Disc: Not mine

The Book and Pregnant Wifey (part 2)

Prompt: I'm going to be a father!

Rating: T

Warning: It has been long time since the last time, it might be not as funny as before :p


He was going to be a father, wasn't that great? He would get a baby from the woman he loved. This would be a great experience for him. He shouldn't mess this up. He'd do anything to be a great father and husband, and for that he needed to prepare.

Being a father shouldn't be that hard. He was the famous Shinichi Chiaki, a genius man with nothing he couldn't do. He'd be a great father for his child, just like how he had been a great conductor for his orchestra and a great husband for his weird wife.

"You will need this!"

He frowned at the thing he just got from his not-so-best friend, Mine. It was a book. A quite thick book actually, he read the tittle and raised an eyebrow at it:

"Father for Begginer"

What kind of book is this?

He narrowed his eyes as he looked at that annoying smug grin on his face.

And why would I need this?

"Do you think I can't be a good father without help, huh Mine?" A thick vein popped on his forehead.

The violinist still grinned, "Just read that. I know you are really talented, Chiaki, but you never had been a father before. You don't have anyone to teach you." He pointed, "I know you won't ask to my daddy for teaching you..."

So my kid would grow up like you? No way!

"...that's why I give you the book." The tall blonde smiled, "C'mon, give this friend of yours some credit for this would you?"

And that was how he ended with this book. At first he didn't really hope much from this book. What to expect from a book from Mine? But appaprently, as soon as he opened the book to read it, be began to like the book.

Lesson one: "You can never be too protective about your baby and wife"

"Mukyaaaaa Shinichi, what are you doing?"

"I'm carrying you."

"But Nodame can walk!"

"And you can fall! You walk like a duck, but much clumsier! You could fall and harm our baby!"

Honestly, Nodame liked to be carried by her husband. She loved how he carried her everywhere in their house. But then he became intolerable.

"Gyabooooo! Why can't Nodame play piano!"

"You play too careless! Sloppy!"

"What? But babies need music! It helps their brain! Don't you read that in that book?"

"Yes but by the way you play it, you can only give the baby brain damage!"

And that was how Nodame decided to stop talking with his husband.

"I think maybe you should let Megumi-chan play the piano," Kuroki and his fiancee, Tanya came to visit them that evening. They witnessed with their own eyes how Chiaki overacted doing something he called "protecting his family", Kuroki, despite had no special feeling for the Japanese pianist anymore, was still having this caring feeling toward the younger girl, "She lookes upset..."

"You don't understand.." Chiaki sighed as he sat with the guests in the living room, he watched his wife who was sulking in the corner of the room with the corner of the place with the corner of his eyes, "I just want to protect her and the baby."

"But you are being overprotective." The Russian pianist rolled her eyes.

"I can't be too protective about my family." Chiaki stated coldly, "I read that from the book."

Tanya was just about to say something when Chiaki stood abruptly. She frowned as he walked to his wife who was just about to walk to the kitchen to get some drink.

"Nodame, what had I told you about kitchen, bathroom and stairs! Those places are too dangerous!"

The blonde pianist exchanges meaningful glances with her fiance. Kuroki, as concerned as his fiancee could only raise his shoulder. They couldn't interfere.

Tanya sighed, "Can't he be more relaxed? It wasn't him who carry the baby around!"

Lesson Two: "You can never be too prepared for a baby"

"Shinichi, I would be happy to be your replacement for few months, I have heard the reputation of R*S-orchestra and I am interested to perform with them."

Chiaki sighed, he relieved that the older man agrees to help him. At first when he called him tonight he expected he would declined, afterall the older conductor was supposed to be quite busy, "Thanks Jeanne, apparently the other conductors I knew are really busy... I have asked Katahira but he is really busy with the new orchestra and the members won't like it if I ask Matsuda to replace me again..."

"I am happy to help you, but if I may know why do you need me to replace you? Do you have other job to do?"

