Chapter Twenty-Four: Just The Way You Are

Previously: I cupped his cheek tenderly and stared lovingly and regretfully into his dark eyes, which were gradually growing red. This is when I knew I had to leave. I could do no more good now.

I kissed him gently on the lips, savouring the warm feel of his soft mouth on mine, his sweet breath mixing with mine. My hands stroked his cheek as his arms wove around my waist- ignoring the bump separating us from each other. This was the lost man I loved.

I took a step back from him. Professor Dumbledore took my hand in his whilst I still gazed at Tom. I smiled softly, ignoring his eyes as they changed from black, to brown, to red. I knew it was only a matter of time before my sweetheart, Tom Marvolo Riddle, transformed into Lord Voldemort.

"It's time" Albus announced, placing a gentle hand on my shoulder to lead me from the common room and away from the crumpled Slytherin behind us.

I nodded silently, not bothering to speak as tears rolled down my cheeks. Only then did it occur to me that I would not have a chance to say goodbye to Druella or Cygnus, or Eileen or Avery- hell, even Mona! It upset me to think I would never see my friends again…but it reassured me that I could see my other friends again.

The halls were silent throughout Hogwarts. Not a sound could be heard, save the patter of our footsteps echoing off the walls. Why was it so quiet?

We proceeded to the Astronomy Tower.

The bitter winter breeze whipped through my hair violently, sending shivers down my spine. Dumbledore showed no signs of being cold though, and as we grew nearer to the centre we both stilled.

Dumbledore pulled his wand from inside his robes then turned slowly to face me, a kind smile on his face but concern in his eyes. It was nice to know he hadn't changed. "I have created a spell, Hermione. I have been working on it for some time now, from the moment I was contacted by Minerva in the future in fact" he began, "As you know, Time Turners can only go back in time. So I had to find something quickly so that you could go forward; unfortunately there is no magic that can take you forward in time."

My heart sank.

"Yet" Dumbledore continued with a boyish grin, "I am one of the most talented Wizards of this century, Hermione, and I think I have created just the right spell for the job!"

I small, grateful smile twitched at my lips, "Thank you" I whispered, fiddling nervously with a loose thread on my skirt.

"Now before we go ahead and send you back to your time…Are you positive about this, Hermione?" he asked seriously, frowning slightly.

"I'm sure" I answered immediately. I'd probably regret it once I got home, but there's no going back once I was there.

Before I could blink, there was a sudden bright light before me and Dumbledore gestured for me to walk towards it with a flick of his wand. The light changed into a deep red, signalling that it was safe to step through and with one last glance towards the darkened window of the Slytherin common room I stepped through the portal, a single tear escaping from my eye.

Tom was the last thing taken away from me.

Oh, why did I only just realise now? Tom loved me dearly. Yes, he had hurt me before.. But I had hurt him just as much. I was no good for him now; I had run away and taken his child with me.

I suddenly loathed myself as tears cascaded down my cheeks, splattering the cold marble floor. I scratched at the smooth surface, only resulting in my nails snapping and bleeding, smearing the crimson liquid on the ground and seeping into the white threads of my skirt.

Sobs wracked through my body as I remembered my first kiss with Tom.

"I am not scared of you, Riddle." I spat.

I said that. But if I'm honest, I was shaking like a leaf inside. But as if I would admit that to him!

"Oh, but Hermione, I think you are scared. I am dangerous," he hissed, "and it scares you…so, so much. But what is this? Not only do I sense fear…but also, an attraction?" he teased.

He knew. He knew. I would never see the end of this. Now he knew I was attracted to him. I felt humiliated.

But then something strange happened. I couldn't explain it. I don't think he could either at the time. It was quick, but sensual all the same.

One moment I was staring into his cold, dead eyes…and the next…his lips had brushed against mine, and how soft they were! How warm, how inviting. I wanted more. Dammit, I needed more! But before I could respond, he had gone.

