Zeta stomped through the silent streets of Rapture. He felt… alone. He missed his daughter. Though she wasn't brilliant company, he had a bond with her. He craved for her. Her loving touch whilst others shied away, her caring gaze. Her understanding of him. Something ran down his cheek, and stopped on his lip. He licked it off and tasted the saltiness of it. What was it? His helmet popped up with a message. He read the words. Tears. He recognised the word. Humans cried. But, he, wasn't a human. How could he cry? Memories flashed through his head.

"Is the process ready?" a figure asked, but Zeta couldn't make him out as he struggled with the straps tying him down.

"Yes." another figure replied.

The light shone on the second figure, and he could see the man's face. Fontaine. The bastard.

"Fontaine, I'll kill you for this you asshole! Selling out your own family!" Zeta screamed, but this wasn't Zeta, this was a man.

His old self.

"Quit your screaming little brother. You should be proud to be part of Andrew Ryan's Big Daddy program." Fontaine shouted back in anger.

"Begin the process." the other man said, and he stepped forward into the light.

It was Andrew Ryan.

"I'll kill you! Both of you!" Zeta screamed.

Zeta felt a sharp pain course through his body as a needle was injected into his left arm. As the needle was extracted, he felt light-headed. His eyes felt heavy, and he struggled to keep them open.

"Are you sure of his crimes against Rapture?" Ryan asked, looking at Fontaine. "I would regret making an innocent man a Big Daddy."

"Yes." Fontaine lied.

Zeta knew he was lying. Could see it in his eyes. Andrew Ryan sighed as he pressed a button. Another needle jabbed into his neck, and he slumped unconscious when the needle was taken out.

Zeta roared as the memory ended. Fontaine was his brother. Zeta couldn't remember Fontaine's first name, yet felt as if he knew it.

"God Frank, do you have to be such a jerk?" Zeta asked, punching Frank lightly on the arm.

"Chill out bro." Frank sighed, smiling at Zeta.

They were children. They were best of friends. How the hell did everything go so bad? So wrong?

"Dad will kill us." Zeta sighed. "Look what you did to his suit, to make your… your… what did you make?"

"A pirate ship." Frank laughed, and showed him a nicely built toy pirate ship.

Part of their dad's suit used for the flag.

"That's actually really good." Zeta laughed, but stopped when he heard a door slam. "Aw jeez, he's back."

Zeta growled at the memory. How could someone who had been his best friend, his brother, turn him into this? What had Zeta done to make Frank hate him.

A roar came from behind Zeta, and he felt a fist slug him hard in the helmet. The vibrations reverberated through his skull as he slammed into a wall from the strength of the punch. Another punch connected with his visor, further splintering it, the glass cracking under the strength. Zeta ducked as a drill slammed into the spot where his head used to be. He looked up to see a Big Daddy roaring at him. Its eyes were red, and Zeta's eyes, well, eye-slot, turned red too.

The Big Daddy swung its fist at Zeta again, bur he was ready for it, and dodged it, before punching the Big Daddy in the chest. The breath shot out of the Big Daddy as it was winded, but it wasn't overly affected. Zeta slugged the Big Daddy on the helmet, the glass cracking as Zeta shoved his drill through the Big Daddy's stomach. The Big Daddy roared, and punched Zeta again. Zeta's visor splintered more, the glass caving in. Glass pierced his skin, and he roared, charging forward until he smashed into the wall, the drill going further through the Big Daddy.

The Big Daddy roared as it struggled to get off the drill. It smashed Zeta in the side of the head with its drill, and Zeta stumbled back, his drill sliding out of the Big Daddy, which slugged him the instant he recovered, before charging towards Zeta. The Big Daddy knocked Zeta into the wall, and went to shove its drill through Zeta's skull. Zeta moved his head just as the drill landed where his head used to be, kicking the Big Daddy's right leg. A sickening crunch echoed through the hall as the Big Daddy roared in pain. Zeta took his chance, and as the Big Daddy was crouched, slugged it in the side of its head with his drill.

