Avatar: The Last Airbender/Twilight Saga crossover. I own nothing. This is set three years after Breaking dawn, and three years after Avatar: Book 3.

Chapter 1

The Cullen's plus Jacob and Seth sat in the living room of the house. Emmett was going on and on about football, making everyone very bored.

"Emmett, would you please shut up?" Alice pleaded.

He took no notice, and went on talking, "Well the Dolphins and the Colts where-" He was cut off by a young vampire appearing in the middle of the room. He smiled evilly, then clapped his hands together. When he did, he and everyone who had been in the room disappeared. A second later, they reappeared in a large city. He clapped his hands again, and he disappeared, leaving them in the strange town.

As they looked around, it was seen that the city was quite large. Were they were seemed to be a train station. There was a sunken track through the ground under the roof were they were under. Everything seemed to be made of earth, with green accents.

They stood, not knowing what to do, or think.

"What are these people wearing?" Alice thought, as she saw the people around, mostly wearing green and yellow, an occasional blue or red mixed into the crowd. People were thinking the same thing as they looked at the Cullen's; they were dressed normally, as were the people of Ba Sing Se; but they looked anything but normal to each other.

A train came through the station, being pushed by two earth benders, and then they really didn't know what to think. "Woah!" Emmett said, looking at the train as it flew past.

"Okay, this is really, really weird." Jacob said. Everyone nodded in agreement.

Aang and Katara were on a train back to Ba Sing Se. They had been gone for about a month, having to be at peace meetings in the Fire Nation. The rest of the gang was in Ba Sing Se, and they were happy to be going back to see them again.

"Were almost there." Katara said excitedly.

Aang smiled, "Yep." He said.

They rode on the train for a couple more minutes, then they stopped in the station. They got off of the train and looked around. It was good to be back. Aang spotted a group of people, which looked very strangely dressed, and very confused. Aang pulled on Katara's arm, and they walked over to them, "Hello," Aang said, "Is there anything we can help you with?" Aang asked, trying to be avatarly.

"Yeah, what is this place?" Jacob asked.

Aang looked at Katara. How could someone not know that they are in Ba Sing Se? Aang thought.

"This is Ba Sing Se." Katara said.

"You don't know were we could get a map, do you?" Edward asked.

"Yeah, I have one right here." Aang said, fishing around in his bag. He found one, and handed it to Edward.

He looked it over, eyes squinted in confusion. Fire Nation, Earth Kingdom, Southern Water Tribe, Northern Water Tribe, Air Temples… What is this place? Edward thought.

Carlisle looked at the map to, and slowly shook his head.

"Really, if there is anything you need, just let us know. He is the Avatar." Katara said.

What is an Avatar? Some blue people? Emmett thought, recalling a movie.

Edward could tell by there thoughts that they really did want to help, "Well, this may sound a bit strange, but we have no idea how we got here." Edward said.

Katara looked at Aang, "Fire Nation rebels?" She asked quietly. He nodded, "They probably had something to do with it." He said.

"Well, we were just about to go to the Royal Palace. I bet this has something to do with the Fire Nation. You can come along if you want." Aang said.

They had no idea why the Royal Palace, or the Fire Nation was, but agreed to go along, willing to figure out anything about were they were.

They arrived at the palace a wile later. "Who dares to enter-" One of the guards started, but was cut off by Aang, "The Avatar." He said. "Oh-I-I'm sorry, sire. Go on in." The guard said, bowing. "Open the doors!" The guard yelled.

They walked into the Palace, and the Cullen's-plus Jacob and Seth- looked around at the strange place. It was elegantly decorated in deep greens, and browns.

The large doors-which Sokka had once tried to kick open- opened, revealing the Earth King and Basco. A large bear, dressed in clothes was a comical sight.

"Ah! Hello Avatar! I trust the Peace meetings went well?" The Earth King asked.

"Hello, your Eartheness. The peace meetings did go well, actually." Aang said.

"Oh, and who are they?" The King asked.

"Well, were not for sure. Katara and I believe they may have been victimized by the Fire Nation Rebels." Aang said.

"What are your names?" The Earth King asked.

"Carlisle." "Esme." "Edward." "Bella." "Rosalie." "Emmett." "Jasper." Alice." "Renesmee." "Jacob." "Seth." They said.

Those are strange names… Katara thought.

They left the palace a wile later, and Esme asked if there was a place they could stay for the night, as they had come to no resolve of how to get back. "Yeah. I can get you a house in the upper ring for a wile. Were heading that way now." Aang said.

It was dark as they walked to the residential part of the Upper Ring. Aang and Katara were walking in front, and almost fell into a huge hole in the road, "Toph!" Katara yelled, and went around the hole. They heard Toph laughing. Katara water bended out of her pouch, and caught Toph by the ankle. Aang bended some earth over the hole, so they could go over the hole.

The Cullen's plus Jacob and Seth watched this in awe. The only time they had ever seen anything like this was when Benjamin had used his powers. And these people were human.

They hid there confusion, and waited until they were at the house Aang took them to, to discuss anything.

"This is insane," Edward said, "The map was not of earth. There is not any modern technology. The people all dress very oddly. What they were doing… the elemental manipulation. And I was getting some thoughts off of Aang that were very intense." He said.

"How were they intense?" Jasper asked.

"War. Death… Things that a normal person his age would not have experience with." Edward said.

"War?" Carlisle asked, eyebrows pushed together in confusion.

Edward nodded, "Yes. He was thinking about this specific city being taken over… And him dyeing in this city… then him being brought back to life. And he was thinking about 'fire benders'. I assume that would be a fire manipulator." He said.

"I think that that person that appeared at the house was a teleported," Carlisle said, "And I think that where we are now is either another planet, or, more likely, another dimension." He said.

They sat for a few minutes in silence, taking that in.

Okay, so I hope you liked it! Write me a Review and I will give you a cookie :D