I touched my lips, smiling; the ghost of his lips still lingering on mine…

More tears flooded from my eyes. I stroked the flesh of my chapped lips, which had so many times been touched by Tom so gently and caring.

He had allowed me to move on from Ron. He had allowed me to love again, to feel true love. He had been my first, my fiancé, the father of my child and someone I had began to depend on. Some say that you only know what true love was on your death bed, but not for me. How could I mistake that feeling for anything less? Tom had touched my heart and left an everlasting print. His beautiful, intelligent, intriguing eyes haunted me- they made me pray to see them again, to see them crinkle at the sides as he laughed or smiled, to see them narrow when he was angered, to see them burn with intense desire or to jump and gleam with happiness. My lips still felt the ghost of his on mine. Our hands moulded perfectly as did our bodies. How I loved how he would hold me at night, resting his chin on my forehead and holding me flush against his body as if scared that I would disappear suddenly and stroke my stomach adoringly, speaking softly to our child and laying gentle kisses before cupping my cheek and gazing into my eyes, pouring all the love he had for me through his eyes.

How could I have left him?

I had done exactly what I had told myself I never could; I had betrayed a loved one.

I would never see his beautiful face again. I would never run my fingers through his raven hair and watch it stick out in all directions. I would never feel his strong and gentle hands holding me close to him, or feel his sweet warm breath tickle my skin, or his face bury into the crook of my neck and breathe in the scent of my unruly hair and smile.

Every time we I saw him, my heart burst with love and adoration. Every time his gaze met mine, I felt my heart skip a beat and my skin heat up. Thinking about how he made me feel, made me think why I convinced myself to leave him.

Every time we were together and our souls joined in harmony, the feeling was overwhelming. Every time I saw his broad, pale chest and smooth muscular torso, my heart beat like a humming birds wings. Even when he had just a few top buttons undone to reveal his prominent collar bone and smooth pale flesh, my mouth watered and my fingers twitched. When he stretched upwards and his shirt lifted slightly to expose his muscular stomach and dark trail of hair.

Eyes still leaking, fingers still thick with blood and heart re-broken; I stood up wearily and studied my surroundings silently. I would have been shocked under other circumstances, but I found myself unable to have any reaction when a row of hospital beds came into view. They were made neatly with white bed sheets and pale blue blankets folded above them. Flasks of pumpkin juice lay beside the beds beside white, folded napkins among other things. The room in itself seemed to be a typical hospital wing, if it weren't for the numerous portraits hanging on the walls with paintings of famous doctors, nurses and physicians all of which were staring openly at me with their eyes wide.

I grimaced as I realised my mistake. I had just appeared in the middle of a room with a big burst of light then lay crying and bleeding, oblivious to the many eyes watching. I cursed under my breath before staggering into a painful walk, one hand supported by a bed frame and the other cradling my stomach gently.

I glanced once again at the many paintings gathered along the walls, gawking faces staring out at me. I grunted painfully before proceeding towards the wooden double doors at the opposite end of the room, ignoring the sting in my foot.

"I say!" a snobby male voice boomed from one of the portraits, "Where did you appear from? You cannot apparate in these wards; stop now, young girl!"

I ignored the demanding voice and just as I reached the door and placed my hand on my wand to open it, a searing pain pierced my body and I was sent sprawling on the ground, clutching my stomach.

Tears sprung to my eyes, spilling over and splattering on the marble as I bent over in agony. The pain came to a sudden stop, but before I could settle again I felt a cold trickle down my leg. My eyes snapped to the ground beneath my feet and widened as a thought struck me like a knife.

"My water's broken." I said, disbelief in my voice.

I heard a gasp from my wife followed by hurried female voices screeching, "Send for the nurses!"

I ignored the hum of voices and focused on blocking the sharp pains from my mind as the next sudden wave hit suddenly, making me gasp and my hands clench until my knuckles were white.

The flurry of white dresses made my head spin as numerous nurses and midwives surrounded me. Raised voices were heard as one nurse pulled her wand from her robes and levitated me to a hospital bed.

