This is my latest fanfic, loosely based on Taylor Swift's "Mary's Song (Oh My My My)".

It follows Bella and Edward from the age of 7, through 18, possibly later depending on reader response.

All human.

I had known Edward since I was 7 years old. We had grown up together in the town of Forks, and now we were facing our High School graduation together. I'm not ashamed to admit that over the last 11 years, I fell in love with Edward. That's not to say that we had the perfect, fairytale romance, far from it. When we turned 16, Edward found his first girlfriend in the form of Jessica Stanley. It was at that moment that I realised that I loved Edward as more than a brother. The jealousy I felt as I watched them grow closer was unbearable. And then, when we reached the age of 18, I thought I had found my soul mate in the form of Jacob Black, and Edward had moved onto Rosalie Hale, the most popular and beautiful girl in the whole school. But, then came my kidnapping, and I found out how far Edward was willing to go, how much he was willing to risk, in order to save me. As we looked into the camera in our graduation gowns, our arms wrapped around one another tightly, we were ready to start a new chapter in our lives. This is my story. This is our story. And I hope you enjoy it.

Please click on that little review button at the bottom and let me know what you think!!
