Unnoticed: Okay, people this is really the end. I'm serious! Cross my heart and hope to die!! I added a bit of drama here. I hope you like it!!!

To be honest I was planning to update on April 10 after I came home from my camp but my friend berated me and told me to update now. She's the same friend who keeps berating me about the many things I should do in writing a fanfic. She's really a busybody but she's great. XP

Okay, now I present to you the really last chapter of What Are You Planning?

I don't own FMA… :sulks:

Still in Havoc's POV

The 'priest' was about to finish the ceremony. The 'priest' opened his mouth and spoke. "You may kiss the-…" But he was rudely interrupted.

A young woman barged in and started shrieking. "WAIT!!WAIT!!!WAIT!!!"

The priest stopped and stared. Edward and Roy turned around and stared. Everyone looked at the crazy woman and stared. Me? I preferred to glare. Because I recognized that shrilly voice, that stupid grin, that malicious green eyes, that blonde hair that is obviously fake, that hideous taste in clothes.

I don't want to name her. Her name doesn't deserve to be known. But I knew her all right. She was the same bitch who had the balls to insult Edward in front of me and Riza. The rumors state that she was the one who started the "Insult Edward Elric Group" and I won't be surprised if that rumor is real. And if I recall correctly she was the first one that Roy snapped at… if you get my drift… She's really an idiot.

Up to know, it still surprises me how desperate people can get. I mean, if she wanted to stop the wedding she should have done that when the 'priest' asked if there were any objections to the couple's marriage. And she was late. So, in retrospect, she doesn't have the right to stop the wedding.

I'll never forget what she did.

"Hey, everybody!! Stop this wedding right now! Because Roy-kins belong to me!" She sounded so cheerful and sickly sweet that it made me want to puke.

"Why are you here?" Roy glared at the girl and his hands were balled into fists.

"Why my sweet Roy!!! How can you forget?!?! I'm your first fiancé! So I have the right to stop this wedding because you promised that you would marry me first!"

Edward looked confused. Roy looked angry. Everyone looked shocked. I had to remain calm. Me and Riza exchanged glances. The cold fury in her eyes were mirrored in mine. I just wanted to kill that girl then and there.

"When did I say that?" Roy's voice was cold his eyes filled with hatred.

The girl had the sense to flinch but she just kept on going.

"Awww… I can't believe you forgot it already! Do I need to remind you? Fine then, I will!" With a sick and twisted sweet smile she pulled out a tape recorder and raised it high for everyone to see. She pressed play.

"Will you marry me?" I froze, that was Roy's voice!!! Everyone stared at the tape recorder. I couldn't believe it! It was Roy's voice.

"Of course I'll marry you!!! But what about your lover?"

"Elric? No, I couldn't possibly marry him! He is an immature kid with a loud mouth! I was just leading him on! His automail bothers me every time we make love. He is short and he calls me Bastard Führer all the time!! How can you love some-…"

I guess Riza decided enough was enough because with her expert marksmanship she shot the tape recorder to destroy it.

The woman screamed and then she laughed freakishly. "Oh well!!! It's okay!!! Because I now revealed the truth!!! What do you say Mr. Edward Elric? Just give my Roy back to me and go back to where you crawled out from!!!"

Roy was furious. He was about to lunge at the woman but Ed stopped him with an arm. His eyes were hidden from view so you couldn't see his expression. Edward walked forward. Going closer to the crazy bitch and getting farther away from Roy.

"Ed!!! You can't possibly believe her!!!"

"You know, Roy, the people I hate the most are those who lie big time."

"But Ed!!! I was telling you the truth! I love you!!" One Roy Mustang shouted desperately at one Edward Elric.

Everyone was shocked into silence at this new turn off events. Nobody spoke and watched in confusion as the scene played in front of them. Though I could see the hatred starting to show in Alphonse's eyes… We stood there in tense silence.

Ed faced Roy and my eyes widened at the emotion on Ed's face.

Edward was…

Ed was…

He was…

He was grinning. "Who said you were the one lying Roy?"

Then, Ed clapped his hands and slammed it on the floor. Ed made the floor make a wave making the woman scream and trip.

I smiled and threw Roy his gloves which he caught and immediately wore.

As if on cue, everyone suddenly sprang into action. The bitch screamed, clumsily stood up and ran as fast as she can while dodging the many things that were sent in her way. Fire, alchemy made earth spikes, wrenches, bullets, apple pie and even flowers. Everyone joined in the commotion. And how that bitch screamed! It was like music to our ears. Sadly, she gave us the slip but rest assured I have a feeling she won't be bothering us for a long time.

Once everyone calmed down. We had one big question. How come Ed knew? He looked so positive, so sure that it wasn't Roy who was talking in the tape recorder. Winry asked that question for us. Everyone gathered around Ed, even the 'priest' and Roy.

Ed grinned sheepishly. "Well, how do I say this… When I heard that voice speak it felt wrong. The tone, the pause on every word, the emotion… it was so wrong. That is not the way Roy talks. And also…, Ed grinned at this point and took hold of the raven-haired man's hand, It's Führer Bastard not Bastard Führer!"

Everyone laughed and Roy smiled and he looked very, very, very relieved.

"I thought I almost lost you!" Roy whispered to Ed while hugging him close.

"I've always trusted you." Edward smiled.

The 'priest' coughed. "Well, I think we should finish what we started."

Everyone sat back on their respective seats. And Ed and Roy went in front with the priest.

Checking to see if everything is back to the way it used to be, the priest coughed and then spoke. "You may now kiss the better half."

Roy blinked at Edward and Edward smirked at Roy. Then the two closed the distance between them and kissed.

Everyone cheered and applauded. Some even whistled. Everyone was happy. Just as it was supposed to be.

I looked at Riza, the love of my life. I went closer, my lips hovering near her ear. "Do you think we'll be like that someday?"

She only replied with a kiss.

Yup, things were starting to look up!

Unnoticed: :sniffles: It's finished!! It really is! I can't believe it!!! It has grown so much!!! It seemed only yesterday that it was a plot bunny on my head waiting to come out and now… It's a full grown story!!!

I thank everyone who gave their time and support to this fic! Especially to the reviewers who told me that they loved this!!! I hate to sound like Dora the explorer, which I do not own, but I couldn't have done this without you!!! I'm sorry for all the wrong grammars I've made that may have irritated you in some way. I'm really sorry about that.

Now, I bid you adieu! I have to go camping now! Hooray Camping!!!

Bye everyone!! Thanks for reading and still review!!!

Reviews are treasured and loved. Flames are allowed but not welcome. Constructive criticism is admired and appreciated.

_ The End... Good Night... _