"I can't…be g-giving birth…" I tried to tell them, but my voice came in painful gasps and not even I could make sense of what I was trying to say.

This can't be happening, I panicked, I'm only five months along…this isn't right. What if she doesn't make it?

I silently begged with the nurses to save my child but a wave of nausea hit me and then blackness invaded my vision and thoughts.

21:56, St. Mungo's

20/03/19- -

Two hours later

When I woke I expected more pain. I was pleasantly surprised to find my nerves at peace. That is, until I remembered I had just given birth to a child with no father. I didn't even know if my baby was a boy or girl, or what they looked like or who they resembled more or even if they were safe or not.

I should have had my child in my arms, protecting him or her with my life as Tom couldn't do that now.

A tear escaped my eye but I wiped it away briskly before running a trembling hand through my hair and sitting up in the comfortable hospital bed.

I glanced around the room, my gaze lazy and exhausted. A small plump nurse hurried into the room, wiping her hands on her skirt before giving me a polite smile. She didn't strike me as very professional.

Another older and painfully thin lady soon followed behind, a stern expression on her face with sour pursed lips and almost non-existent eyebrows. This lady seemed to be carrying a bundle in her arms. As she drew closer to my bed, I realised this bundle was actually a baby. My breath caught in my throat and tears pricked my vision.

"A boy, Miss Granger, congratulations." The plump woman said just as the other arrived at my bedside and gestured for me to take him in my arms.

He weighed almost nothing. The child seemed to be sleeping, making no sound and eyes tight shut. His mouth rounded into a tiny 'O' shape as he yawned quietly, his little pick fist stretching out to clutch the fabric of my top. I lifted my hand hesitantly to remove the sheets from around the child to reveal a small crop of dark, fluffy hair on the top of his head.

Occasionally, his tongue peaked out from behind his lips and his arm and legs struggled slightly as he slept.

"Have you thought of a name, Miss Granger?" the plump nurse asked sweetly, her podgy eyes flickering from me to my son.

At her gaze I drew him closer to me, causing him to wave up and open his beautiful eyes. I was so transfixed that I almost forgot the nurse was waiting for an answer. I didn't bother answering.

His eyes were the deepest shade of brown with faint bolts of golden-hazel. His eyes reminded me of Tom's and soon I found myself clutching him to me as I cried over the man I loved with his child staring wide-eyed up at me.

"Excuse me, Miss, but you have a visitor" the nurse interrupted quietly.

My head snapped up and I quickly wiped the tears away before stealing a quick glance down at my baby. A small smile twitched at my lips and I planted a gentle kiss on his forehead when it finally occurred to me that this baby was the product of mine and Tom's love.

"Congratulations, Miss Granger" a cheerful and familiar voice said suddenly, snapping me out of my trance.

My hand flew to my mouth as I met a pair of eyes I never thought I'd see again after my return home.

"Professor Dumbledore! You're alive, oh thank Merlin!" I exclaimed, almost leaping out of bed to hug my Headmaster/

He smiled kindle, his eyes twinkling as I had always known them to do.

"I must thank you, Hermione, as must hamy others. You changed the time line; Lord Voldemort is so more." he announced in a gentle tone.

"Does that mean everyone is alive?" I asked eagerly.

Dumbledore chuckled quietly and took a seat beside the bed before nodding slowly and smiling.

You did it, Hermione, you changed the future, I thought, gazing happily down at my son.

"Your son has a keen resemblance to Mr Riddle, Hermione. I trust you have chosen a name?"

I was silent for a few moments, considering my answer.

There were those few suggestions made by Tom, but most of them hadn't been great suggestions…although until now I had been counting on our baby being a girl. I suppose it didn't really matter what I names him; Tom wouldn't be here to witness it anyway.

"Tom suggested a few names, but they don't really suit him now I think about it" I paused, thinking of possible names for my newborn child, names that didn't sound like I'd picked them from an Astrology encyclopaedia like Tom had.