The Big Daddy collapsed to the floor, struggling to get back up, as Zeta changed his drill to the Machine Gun. He aimed the Machine Gun at the struggling Big Daddy, preparing to put it out of its misery, when a fist clenched round the Machine Gun, and snapped it off. Pain instantly shot through Zeta from the Machine Gun being ripped off. Zeta roared at the Big Daddy as he changed his now ruined remains of a Machine Gun back to his drill. However, the Big Daddy was fast, and had knocked Zeta to the ground.

The drill began spinning, shattering the glass of Zeta's visor. The drill inched closer to his face, and he felt death only moments away. The drill pierced the skin, blood seeping from the wound.

"You fucking bastard!" Frank roared.

"I know everything. All the crimes you've done. I'm telling Ryan. You're going to prison for this." Zeta shouted back angrily.

"You'll pay! You'll pay!" Frank screamed as Zeta turned away.

They were young adults, probably 20. Something slammed into the back of Zeta's head, and he hit the floor unconscious. Frank dropped the lamp, and stared at the unmoving Zeta.

"Shit… did I kill him?" Frank gasped, bending down to check for a pulse.

Frank felt a pulse, and stood up, wiping his brow.

"Thank god. I wouldn't be able to live with having killed my brother." Frank sighed. "Wait. I can't let him wake up. He'll rat me out."

Frank growled.

"Either I kill him." Frank's face softened.

He couldn't kill his brother.

"Or I frame him for my crimes and get him turned into a Big Daddy." Frank said, and he smiled at that idea. "That bastard was always ranting on about those Big Daddies. Now he can be one."

Frank spat on Zeta's unmoving body, before walking over to the phone.

Zeta snapped back to reality as the drill pierced his skin. An unknown anger cascaded through him. He couldn't die and let his brother get off with what he'd done to Zeta. Zeta punched the Big Daddy in the head, and it stumbled back. Zeta was up, and slugged the Big Daddy again, denting the helmet. Zeta shoved his drill through the chest of the Big Daddy, and span the drill. The drill came out the other side and Zeta pulled it out as the Big Daddy struggled, collapsing onto one knee. Zeta roared in triumph, and slugged the Big Daddy.

Its head shot backwards from the force of the punch, its neck snapping. Its body fell backwards, and landed with a thud as Zeta struggled to stand. Pain coursed through him, and when he winced, more pain shot through him. Little glass splinters were embedded in his face, and they hurt like hell.

"Leo, you are accused of crimes against the welfare of Rapture. How do you plead?" Ryan asked.

"Not Guilty." Zeta, or Leo, as he was known, growled.

Leo glared at his brother, who sat in the prosecution area.

"He lies. He tried to get me to help him." Frank growled, standing up.

Frank had over twenty people, though they were all his goons, backing him up. Who did Leo have? He looked around, sighing at the emptiness of his area. It was his word against twenty-one others. No way could he win.

"For your crimes against Rapture, I sentence you to become a Big Daddy." Ryan commanded, and left the room.

Leo's eyes filled with shock as he looked at Frank. A tear streamed down his cheek as he stared at his brother. His best friend. Had effectively killed him. To become a Big Daddy was to lose your mind. Your soul. Your humanity. Leo screamed at Frank, who was laughing with one of his goons. He stopped laughing and looked at Leo, before giving his the V-sign, and walking out with his goons.

Leo recognised one of them. Arius Delta. He would get that scum of a bastard. He knew he would. Delta was second in command for Frank. Getting Delta would allow him to get Frank.

"Leo?" Zeta moaned, before smiling. "I like it. Though that is the old me. I am now Zeta."

Zeta had finally found out his name, and had rejected it. Part of him felt hurt at his rejection of his old name. Part of him felt sad, at the loss of his old life. He roared in anger. Who cared about the old life? This was now, that was then. He had to live in the present. He was no longer Leo. He was Zeta. Zeta roared again, and the roar echoed through the hall.