"Not really, actually I have canceled all of my job for this few months.."

"And why are you doing so?"

Chiaki could tell that the popular conductor was wondering about his reason, he smiled as he used his shoulder and cheek to hold the phone because his hands were busy with his new 'bible'.

"You know, my wife's pregnant."

"Eh congratulation!" Said Jeanne sincerely happy for his rival, he however had just become a daddy himself ten months ago, "The first kid is one of the best thing ever happens to our life."

"I know." Chiaki almost chuckled, the thought of himself becomes a daddy always successfully turned him a little out of character.

Chiaki was lucky that Jeanne understood his reason and after he learned the reason why Chiaki asked for his help somehow he became even more eager to help. Unfortunately, a certain young pianist seemed like did not understand to his reason. This young pianist happened to be his very own wife.

"Nodame doesn't understand why do you stop conducting." Nodame, 24 years old was known for "loving" her husband to the level where people dare to call her "excentric". But somehow, even for her deep love, she felt that her husband's action had made her uncomfortable. Sure she liked to be with him, but to be with him and to be watched over 24 hours are two different cases. She felt like she had been treated like an incapable woman. It was a disaster because Nodame and freedom had always come in one package, and now her freedom had been limited. That, and that crazy hormones, she was ready to blow.

"Why don't you go to your cousin's balet's performance?"

Chiaki stop reading the book to look at his wife who laid, half sat, next to him on their king sized bed. He smiled, "I can watch it next year. She had a performance every year, Nodame.."

"Yes, but you never missed it before, Shinichi..." Nodame frowned, she crossed her hands above her now large belly and made a face. She blew her cheeks, "You never leave house anymore."

Chiaki sighed, he loved his wife. He never really showed it when they were "dating". But now that they were married and plus the fact that she was pregnant with his child, he had no reason to hide his love anymore. It was still hard to show his affection in public, but Chiaki sure had no problem to show all of it when they were alone. Especially when they were in their bedroom like now.

He patted her head lovingly, "Nodame, it's our first kid, I want to be there when your due... I don't want to miss my child's birth.."

Nodame, who had been suffering from all the piano restriction, low blood pressure, and baby kickings, couldn't help herself not to shout at her lovely husband, "I'm just seven months pregnant, senpai! There're still seven weeks! You can just go anywhere you want at least until two weeks before the due!"

Chiaki just raised an eyebrow before back to his book. It was normal for a pregnant women to be histeric. That was what the book told him and it was right, again.

Lesson three: "You can't have sex with your wife during pregnancy"

There was a big vein popped out on his face. Shinichi Chiaki was pissed off. And weirdly, Nodame has a good feeling about this. She followed her beloved husband to his working space, watching him calling someone with his cellphone. He was talking in French but of course she understood it, fortunately for her.

"So is that true?"


Chiaki sighed he pinched the bridge of his nose, he needed to ask, "During the pregnancy, is that true that you can't have sex?"

The other man thought for a second before asked him back, "Who tell you that?" He chuckled, "Well that's not right.. You can have it, as long as..."

"Hah I'm right!"


"This book is stupid!"

"What book?"

"Well, thank you Jeanne."

And that was how the book ended up in the trash bin.


It was the next day when Nodame saw his husband read a new book in his work space. She read the tittle of the book:

"Safe Sex during Pregnancy".


Yes this is me, Recchinon. :) sorry for my lateness but I have warned you before, I was just not in the mood of humor. Even now I'm not in the mood for humor, that's why this fic maybe not so funny. But at least it's longer than usual, right?

For all of you who add me on facebook or follow me on twitter, I'm sorry if I spam you with some mellow status lately. I am just feeling a little down. I'm really sick lately and my condition is not really good. But whatever the reason it's not a reason for me to affect the fics with my foul mood, so if you are friend with me on fb/twitter ignore my statuses if it disturbed u kay. :)