"I like Toby" I answered, a small smile creeping onto my face as I gazed down at the baby's pink face, his eyes wide and lips pouting.

"A very nice choice, Hermione" Dumbledore smiled kindly, "but now, I'm afraid you must join me on a most important visit"

"If it requires me to leave Toby then I'll have to refuse, otherwise I'd be willing to go with you"

Dumbledore chuckled and shook his head, "No, toby is actually an important part of this visit, it is essential that you bring him with you"

I felt slightly uneasy about wherever he was planning on taking me. I was probably being stupid though- Dumbledore was as safe as a wizard could get and he wouldn't put me or my child in danger, not after everything we'd done to protect everyone.

"Ok, we'll come with you" I said, holding Toby out gently for Dumbledore to take whilst I lifted myself from the hospital.

I prepared myself to feel incredibly sore after giving birth as my mother had always told me as a child that when I was grown up, the greatest pain I would ever feel was not being run over by a truck but having to push an entire miniature human from my insides. After hearing that shocking information I vowed that I would never have children because it couldn't possibly be worth all that unnecessary pain. Never could I once have predicted that I would end up in a situation like this; knocked up by Lord Voldemort at eighteen!

When the time came to tell everyone, they probably wouldn't want anything to do with me anymore. I suppose I would be ok with that maybe- if no one was in our life then we couldn't get hurt by anyone. Tom had already made me realise that you don't live for anyone else but now I could have someone depend on me, need me to be with them, watch them grow up and go to school- to be the brightest wizard the world has ever known and live a full and happy life without the constant fear of death around the corner.

I wanted my child to learn from his mistakes and not just give up before trying again. Unlike most girls who fawned over Tom, I hoped that our child only inherited two things from him; his handsome looks and his excellent brains. With both our brains combined to create a child, he could be the most stunning wizard there ever was and with my guidance he would learn to use his intelligence for good and not abuse it like his father had once tried.

This child would start a new page of my new and danger-free life. This child would prove to Tom that I didn't require his constant presence. Of course, I loved him and I missed him but I had a new life to care for and dwelling on the past wouldn't get me anywhere.

Apparition was blocked in St Mungos so Dumbledore had to lead me through the endless corridors, one hand clutching his wand and the other cradling what seemed to be a vial of red liquid. I held Toby closer to my chest as curiosity spiked at my mind. I pushed the many questions to the back of my mind for the moment and decided that now was not the time to be bugging Dumbledore with questions he'd probably explain later anyway.

The marble walls were bare of any portraits as we walked further and further from my hospital bed and, I hoped, closer to our destination.

Toby soon became tired from being held in my arms for so long as we walked and closed his eyes slowly, quiet whimpers escaping his mouth as he slept. I smiled softly down at him before brushing the black crop of hair from his forehead and planting a soft kiss on his nose.

I was stopped short as Dumbledore suddenly came to an abrupt halt at two large double doors presumably leading to another wing of the giant hospital.

I glanced up at the ex-transfiguration teacher, slightly frustrated at how much time this little trip was taking so far.

Finally, he spoke.

"Hermione, I must prepare you for what you'll find on the other side of this door. It may alter the way you see your future…" he trailed off, an uneasy expression on his wrinkled face and concern in his eyes.

I gulped before answering quietly, "I am prepared for anything you decide to throw at me, Professor. I have had my fair share of shocks these past eight years"

I gave him a small smile before gesturing for him to open the doors. He nodded quietly before flicking his wand towards the doors which flew open with a gush of air.

Dumbledore inclined his head to let me know that I could enter the dimly lit room.

With my headmaster behind me and Toby in my arms, I crept forward hesitantly, my eyes nervously scanning the quiet room before they landed on a small bed in the far corner of the large room. I turned my head to look at Dumbledore. He understood and pointed over to the bed.

I cautiously made my way over to the foot of the bed where I could just make out the silhouette of a person wired up to a drip, bottles of potions lay scattered on a table beside the bed.

