back with a wince and ignored the amused look I was getting from Jax.

"Well, the old man talk some sense into you or what?"

"You're a jackass. You know that, right?" I knew my words lacked bite by the grin on his face getting bigger.

"You're just jealous that I'm mom and dad's favourite."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, sweetheart." I grinned suddenly, remembering something my best friend had told me earlier. "Speaking of, guess what I heard today?"

"Shoot." He motioned for a beer and I scowled at him as I popped the lid.

"I heard that one Miss Tara Knowles is back in Charming. Working as a doc in St Thomas."

By the pained look on his face, I knew he had already heard.

"Yeah, mom told me." I snorted.

"I bet she was so happy about it too."

"Don't matter anyway. Me and Tara, that's ancient history."

"Oh, okay. If that's how we're playing it." I smirked and took another shot of Jack before sighing and stepping around the bar.

"So, you decided what you're gonna do yet? About the tat?"

I raised an eyebrow at him. "You gonna give me your two cents as well?"

"Nah… All I'm gonna say is that you could do a hell of a lot worse. Juice may not be the brightest, but he's a good kid."

"Yeah, yeah. So everyone keeps telling me." I smiled as the rest of the boys trailed into the bar, talking and laughing loudly. Juice was in the middle, listening to Tig explain something and laughing loudly. I caught his eye and motioned towards the door leading to the dorms. Jax clapped a hand on my shoulder.

"You're making the right decision, sis."

"Thanks, bro." I mocked with a grin as he walked towards Chibs and Bobby's table and threw himself down, pulling a red head onto his lap and smiling at her high pitched giggles.

I made my way towards Juice's dorm room and let myself in to wait on him. I threw myself onto the bed, pushing my shoes off and staring at the ceiling.

He came in a few minutes later and lay silently beside me, his arm brushing against mine every few seconds.

"Okay." I finally muttered.

"Yeah?" He asked, a smile spreading across his face. It lit up and made him look younger than he was and I smiled in response.
