Sorry for the late update.. I was surprised when I got a message asking when I'll update O.o so yeah, I'm updating now..

Oh yeah.. IT'S THE END!! THE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEND!!!!!! O.O I can't believe it!!! Lol my first fanfiction is finished!! WOOT!!

Thanks to all those who supported me and reviewed! I hope you enjoyed this story! Please don't label me as "dead" cuz I still have The Love Note ongoing LoL

Annnnd.. sorry if you don't like this chapter even though it's the end.. I'm ready to admit that I'm not good with endings O.o


How the Pawn Became the King's Queen

Chapter 21: The First Step Taken To Be Queen

My mind is in a rumble and I felt like fainting.

Natsume pinched my cheek. "I won't marry you if you faint."

I rolled my eyes. "As if I care."

He smiled, but it just showed his annoyance. "What did you say?"


Tch! A couple went up to us with "Congratulations" leaving their mouths. I faked a smile and shook hands with them.

"Have you found Hotaru yet?" I hissed at Natsume.

He snickered. "What are you talking about? Aren't you Hotaru?"

"Quit saying nonsense and answer my question."

He was silent for a second. "She left a note at Trident. She's never coming back. Don't worry. She's happy somewhere with Ru.." He paused. "..With some bald monk. So you're going to be princess all you want. You're going to marry me and you're going to rule this kingdom. "

I stared at him for a second. "You're kidding.. right?"

"Do I look like I am?" he wasn't looking back at me, but at the wine instead. "Do you like wine? Some cost billions for a since bottle, you know? It's magical, really. Wines taste better when it's older. It's really unlike relationships. I think relationships taste the most delicious when it's still fresh."

"Hey, don't change the topic. What's with wines anyway? It's not like I drink wine. And how did wine become relationships? You think relationships are made out of grapes?"

"It's a wonder how your brain works sometimes," he replied, chuckling. "And no, relationships aren't made out of grapes. They're made out of two people who outrageously love each other.." He bent closer to me and smiled. ".. Like you and me."

I scowled. "You are so much more disgusting today than normal."

I looked at the engagement ring on my finger and sighed. What did I do to deserve this? Life is so unfair. When I thought I was going to marry a king, loving, handsome, and perfect prince, I was betrothed to this arrogant prince instead. I glanced at him. He was shaking the hand of some official. He noticed me looking at him. He grinned and winked at me. I sighed once again. But maybe he isn't so bad after all…




The soldiers hurriedly came inside. Tsubasa asked, "What's wrong?"

"There are rebels attacking the southern side of the kingdom. The people are in panic and their houses are being burned by the rebels."

"EH? But didn't we prison those rebels last time?"

The door opened once again and in came a beautiful armed lady. Tsubasa cringed at the sight of her. He was king yet he was scared of the queen. He felt ridiculous.

The lady shouted, "DID I HEAR RIGHT!? THE REBELS HAVE ATTACKED AGAIN!? WHAT BOLDNESS THEY HAVE!! ALRIGHT! LET'S SHOW THEM OUR STRENTH!" Misaki started leading the soldiers when she spotted Tsubasa grasping the throne tightly, his eyes full of dread. Misaki walked up to him and started dragging him by the ear.

"EHH!? MISAKI! IT HURTS!!!!" Tsubasa cried out.

Misaki just laughed evilly. "Now, aren't you ashamed? You're king yet you're getting dragged by the queen!!!"

Meanwhile, the soldiers whispered to each other of how sweet and loving their king and queen were.


Ruka woke up in a whim. He didn't want to go to work yet but if he didn't, he knew Hotaru would chase him to the depths of hell. He can't believe he's being treated like this by a girl. He was thinking of marrying a sexy girl who takes care of him yet strong enough to take a whole group of mobs just to protect him. But marrying a girl like Hotaru, he never expected. Whenever he gets his salary, Hotaru takes it away from him and leaves him with just enough to get by through the hardships of life. He was thinking maybe he was actually just dreaming, and when he wakes up he'd find himself in bed with a beautiful woman. He pinched his cheeks and shouted in agony. Every morning, this has been his routine. Wake up, think about what he deserves, hopes he's dreaming, pinch himself, and shout in agony.

I heaved a sigh and prepared himself for the day that lay ahead. When he climbed down the stairs, he was surprised by the balloons and the cute designs all over the house. There were dolls in the corner and teddy bears on the other. The room was full of the color pink and for a second, he thought he was in another house.. no, maybe even in another planet. But there, in the middle, stood his oh so beautiful wife, Hotaru. She's not smiling, of course. She never smiled.

Suddenly, Ruka saw something that could make the earth tremble. She smiled. Tried, actually, showing her teeth. Can't imagine it? Try imagining a horse smile. THAT is how she smiled. Ruka burst out laughing.

"Hey, why are you laughing!?" Hotaru asked. "And after all this effort and money I spent to celebrate your birthday, you just laugh at it!?"

RUka was surprised. Hotaru was very strict with money and now, she just spent so much money for him. FOR HIM. He smiled at her. "Thank you."

Hotaru blushed. "Really! Let's just eat already."


When I woke up early in the morning, I couldn't get my eyes off the person sleeping next to me. No, it wasn't because Natsume was handsome. It was because he was sleeping next to me.

"!!!!!" I pushed him off the bed.

He woke up, rubbing his eyes. "Hey, what's wrong with you? It's so early in the morning and you're already so noisy. What are you? An alarm clock?"

Ignoring his question, I asked him, "Why are you sleeping beside me!?" Suddenly, I remembered why. I blushed. Last night.. we……

"Huh?" He looked at me for a moment then grinned. "Oh.. you were so cute last night."

Suddenly, the maids came inside the room. "You highness, what's wrong!?" Seeing Natsume and I together in the same room, they all shrieked. "FINALLY! WE'LL HAVE A PRINCE OR A PRINCESS TO TAKE CARE OF SOON!!!!"

My jaw fell hard on the ground. "Hey.. this is wrong.. A misunderstanding!"

But before I could explain, they were already running around the castle, shouting out loud the news.

Natsume stood up. I looked away, noticing that he was naked. I covered myself with the blanket. Natsume snickered, seeing my reaction. "What's there to lie about? You were even the one who told me you were already ready. Oh well, I guess I have to read books about how to take care of babies now. I can't just leave all the work to you or else our child might grow to be an idiot."

"HEY! Even I know how to take care of a baby!"

"Oh? So you're ready? That's good. All you have to do is change the napkin, feed him, play with him, bathe him, clothe him, and I'll do the rest."

"That's like telling me to do everything!!!"

Natsume grinned. "Just kidding. Don't worry. I'll help you. Then maybe, there would be a 50% chance that the child will turn into a genius."

I blushed. "Yeah right."

Suddenly, Natsume grabbed me, pulling me closer into a warm kiss.

Such a warm kiss that made me think… maybe things might have ended much better, but I guess things couldn't have ended much happier than now.



This story was supposed to stop before the "after 5 years" thing.. there was supposed to be a sequel but I don't have the will to write a sequel for this anymore, so I'm ending it like this.. some of you may have question so please private message them to me.. I accept hate mails and fan mails(O.o) too.

Hope you enjoyed! Please REVIEW ;) (and check out my other stories)