Green Eyed Twin Ch.1
I read the last paragraph of The History of Hogwarts even more intrigued to pack my bags and leave, and why couldn't I go you ask? Was I too young? No. Kicked out? No. My parents don't want me to go? Yes. Apparently Hogwarts isn't 'safe' which makes no sense at all because here in The History of Hogwarts it clearly states all the safety precautions taken, but will they listen to me? Nope.
I'm a stubborn sixteen year old, I have green eyes, and straight black hair. I have the two almost-best parents in the world (the almost because they won't let me go to Hogwarts) called Mary and Ben Walker, very plain-Jane, which is funny because my name is actually Jane Walker, how can it get any more dull?
I've been home schooled for five years, and I am not enjoying it at all, I find it to easy and want to do something more adventurous than 'Find the Hidden Potion on the crossword" kind of thing, so lately I've been trying even harder to convince Mary and Ben, but it hasn't worked.
I look at my new silver watch, which not only tells the time but the primary problem on my mind at the moment, it showed 'school', waiting for my owl Sasha to bring my Daily Prophet, my only entertainment these drab summer days. When I finally saw the black blur get larger and form into a completely black owl, I stood up and untied the newspaper from Sasha's thing foot. I opened the bent paper and stared at all the warning sings from The Ministry Of Magic about the Death Eaters and some instructions, but what most caught my eye was the giant picture of Harry Potter across the front page. There was something so familiar about it, and it had nothing to do with his looks. I took a quick glance at his green eyes but just shook my head and threw the Daily Prophet in the trash trying to ignore my crazy thoughts.
I woke up the next day exhausted as if I hadn't slept at all, so I decided to doze off into sleep again when,
"Happy Birthday!" Mary and Ben shouted in unison breaking my peace, i swore in my head and turned to stare at my parents, Mary's messy brown hair and blue eyes staring intently at me and Ben's blond hair and brown eyes wandering all over my messy room.
"Thanks," I said (In my mind very sarcastically) while getting up to hug them.
We all sat in the large kitchen table while I stared blankly out my window,
"What would you like for breakfast?" Mary asked, I shrugged,
"Anything I 'spose" I responded grabbing a piece of toast,
"Actually I'm good," I said starting to get up while eating the perfectly burnt bread,
"Aren't you going to open your presents?" Ben asks while reading The Quibbler
"Oh, Right," I had almost forgotten it was my birthday.
I head to my living room where a table full of presents lays, I should be excited but to be honest I always get the same things: new clothes, new magical gadgets, new books, ad blah, it gets repetitive. I reluctantly reach for the first present when the doorbell rings making me forget about my pile of presents and head to the door.
When I open the door I'm surprised to find a short chubby man, when he sees me he smiles and puts his hand out,
"Cornelius Fudge, Minister of Magic," he says very professionally,
"Jane Walker," I respond shacking his hand firmly.
"Just who I was looking for, may I come in?" Wondering why the Minister of Magic would come to our house I node numbly following him to the living room where the pile of presents still await I sigh and look away staring at Mr. Fudge with curious eyes. When sits in the couch I sit in front of him my parents standing closely behind me looking at each other worriedly.
"I suppose it's your birthday?" he asked, I nod,
"I don't know how to say this exactly but Mary and Ben aren't your real parents," I'm not all that surprised (I mean I look nothing like either of them) just a little upset they wouldn't tell me,
"Who are they then?" I ask, probably some poor family that had no way of taking care of me and gave me away to Ben and Mary here who are very wealthy and can support me easily,
"James and Lilly Potter," I laugh at his response,
"Seriously!?" I say laughing even louder and when no one joins in I stop,
"They died, as you may know, because You-Know-Who murdered them" wait he is serious?
"Wait is this bloody true!" I say reaching a scream, he nods slowly, while I see the meaning of this,
"Then, doesn't that mean Harry Potter is my brother?"
"Twin brother," corrects me while I turn to stare at Ben and Mary ready to bombard them with questions, but before I can say anything Cornelius Fudge looks at me and says,
"And your name is actually Victoria Potter."
Well get that for a birthday present.