"Take a step closer please, Hermione" Dumbledore said quietly as the dim light suddenly brightened.

I did as I was asked and preceded to the space beside the bed and accio'd a chair.

The person shifted in his sleep, rolling far enough in m direction so I could catch a glimpse of his face. He wasn't anyone I recognised…he was an old man but seemed vaguely familiar. He seemed very peaceful, very vulnerable- vulnerability didn't seem to suit this man though.

"Dumbledore," I whispered, cradling Toby and speaking quietly so as not to wake the sleeping man, "I don't understand why you brought me here. Who is this man?"

His eyes scanned over my face before he walked steadily over to the opposite side of the bed and leant towards the man, lying still in the hospital bed. I could see Dumbledore's lips moving slowly, but my hearing couldn't quite pick up his words.

My hand flew to my mouth when the man's eyes suddenly flew open and he shot out of bed, his wand pointed straight at Dumbledore and a sneer on his lips. I immediately held Toby closer to my chest.

"Now, now. Hear me out before you try to curse me," Dumbledore said, obviously finding being threatened by another wizard amusing.

"Don't tell me what to do" the man hissed. His voice sounded familiar, as did his eyes, and attitude. My mind was probably just playing tricks on me. Honestly, I was so desperate to see him again that my mind was playing sick tricks on me now.

Dumbledore smiled kindly, his eyes cast down on the red vial in his hand. A devious sparkle appeared in his eyes and it didn't go unnoticed by the man.

"What is that?" he snapped.

"All in good time, Tom" Dumbledore muttered, his eyes flickering deliberately over at me just as a gasp tore through my lips and my crazy thoughts became true.

The man's head snapped in my direction, a sneer at his lips but when his eyes focused on my face his sneer faded and was replaced with shock.

"No…" I whispered, standing up abruptly, waking Toby. He began to wriggle in my arms and cry quietly but I didn't seem to process it as my eyes were glued to the old man before me whose eyes were also glued at me. A tear escaped my eye and I didn't bother to wipe it away.

Sparks were sent through my body when he whispered, "Hermione…" his voice faltering and tears also gathering in his eyes.

"Now," Dumbledore continued, ignoring our episode and taking a step towards the bed, "Tom I'm afraid you must drink this." His hand stretched towards Tom for him to take, and after unwillingly tearing his eyes from me he snatched at the vial and studied it carefully.

"What is it?" he demanded.

"Something I have been working on since Ms Granger entered Hogwarts as a first year," he answered, smiling kindly at me, "I realised what was connecting the past with the future, Hermione with Lord Voldemort. I knew that Hermione would leave for 1944 at the beginning of her seventh year and meet Tom Riddle, fall inevitably inlove with him and bear his child. How could I watch two of my best students crumple? I created this vial as a way to bring you to back together when Hermione returned to the future instead of you, Tom, dying as a 70 year old man and Hermione left in an entirely new world as a mother with the father of her child dead. This potion will give you your old youth again; you will return to your eighteen year old self."

I was speechless by the end of his explanation. I wanted to ram the potion down Tom's throat!

He nodded slowly, giving me one last glance before tilting the vial to his lips and emptying the contents. I stood still in silence. Even Toby was silent. The whole room was silent.

"I think I'll give you two some time alone, I'll be outside if needed" Dumbledore announced and disappeared outside leaving me, Toby and Tom.

The potion didn't seem to be working yet. I waited. I waited some more. We didn't talk. We just waited for him to change and just as I had begun to give up, the room was filled with such light that I had to cover mine and Toby's eyes.

The light faded soon after and my eyes immediately flickered to Tom.

And this time, it was Tom staring back at me with his dark, passionate eyes. His hair was as it had been, black and sleek- half hanging in his eyes. His lips were parted, such soft plump lip, his high cheek bones and soft, pale skin. I wanted to touch him, kiss him, and ravish him.

