"Hey Bella! It was fun hanging out with you, we should do this again!" Jessica called from her car as she dropped me off at my dorm. I had my back to her , gave her a thumbs up and kept on walking. My feet were aching from all the walking and I was ready to hit the bed. The day had been long and it was late. Tomorrow was my first day of class;now I was exhausted. How was I going to wake up in the morning? The cool night air surrounded me, and the lamp light flickered. I could ignore it though, how many nights had darkness been my companion? Too many. Stomping up to my dorm room I was greeted by two girls glaring at me in my room.

To bad for me they hadn't gone to sleep earlier. "Where did you go today?" Said the small not so peppy girl, known as Alice. There was not a trace of a smile on her face and her eyes bore into me, she looked emotionless. I glared back, not ready to deal with her drama. All I wanted to do was sleep.

"I left after a while, shopping has never been my thing you know. Then I went around the city." Came my cool reply, the other girl, Rosalie, seemed to flush a deep angry red. She looked ready to growl at me. Suddenly the room was very tense.

"Why didn't' you tell us anything?" Rosalie asked, I shrugged at her question. That seemed to do it.

"Look we did this whole trip for you! Now all you do is shrug us off? What type of persona are you?" Alice yelled, she was literally shaking with rage. The room seemed to narrow into a box enclosing all of us in the box, together.

"You just RAN off, leaving us to do all of that work," Rosalie hissed, "Get this, Isabella Swan, Alice's wallet was stolen by that guy that bumped into her. He pick pocketed her, so instead of getting you clothes, we had to put all of it back on the right rack. You could of been there to help us, we had gone out for you!" She ranted at me, my face betrayed no emotion. I was always yelled at.

"I didn't ask for you to burn my clothes, I didn't ask for you guys to be my roommates. I'm stuck with you now, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. So far you both are a little to 'much' for me. Alice lay off on whatever illegal drug your taking;Rose your attitude is as rotten as can be. How about we just go our separate ass ways? " My voice seemed to growl back at her. Alice looked at me in shock, Rosalie just seemed to get more angrier.

"Oh so now it's my attitude that's a problem, well how come I have friends and you don't?" She challenged, that struck a nerve. My mouth opened and I didn't even think about what I said next.

"Maybe they all just want you in bed, I bet that's why everyone even hangs out with you."

Rose looked like she wanted to smack me, I was suddenly very aware I was backed up against a wall.

"But Bella, you seem like such a nice person. I sort of liked you..." Alice's voice trailed off and her eyes glittered with tears. That seemed to make Rosalie snap.

"Listen hear, bitch! I've had it up to here with you and your crappy attitude. You have been terrible and bitchy to Alice when all she's tried to do is be your friend. For all I know, I don't believe that bitches like you deserve Alice's friendship. Just go fuck off." With those 'wonderfully' said words, Rosalie grabbed Alice's hand and dragged her over to her compartment room. "Your lucky that I'm not going to smack the living crap out of you for all of your sass." Slamming the door shut with a huff; leaving me standing there.

I dragged myself over to my room where I just slumped into my bed, relief filled my aching body. Then all went black.

Alarm clocks seemed to be buzzing everywhere. My arm twitched to throw a pillow at it, but I couldn't figure out where the hell the noises were coming from. I heard hands slam down on them and they fell silent. Slowly I lifted my head up groggily. Looking at my watch, it was seven thirty. Classes started at nine, but I had to get up. Nothing was slower then I was in the mornings that I was tired. In the light of day I heard shower faucets begin to run and people whispering. Looks like everyone else was up.

I stumbled over to the drawers, opening them up and picking some black skinny jeans with a white top. Then I gathered them all together and made a beeline to the showers. There was only one that was unoccupied, I grabbed all my toiletries together and let the cold, soon to be hot water fall peacefully onto my back. Someone was humming and I could hear feet shifting loudly on the tiled floors. Back in Phoenix there had never been any warm water, so I had trained myself to shower quickly. Soon I was done and out the door, just when everyone else was getting out of the showers.

My hair was in a messy ponytail but I walked straight to the cafeteria, the pungent smell of coffee wafting into my nose. My black flats clicked on the stone ground and my make-up felt all to heavy. Soon I was in the cafeteria, where it seemed to be empty. Grabbing a tray, I quickly made myself pick and eat a 'wonderful' breakfast. Hey, it was better then what I usually had, so that was just fine with me.

