Randomly thought this one up and thought it was adorable! It was originally going to be a one shot but I don't feel like writing anymore at the moment and I don't want to cut parts out or not be as creative as I can be. So I'll wait to finish it later. Hope you like it!

Disclaimers apply


It had been a while since Kyoko was at school. She was so busy that she missed a lot of days. But she had been able to stay for the whole day this time and now she was worried. She had known nothing about it! No one had told her. She was free and wanted to go but…but…who would go to a dance with her? She couldn't go alone because she had no friends at the school to hang out with. But she wanted to go! She had never been to a dance before. She could easily imagine all the girls in their beautiful dresses and the sparkly decorations. It would like a place where princesses gather.

"Mo!" She jumped in shock at the noise behind her. "Wipe that stupid look off your face!" Her best friend told her. Moko had been walking into the Love Me room when she had seen Kyoko standing there with a stupid look on her face. One that meant she was off in lala land.

"Moko!" Kyoko jumped at the other girl. "I don't know what to do!" Moko hadn't been able to dodge the attack this time.

"If you let me go, I'll help you." It was best to get this done and over with fast. Otherwise it would drag on. "So what's wrong?" she asked as the other girl detached herself from her.

"My school is having a dance but I don't have a date and I don't know who to ask." She said all in one breath. Kyoko looked at the older girl hoping she would have the answer. In truth Moko didn't know what to tell the girl. But she had to do something, she just couldn't fight the look Kyoko was giving her.

"When is it?" If there was enough time they could probably find someone to go with her.

"Tonight" Kyoko said with tears in her eyes.

"What?! Why are you only now looking for a date?" How in the world could they find a date for her in just a few short hours?

"I didn't know about it! Today was my first day back at school in a while. Moko I really wanna go!" Kyoko was in tears now but Moko didn't know what to do. "Wait," she said with a look of hope in her eyes, "Moko, are you free tonight."

"Yes," at her reply the younger girl's eyes lit up even more. Then it dawned on her. "NO!"


Ren and Yashiro were walking by the Love Me room and heard shouting. They gave each other a questioning look. They couldn't distinguish the words but it sounded like a heated argument. Ren approached the door and slowly opened it. He was shocked at what he saw. Kyoko was latched onto Kotonami-san, who was dragging the young girl in her desperation to get out of her grip. She was heading for the door but her head was bowed because of her struggle. Neither girl had yet to see the two men.

"Mo! I won't do it! Let me go!" Moko knew that if she stayed around Kyoko for too long she would agree to it. She had little resistance against her best friend at times like this.

"But Moko-saaan....You're such a great actress. Know one will even know. Think of it as a way to improve your skills. Pleeaase!" Kyoko was begging now.

"I won't do it!" Kotonami-san yelled again.

"Do what?" Ren had no idea what the two girls were fighting about but he was going to find out. Upon hearing him the two froze. They had no idea they had an audience and both had a look of horror on their face as they saw not only Ren, but Yashiro as well. It was one thing for Kyoko to suggest it but another thing entirely for others to learn of the plan. Moko was starting to turn beat read.

"Um…uh… nothing Tsuruga-san," Kyoko said as she let go of her best friend. She was starting to turn a little red as well.

"Mogami-san…what are you hiding from me?" Ren asked. She was so honest he knew she would tell him.

"My school is having a dance tonight but I didn't find out about it till today so I don't have anyone to go with and I wanted Moko to dress up as a boy to go with me she's such a great actress that no one would notice and I can't go alone" she ended breathless and with tears in her eyes. Ren used all his acting skills not to burst out laughing and Yashiro had to walk out of the room because he couldn't hold it in. It didn't do much good because they could still hear him and both girls started to turn red again and looked down in shame. Yashiro walked back into the room with some composure, but he was in jeopardy of losing it.

"Ms. Mogami, why can't you go alone?" Ren finally managed to ask.

"Because I don't have any friends at the school to hang out with but if I go with someone then I won't be alone." She couldn't believe she was telling her sempai all this. In front of her Moko looked up to the ray of hope. Maybe he can get me out of this.

"Tsuruga-san, are you busy tonight?" Moko asked him. Yashiro had thought of the same thing as Kotonami-san and so spoke for Ren.

"No he's not, he has finished all his jobs for today." Nice thinking Kotonami-san. Maybe there is hope for these two yet. Ren looked at his manager wondering what he was thinking.

"Then why don't you go with her?" Moko looked at Kyoko's face and saw her shocked expression. "Don't look like that. He's handsome and a real male. Unlike me who is clearly a woman." Ren wasn't sure what to say. He like the prospect of dancing with Kyoko but…he still felt a little embarrassed about it.

"N..n..never mind. I don't even have a dress. Haha I forgot about that." Kyoko was clearly trying to get out of having a date with Ren. Now he was insulted.

"Ms. Mogami, am I not fit to be your date?" Ren locked her in his gaze.

"N…no, Tsuruga-san, it's more like the other way around. I'm not fit to be your date!" She was clearly embarrassed now as she was bowing in apology.

"Nonsense, you two are perfect for each other. We'll just ask the president to borrow a dress and that will take care of that problem. Tsuruga-san the dance is at seven. Be sure to pick her up." Moko dragged her friend out of the room to ask the president for a favor. That was close. If I would have allowed them to mull over it any longer I would be stuck being her date.


Kyoko couldn't believe it. Her and Moko had worked hard for the past couple of hours to get her ready. Looking in the mirror she barely recognized herself. It looked like she had undergone a transformation for a drama. The dress they had borrowed was a light pink that hugged her torso tightly, the bottom half was a little looser to allow room for movement. There was some cleavage as the dress was held up by spaghetti straps. The bottom of the dress was cut at an angle. The highest part was cut just above her knees and it flowed down to half way down her calf. The most wonderful thing however, was the make up. They had used the kit that Moko had given her for her birthday.

"Finally we're done." Moko said a little breathless. Kyoko still didn't know much about how to deck herself out so she had done most of the work and was pleased with the result.

"Kyoko-chan, Kotonami-san, dinners ready." The Okami-san called up to her. Kyoko looked in horror at Moko.

"What if I get the dress dirty?" She almost squeled.

"Don't worry, just throw a t-shirt over it for protection." Kyoko looked at her friend surprised. It was so simple but a brilliant idea.


Ren was nervous and excited all at the same time. He had already dropped Yashiro off and was heading over to pick Kyoko up. After the girls had run out of the room earlier Yashiro had teased him all day. Tomorrow was going to be a pain. He would ask for all the details. Ren sighed in anticipation for the next day as he pulled into the drive way of the restaurant where his date lived. He got out of his car and walked up to the door to knock but it opened just as he was about to. He stood facing Kotonami-san.

"Good you're here. Kyoko is just finishing getting ready. She'll be down in a minute."