I wanted to feel his lips on mine, his warm sweet breath tickling my skin, his large gentle hands roaming all over my body as my fingers laced through his silk hair. I wanted him to hold me at night and whisper sweet nothings in my ear until I fell asleep. I wanted to hear him say he loves me and wanted to be with me. I wanted to be with him.

I took an unsteady step towards the bed, my legs in control and my brain fuzzy.

All I understood in those few moments was that I needed to be close to him, I needed him near me, and I needed him to love me. I had been wrong. I did need him in my life. Tom was like an addiction; I craved him.

Before I reached the bed, Tom suddenly jumped from his position in the hospital bed and leapt over to me, his hand rising to cradle my cheeks gently before quickly planting a long and beautiful kiss on my lips.

My head swam at the sensation of his lips on mine. The softness was overwhelming. I had never known Tom was capable of being so gentle.

He withdrew sooner than I had hoped, his eyes clouded slightly as they gazed into mine.

"I can't believe you're here…" he whispered, his voice like music to my ears.

"Neither can I" I replied, tears welling in my eyes before I could bite them back and a great sob erupted from my chest. "Oh, god I thought I'd never see you again.." I cried, still holding Toby with one hand and the other stroking his cheek softly, savouring the feel of his skin.

A small smile twitched at his lips before he placed another smouldering kiss on my forehead, "I've waited almost fifty years for you, Hermione. I'm not letting you go now" he replied, his voice faltering and tears gathering in his eyes.

"I-I'm s-so sorry I left you…I had t-to…I thought y-you wouldn't want m-me anymore" I chocked, leaning my forehead on his broad chest and my tears soaking through his shirt.

He wiped the tears from my cheeks silently.

"So, this is my son?" he asked gazing adoringly down at Toby.

I nodded quietly, holding him out gently for Tom to take. I would have felt uneasy about Tom holding our newborn child but at the moment I was filled with such happiness as Tom gazed down at his son and Toby gazed up at his father. A small, proud smile appeared on Tom's lips and Toby returned it with a gummy smile.

"I think he looks a lot like you" I said, my arms holding myself as I watched the scene unfold before me.

"Yes," he laughed, "I'll admit he does, although his eyes had flicks of hazel in them."

My heart swelled when Tom lifted his hand to hold Toby's, causing him to giggle and reach up to tug at Tom's hair. "I don't think so, son; you're not making me go bald" he chuckled.

"His name is Toby" I whispered, my eyes flickering over the two.

He nodded slowly, "I like that name; he looks like a Toby"

I laughed, "That's what I thought" taking a small step towards them and leaning down to lay a gentle kiss on our child's cheek. He smiled up at us, his eyes wide and curious.

We both grinned down at him and I soon realised what my purpose was in my mission. To fall inlove with Tom Riddle, and make our future and long and happy one.

"Tom" I whispered slowly, my eyes avoiding his, "I love you, still. Nothing had changed"

His eyes snapped up to mine, holding so much love and devotion I thought my heart would burst with happiness.

"I love you too, Hermione- more than you can imagine" he replied, his arm moving to wrap tightly around my waist to pull me tight against him with Toby between us. We must have looked like a typical family. But a happy one.

"We can be together now- as a family" Tom said, his eyes glued to mine, "I don't care about blood, I don't care about what other people think because that doesn't matter anymore; what matters most is that we're finally together, and we can be happy"

I smiled gently, leaning forward to capture his lips with mine.

"Yeah" I agreed, trailing my fingers down the contours of his smooth neck and back up to his soft hair.

Tom's smile matched mine as we held Toby closer to us and moved to the hospital bed where Tom held us both until we succumbed to sleep, my face buried into the crook of his neck, his lips pressed against my forehead and Toby cradled in our arms.

The End

I would just like to thank everyone who has been with me since I first published this story. All you faithful supporters have helped me so much, and without you I wouldn't have continued this story. I'm almost in tears now I've finished this story but I'm happy it's come to an end because that means no more unnecessary trouble for the lovely couple! Farewell people, and if you want to- have a little look at my other story "Running with wolves". Again, thank you everyone and I love you all very much!