This is dedicated to all fans that are mad that Akatsuki trouble is over or wants better and funnier moments of it.
I took a step forward hesitantly into the dark forest. "Come on Sakura don't be a wimp!" Naruto laughed happily from behind me. I turned back and glared at him. He knows that the Akatsuki gang live here… and I hear way too many stories to want to take one step in here let alone sleep on the forest floor.
The forest was so dark I could hardly see a thing. This just made it even more frightening. An Akatsuki member could be watching us right now… Naruto placed an arm on my shoulders and smiled at me. "Don't worry you lost the bet but we'll be here bright and early tomorrow to help you home!" This did get rid of my worry or fear for that matter.
"Naruto… she's going to get raped." Sasuke said blankly staring at him. I glared at the two with wide and angry eyes. I didn't know that was an option with the Akatsuki. Don't they pride themselves in being better than that?! Then again they are part of the male race…
"Please don't make me do this!" I begged using my cute eyes and puppy pout. It was too late though because Naruto was laughing taking Sasuke along with him. So called friends… if anything happens to me I'm going to murder them!
I sighed and curled up on the ground trying to fall asleep in the warm yet cool air. The leaves scratched my skin lightly as I pulled at my grey coat and white t-shirt. My grey sweat pants and white tennis shoes were hardly what anyone would call sexy. Still if Sasuke said even this could get them to come after me… I began to shiver.
Suddenly I woke up in a strange room I'd never been in before. It's probably because it was a JAIL cell. I was still in my clothes but my hands were cuffed behind my back along with my ankles. I scowled. Apparently they noticed me. The room was dark but I was able to make out the grey bed, toilet, sink, and the stupid cell door.
How am I supposed to escape this? When I was younger Naruto and Sasuke used to call me a magician because I was always able to escape their traps and prison cells. Anything they locked me up in I was able to escape. This time I hadn't prepared for this so I just need to find something around me to help escape.
Suddenly someone entered the cell area and turned on the light. I blinked in surprise and winced. When I was able to see I noticed a shocked looking boy with black hair and an orange swirl mask. I could tell he was shocked because he was silent and shaking. "I'M SO SORRY TOBI-CHAN WAS HAVING NAUGHTY THOUGHTS!!!" He screamed and ran out of the room.
If he's the worst of them then I'm in good shape. Sadly he sounds like Tobi… that's the nicest of the Akatsuki members. From what I heard he talks in third person, says he's a good boy, and loves sweets. From what I just saw… he can be bad. Just enough to where he thinks bad thoughts, but you really can't blame him for that. A girl locked up in a cell with cuffs on her brings bad thoughts. That's just the way these things work. Suddenly my eyes widened.
Crap! Apparently not everyone knows I'm here so now that brat's going to tell everyone. I gritted my teeth wanting to cry in humiliation. Naruto is going to die. There is no way he's surviving if any of the Akatsuki members so much as touch me.
Instantly a girl entered with blue hair and with a white flower in it. For a moment I thought I was safe since she's a chick and all. I was mistaken. The girl looked at me for a moment then licked her lips. I felt beyond scared for some reason that I'm unable to explain. She opened my cell and walked up to me. I huddled closer to the corner of the bed I was lying in. "All locked up… nice and tight…" She whispered licking her lips leaning closer with a devious expression.
"You have a guy you can do this to, right?" I asked hesitantly hoping she could go on and leave me alone so I can try to find a means of escape. The girl laughed evilly at this and slid a finger across my cheek and winked. Apparently that doesn't matter to her. I wanted to whimper and get out of here right this minute. I'd rather be stuck living with Naruto for the rest of my life than be in the position I was in right now.
"You're quite cute. I may get jealous if anyone else knows you're here… still someone must have brought you…. I think I need to dispose of him first." She sighed eyeing my clothing. I stared at her in shock then blinked in surprise when she put a finger to my lips. "I'm Konan by the way." The girl smiled and kissed my forehead. "You're innocent enough to… ah yes. There's that blush."
I glared at her darkly and watched as the woman left. A chill ran down my spine as I hoped that I could escape before that creepy lady comes back. I shook my head lightly to let my bobby-pin slide so that I could unlock myself. It hit my fingers delicately forcing me to grab it hungrily.
A girl is even horrible in a place like this… another chill went down my spine as I quickly began to work on the lock. Please let me be able to do get out before anyone else comes and does something weird to me! The door to the jail room opened once more making me pale.