Author's Note: Waaahh, I feel so guilty for writing this first and starting another multi-chapter story before updating In medias res, but actually, I wrote this a long time ago, and I only recently came back to it and edited it. Um, there's some swearing and suggestive content and stuff, so I rated it T. No ownage of Code Geass though I did just buy a Season 1 Code Geass Limited Edition DVD Box ~ yay. Anywho, I might not update this for a long while. I want to see what peoples' reactions will be to this first chapter before making any future plans. With that said, reviews are VERY much appreciated~! Thanks for reading - until next time~



My head's pounding, and there's that repulsive aching between my legs that frankly, I've gotten really used to feeling in the morning. But, seriously…it does get tiring…the same routine, day in and day out…

Where'm I today?

My eyes are closed, and even before I open them, I can feel the heaviness weighing them down which could only mean a long, drunken night. Of course, I'm right. Spending sixteen friggin'-long years with this stupid person gets you quite well-acquainted with her…that is, me.

I roll to the edge of the bed, hearing it creak underneath as I shift. Long, green hair falls over my shoulder and covers up my face but is pointedly ignored. Why would I want anybody to see my face, anyways? It is the face of a whore.

Groaning, I shut my eyes tighter. I know what I'm going to see when I open them. Some stranger's messed-up room with faded posters hanging on the wall, my clothes (and his) on the cheap, dirty floor, and some naked guy lying next to me. Yeah, what a sight, huh? Something every sixteen-year-old girl wants to wake up to. Then again, I guess it is kinda my fault, but…whatever.

Something (or rather, somebody) moves around under the covers next to me, and I quickly pull away when I feel his leg brush up against mine.

Better get up and scram before he does…

And that's what I do. Opening my eyes, the first thing I see is my cell phone lying haphazardly on the small bedside table a few feet away. Quickly, I flip back the covers, and a blast of cold air greets me.

"God dammit," I mutter, wrapping my arms around my small body and forcing my hands under my armpits for warmth. I couldn't even remember what happened last night. That's probably because of the disgusting mix of cheap beer, cigarettes, coke, and unsalted peanuts in my mouth, the cigarettes taste probably from swapping spit with the guy next to me.

It's not long before I slip back into my jeans, black t-shirt (with the word "REBELLION" in huge emo font on the front), and ratty leather jacket (which I'd stolen from the last guy I woke up with).

I don't even take a look at the guy before I'm outta there. That sorry excuse for an apartment smells like a port-a-potty, for God's sake, and I need to get my head together. I don't notice it at first, but I am so totally hung-over. My head's killing me; it feels like a thousand pins were stabbed into my brain by some manic, blind acupuncturist. I take a look at my cell phone for a minute, squinting my eyes because of the hall's dim, cheap lights, and notice that it's…2 PM?!

Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit...!

I'm late! My boss is going to have MY HEAD if I don't show up again. At the same time, there's an annoying little notice at the bottom of the super small screen which I just can't force myself to ignore. Apparently, someone called and texted me.

Flipping the cover up, I hurriedly press into the menu and "Last Calls" section. By now, I'm running down the stairs, no scratch that, flying down the stairs and wondering why the heck this building has to have fifteen floors.


Kallen Kozuki
June 24, 8:24 pm

Kallen Kozuki
June 24, 9:00 pm

Kallen Kozuki
June 24, 10:02 pm

Kallen Kozuki
June 24, 10:13 pm

Kallen Kozuki
June 24, 10:32 pm

Kallen Kozuki
June 24, 10:42 pm

Kallen Kozuki
June 24, 10:56 pm

Kallen Kozuki
June 24, 10:57 pm

…And so the list continues until about one this morning.

"God, Kallen!"

I am literally going to bite her head off when I see her tonight, littering my phone with 30 missed calls, 12 unheard messages, and 16 text messages. Hey, doesn't she know I DON'T have a text-messaging plan!? How in the world does she think I could afford one? The only reason I have a cell phone is so I don't get totally screwed over some day and killed. With the people, I'm around sometimes, that's definitely a possibility especially after that one time –

No, I am not revisiting that memory again. Let's just say I learned my lesson the hard way.


Yeah, I've got a "potty mouth" or whatever you wanna call it, but I can't help dropping the "F-bomb" when I notice that I got here in his rundown, old car, and mine's nowhere in sight.

"How the hell am I supposed to get to work now?"