Slinging my bag onto my shoulders, I left the building. Before leaving I looked at the clock, it said it was now eight-thirty. I had about fifteen minutes to myself. I force myself over to that grassy field I had seen before. There I slumped my bag over a bench, taking a deep breath I began my morning warm up exercises. Letting my mind fill with the world around me, the soft whisper of the trees and the bright chirps of the birds. I had almost lost myself in the world around me, until it was shattered in the most painful way.

"Hey Bella, miss me?" Came that unforgettable velvety voice, I felt anger boil in me. Of all the people, why did it have to be him.

"I can't say I've missed you much, Ass." I called back to him, hearing a snort of laughter and then silence fell. Maybe he had left. Then I felt a presence join me in stretches behind me, I let out a huff. "You know your really starting to get on my nerves." I muttered at him, my only reply was a cocky chuckle.

I was beginning my pose number 15, but then the bell rang. The bell ringing meant if you don't get off your lazy asses then you'll be late for class and on time for detention. Without saying a word I brushed past Edward, I could feel him looking at me through the slits in his eyes.


"Name?" Rang that annoying teacher's voice, she had said her name before but I couldn't remember it so I decided on calling her Ms. Snot. The classroom was actually a dance studio, kids sat on the floor in their dance shoes. I felt all eyes on me, a red blush was threatening to spread through my body. Mentally, I fought to push it back down. No blushing, that was the old Bella. The one that had been her Daddy's little Princess.

"Isabella, Swan."

"Ahh the new girl, welcome to our school of the arts. Now go take your seat, we'll be starting any minute." Ms. Snot informed me, her brown eyes were dull and her curly hair was pushed into a messy ponytail. I just nodded and dropped my stuff onto the side where everyone's stuff was. Soon I was sitting off to the side from everyone else, not knowing where I was to sit. "Alright everyone, get in your poses. We go from pose 1-30 today. I hope you had a nice holiday, and you better get that holiday laziness out of you. We have a dance recital every week for the next month. Lets get to work, people!" I froze, dance recitals for the next month. I didn't know the dances at all, how was I supposed to do this.

"The poses were the poses you were supposed to learn before coming here." Whispered a girl as we stretched to our toes, I nodded at her not being able to respond. Not wanting to respond. "We learn new dances every week so don't worry about the recitals." This time I could see her messy light brown hair. It was tied into a ponytail that seemed to dangle, "I'm Angela Weber by the way."

"Bella." I replied gruffly, she nodded as if accepting my cool response to her open information. We went back to the poses in a somewhat comfortable silence, all that we heard in the room was Ms. Snot's annoying count offs. Then the door swung open, letting in a gust of cool air.

"Late again Mr. Cullen. Ms. Denali it's a disappointment that you shared his lateness. I expect to see you two after class." Ms. Snot's sharp high pitched voice. Feet shuffled in, and then there was an annoying little gasp. I thought it was Ms. Snot but she also seemed to be looking for the gasp. Then my eyes landed on the girl who had just come in. She had silky looking strawberry blond hair and a perfect looking face, anyone would have to admit that she was a beauty.

"What is she doing here?" The girl asked, her delicate finger pointing straight in my direction. With a shock I realized she was pointing at me. "This is supposed to be an advanced class, you can't just let some low life into this class. You also can't let some random person into this class, I refuse for you to let the poorly dressed girl off the streets dance with me." She said sharply at Ms. Snot, I looked at her shocked. First off, why was it such a big deal that I was here? How could she address a teacher like that?

"Tanya, she has every right to be here. However, you have no right to tell me how to teach. She isn't some hobo with talent, she's actually the one who got the scholarship. The school board picked her classes, may I remind you that she got the very same scholarship that you got last year. She too was a good dancer, so they placed her here. Now can you please stop interrupting my class and get on with your stretches." Ms. Snot turned back to lead the stretches. I snuck a peek at Edward who seemed to be looking disapprovingly at Tanya. Tanya had other ideas. She stamped her foot, which had heels so it made a loaned sound on the wood.

"Do you know who my father is? He's the governor of Alaska, he could get your little sorry ass fired. I refuse to share a class with such a low life, it's terrible enough that I have to share it with the rest of these people." She screeched, her fury was clear on her bright red face. Confusion crossed my face, why was she being so dramatic. It wasn't normal. Then I saw her wobble, just a little but enough to tell me what was going on. How could I not recognize something that I saw almost everyday, back 'home'?

