Name: Zenobia Cross

Alias: Brawl, Project B1

Other Names/Nick Names: Zeno, Temperess, Brawl

Gender: Female

Race: African-American/ Genetic Mutated Humanoid Experiment

Age: 24

Eye Color: Hazel

*Pitch Black: Uncontrollable Violent Rampage

*Crimson Red: Angered/Full Power Activated

Hair Color: Midnight Black


Zenobia Cross has wild long midnight black hair that goes up to her waist and has a red streak going over the large over hang that goes over her left eye. Her skin is a honey brown and she's has an athletic slender body, she possesses retractable claws both on hand and toes. Her eyes are usually hazel but when anger they turn red which is full power but when her eyes turn completely, she is no longer in control and at MAX peak of her abilities. She usually wears a short sleeve shirt with a small short sleeve jacket over it that reaches above her belly button which is pierced; she wears Capri pants with comfortable black converse. When she is angered, her canines extended and her claws come out.


Zenobia before the experiment had a temper but she was always under control, she was pretty nice and was never so bitter and mean to everyone. But after the experiment, she became a time trigger, anything that makes her angry she'll go on violent rampages or at least break something. She's a lose cannon at times but she can be under control sometimes too.


Enhanced Strength

Superhuman Senses

Superhuman Durability

Retractable Claws

Cat-like Abilities: Flexibility and Agility




Other Accessories/Markings:

Power Acceleration Meter: It marks how much power is increasing within her. Made by Mr. Fantastic. It was made to mark and test how much her powers increase with angered or at full power.

Strengths: Hand-to-Hand Combat

Weaknesses: Temper

Parents/Siblings: None.

Affiliation/Team: Fantastic Four/ S.T.O.P (.): Experiment


As a small child, she lived in New York City in the Bronx with her parents Cynthia Cross and Morris Cross. She attended Allingway High and then attended Metro College. She got a job as an assistant at a Science Institute, she was then forced to become an experiment for the S.T.O.P program. They experimented on her biological structure, they fused her dna with cat dna and an unstable molecule that increased her emotions (ten-fold on her anger). They had also injected her DNA with other mutant abilities. Now, anything that upsets her triggers the mutated molecule inside her and gives her amazing abilities that she displays in battle.

She had escaped the facilities in tattered clothes and was very unstable, she went on a rampage throughout the city. The Fantastic Four rescued her and brought her to their building to help her and exam her.