Work. Argh. I HATE my job. It sucks. I'm not saying that because I've had it for a while, and it's gotten boring or anything. It literally sucks eggs. I mean, who wants to be stuck behind a goddamn greasy fryer for nearly six or seven hours a day, dealing with obese customers and spoiled, lil' brats? Heck, I know I don't.

While I'm freaking out, I can't help but notice the huge, looming building in the far distance. Living in Los Angeles, CA does have its pros even though I never get to enjoy them and seem to be stuck with the cons. For example, L.A.'s got great scenery. Then, there's me who's, right now, stuck on the corner of Loser Lane and Hobo Boulevard trying to find a damn taxi. That's hard to do when the corner you're on is nearly deserted, and I mean deserted. You wouldn't find a rat unless you walked a mile north, and even then, it'd be a dead one.

Alright, so because I'm a person just brimming with positivity, let's look at the pros. Well, I can just barely see the BK Casino off in the far, far distance which I've always admired. Even though I've never actually stepped foot in it, I've seen the high-class people that walk in and out, and I always…well, I always daydream about 'em. Wouldn't it be nice? To be rich for once? Right now, though, I'm too far away to be completely entranced by it, so I'm not distracted and still freaking out.

Stomping around back and forth on the cracked pavement gets pretty tiring after about – oh, I don't know – half an hour?

"I need this job…"

And I mean that. God, sometimes, I feel like breaking out in tears of self-pity…but I'm C.C., and C.C. definitely doesn't cry.

So, like all those times before, I mentally slap myself. Get a grip on yourself, C.C.! You always make it through, don't you?

Not this time you won't.


I hate my conscience or inner-voice or whatever you wanna call it. Doubt's probably the best word to describe it, but I'm so messed up most of the time that I don't seem to notice it. Maybe that's why I drown myself in all this crap, so I won't notice it.

Whatever. I gotta focus on getting a ride to work. I run a thin hand through my unwashed green locks. As I see it, I've got a few options here. I can either kill myself (pretty extreme option there), wait around for another thirty minutes to see if a taxi'll comes around, or go groveling back to that-that guy and ask for a ride. Too bad I never learned how to hotwire a car.

"Lookin' for something, C.C.?"

Speak of the devil…

With an exasperated sigh, I turn my head to look over my shoulder, and there he is, Mr. Naked Guy himself. Well, not anymore. He's in some tacky, white suit, and there's this pair of purplish headphones around his neck. And the hair! It's stark white with a few bangs sticking out at an awkward angle to the side. Shaking my head, I mutter, "Boy, I must have been really…"

Trailing off, I cross my arms over my chest, not really appreciating that lecherous look of his. How old's he? 22? I'm pretty sure that's illegal somewhere, but then again, I do a lot of illegal things…


What's his name again? I frown, my eyes reaching the pair of keys in his hands.

"Mao," he chirps happily, grinning idiotically at me.

"Mao," I confirm and shrug my shoulders. "Yeah, a ride'd be nice."

It's pretty obvious I'm uncomfortable taking a ride with this guy, but he's completely oblivious and goes off about how beautiful I'm looking today.

This guy's…really…weird.

I'm staring at him like he's crazy, and he does not get the hint at all. He's making all these elaborate hand gestures as he's walking to the car, and I have half a mind to take my chances with running to work. Biting my lower lip, I hesitate.

Aw, what the heck. Shrugging it off like I usually do, I follow him and get into the passenger seat up front. He's still looking at me like I'm his possession or something, like he's a little kid who's just got a new toy. I ignore his stare and deliberately avoid looking at him by focusing my eyes on a nearby pothole. At the same time, I'm messaging my temples and trying to tone down the migraine, but it's not working, and I blame that on the canary at my ear.

It's only when I'm about to scream that he actually asks me where I'm going.

"Where to?"

God, what's with his voice? He even sounds like a little, excited kid. "Uh, the nearest Rebellion Burger joint."

"Oh, is that where you work, C.C.?"

He's leaning closer to me as though expecting a kiss or something. I am trying so hard not to slap him…

"Yeah," I answer curtly and shift closer to the door. "Just drive, okay?"

"Anything for you, C.C."

I hate hearing him say my name.

It's not long before we arrive. The little place is a pigsty, but its burgers are apparently really popular. Even though I've worked there for nearly two months now, I've never actually eaten off the menu. Trust me, when you know how they make and cook that stuff, you wouldn't want to either. Plus, why would anyone want a burger when they can get a pizza with matching Cheese-kun napkins instead?