Tanya Denali was a little drunk, she had been stupid enough to drink before classes. She also seemed to hate people, me especially. Then something else hit me, Denali. It had seemed familiar before, but now I understood. Tanya Denali was also a roommate of mine. The room was deafly silent, every single kid was glaring daggers at her. They all seemed to be looking at Ms. Snot nervously, she was probably a teacher who punishes the class, for one person's mistake. Edward was just shaking his head. He now found this funny, he was shaking with laughter. My blood began to boil.

"Tanya I am well aware of your father. I am also aware of all the mischief you caused last year, they have warned you and your father that this is your last chance. You also don't take just dancing, this is your only dance class. The rest have to do with your precious modeling." Ms. Snot's sharp voice seemed to slap Tanya across the face. Just as Tanya was about to say something, Edward grabbed her hand.

"Babe, don't do this. That girl isn't worth it. She's worthless." He murmured loud enough for us to hear, I felt fury fall off me like a loud wave. Suddenly I was right up in their faces, stepping on Edward's foot and rudely spitting in Tanya's face.

"I'll show you whose worthless." Then with those wonderful words I stomped back to my place. Just beginning to do pose 17. Everyone looked at me astounded, I looked back at them and shrugged. Tanya looked so appalled by that behavior, that I almost laughed. Slowly everyone else began to fall back in again. Tanya and Edward took their places in the back, both of them huffing. I heard Edward grunt every time he put pressure on his foot that I had stomped on, and I smiled every time.

Slowly we began to learn dance moves. We had finished the first dance, which we would be dancing to Halo by Beyonce. Then Ms. Snot brought in her wonderful surprise, and to my 'joy' I was placed with my 'good friend' Ass. We had to do group dancing. He was muttering something about his feet when we joined each other.

Without saying a word we began the dance, trying to use what Ms. Snot called theatrical faces. Trying to look into each other's eyes without looking away. Trying to look in love with intensity. Surprisingly it was easier then I thought. We moved to the music, and looking into the see of emerald green eyes I felt lost in them. Ms. Snot's voice drained out of my ears. It felt like forever before she allowed us to stop. Then the bell rang, and Edward dropped my hand like it was a snake.

"Saved by the bell." He muttered then ran off, I sighed and slowly walked over to grab my bag. Thanking my lucky few stars that I wasn't with Tanya in anymore classes. Angela was still in the studio, she seemed to be looking at me intently. I gave her a confused look and she grabbed my hand as we left the class.

"I think I have the same class as you next, also I have to tell you some things. You have the right to know them, walk with me?" She inquired, and I nodded. We began walking down a brick path and she turned to look at me.

"First of all, Edward Cullen is the biggest player on earth. He has never in his lifetime been refused, nor has anyone ever seen him touched by a girl in a rough manner. Till today at least. What you just did, was unknown to our stupid womankind. It could of been as big as the first step on the moon." She whispered, I smiled at her little comparison. "For that I have to thank you, I myself have never been asked out by him. I have a boyfriend, but you had the courage to do that. You were able to stand up against that bastard." Angela nodded her eyes approvingly, I shrugged.

"Well I never really thought of it that way..." My voice seemed to lose all control and I trailed off. She looked at me and mouthed wow, then she seemed to recover. Angela opened her mouth to say something else...

"Bella! Hey I've been looking for you!" I spun around to see Jessica running toward me, my hand raised and waved a quick hello. "Heard you got in a fight with that pixie!" She squealed, raising her hand for a high-five. I ignored it never really being one of those types of people. Jess lowered it without much thought.

"Yeah, I just want Alice off my back." She nodded along with me, we kept on walking in my direction. Angela had gone ahead not seeming to be friends with Jessica. Our boots made soft thuds on the brick as we walked. "She's just way to hyper for me."

"Yeah, I know what you mean," she paused for a second. Then her eyes brightened, "Hey I have an idea. You should meet my other friend around here. She'll be glad you joined the anti-pixie club. There she is! Hey Tanya, over here!" She turned to our left and waved to a figure in the distance.

My heart dropped and I was suddenly aware that the air was cold around us, maybe I should hurry up and get to class. The figure quickly appeared next to us. "Why are you hanging out with her?" Came that nasal like voice, it was full of disgust and annoyance. I sighed this was going to be a long first day.

YAY! I'm sorry about the update...but I had a family death and it was rough. Also lots of tests...but mostly death...:C But I'm pretty good now! I have the next chapter half way done, so we should be set...sorry for the long wait.

Reviews are like food. They keep you energized.

Topic for review...you could mention it! Favorite candy!

FAVORITE CANDY will be put into next chapter...yum.