The OPEN sign's practically falling off of the door, the paint's chipping, and the roof is in shambles. I keep telling the manager that maybe he'd get more customers if he fixes up the place, but he keeps forgetting or something. Don't get me wrong, Ohgi's a great guy, but he's just too indecisive sometimes. It makes me wonder how he even got promoted to manager in the first place.

As soon as we stop, I kick open the door and am out of the car. The entire ride here, Mao was talking about how I was a special girl and how he wanted to treat me to nice things. He also mentioned his "house in Australia", but I'm pretty sure he's just mental. Pulling the jacket closer about my thin frame, I hurriedly walk into the burger place, pretending not to hear him when he shouted, "I love you!"

Seriously, it was just a one night stand!

I yawn. It's slower than usual in here, and I'm still hung-over.

Bringing my wrist around, I glance aloofly at the digital face of my Cinderella watch and, heaving a dramatic sigh, lean heavily against the counter. I'm resting against my forearm, trying to keep my forehead from dropping onto the table. I feel like dirt, and I haven't eaten all day – no appetite.

"Five..ooooo…clooooooooocccckkk," I drawl, and my shift doesn't end 'til, like, seven. Well, really, that kinda depends on the person who takes over after me, and he's a complete idiot. I don't think you can find someone who's more of an idiot even if you went around the entire world asking random people really quickly, "Idiot says what?" and seeing if the other person says "What?" Anyways, Tamaki always gets in late. It's not like Ohgi makes me stay until he gets here or anything, but I always feel bad if I don't. So, I might be stuck here until eight which is around the time he decides to stop whoring around and get his scrawny butt into work.

I yawn again, and I've almost fallen asleep standing up when I notice someone at the door, and the little bell system at the top pings! to tell me I'm right. I wince because the sound just sent a jolt of pain through my head. It's a little girl and her…brother…or boyfriend or something. Huh. Never seen them in here before.

"Are you sure you want to eat here, Nunnally? It's not…very healthy, and I'm sure Lelouch wouldn't mind cooking something for you when we-"

"No, Suzaku. I don't want to bother Brother. He's already so busy with the casino-"

My ears perk up. Casino?

"-and I just don't want to be a nuisance." The girl places her hands into her lap and looks up at the guy – Suzaku? – and smiles.

The first thing I think? She's too MOE. Argh, too cute even if she is stuck in a wheelchair.

Second thing? Judging from their appearance (and what the guy just said) they aren't the kind of people to stop for a burger often, and the casino bit really caught my attention. I wish I could ask more, but it's not really my place, and I just kinda chew on my bottom lip, waiting for the girl to make up her mind and order.

"Oh, no. You're not a nuisance, Nunnally. You know Lelouch loves you very much."

"I know, Suzaku, and that's why I don't want to bother him with little things because I love him too."


I can't help but crack a little smile, my first one in…years, really.

The so-called Nunnally giggles after a few minutes of looking at the menu. "Well, now that I think about it, I've never actually had a hamburger…or fries, for that matter. Brother always cooks my meals…what would you suggest, Suzaku?"

The guy with brown hair looks dubiously at the charts plastered on the wall, and he makes a face that's between disgust and mortification. Yeah, that's what I thought when I first started working here too.

"Uh, Nunnally…"

"Hm, I want to try the cheeseburger…and the fries too. Maybe a milkshake also; I haven't had one of those in a while. And-and maybe a few cookies?"

She taps a finger against her chin in contemplation before tilting her head up and asking, "Um, Suzaku? Can you order now? I'm a little hungry…"

"Oh, sorry, Nunnally."

He leans against the handlebars, and the wheelchair creeps forward. I can't believe I didn't notice it before, but it's a really nice wheelchair. All pink and frilly and nice and everything. Gawd, filthy stinkin' rich people…

"Hello, uh, Miss…" he pauses and leans forward a bit, squinting at my nametag. "C.C.?"

You know, it really isn't that weird of a name. I nod once. "Yup, that's me. What would you like?"

Ready to type out the prices as soon as he orders, my fingers are poised over the keys of the cash register like the expert cashier I am (-sarcasmsarcasm-) when I notice, out of the very corner of my eye, Kallen waving and smiling like she's high through the opposite window. It's the happiest I've ever seen her in a long time, so naturally, I assume she's gotten a new boyfriend or something. I ignore her, thinking she'll go away after a couple of seconds, but she doesn't.

She comes screeching around the corner, bursting through the door (ping!) and crashing into the counter, pushing the guy ("Hey!") out of the way in the process.


Lucky bitch.