Hey people I need help with Ponyboy's age I was thinking like 11 or 9 or leaving it the same or something but please let me know oh and sorry for any typos i try my best so let me know if I'm doing something wrong !

Pony's pov

Today was mom and dad's anniversary, we were all going out to dinner for once in a long time, i am so excited!

"Hi mom happy anniversary" I kind of screamed, I was really excited for dinner!

"Thanks honey. Are your brothers up yet?" she asked

"No" I answered

"It's already 12:00 why don't you go wake them up"

"But mom they get mad at me when I do that!"

"Please Ponyboy it would be help and maybe there will be extra desert for you tonight" she asked

"Ok mom but only because I can't say no to desert"

I went to soda's room first opened the door quietly then jumped on the bed shaking him

"SODA! SODA! MOM SAYS GET UP!!!" i screamed at the top of my lungs

"Poooooonnnnnnnnnyyyyyy let me sleep and stop jumping on the bed!"i then grabed his arm trying to pull him out of bed, it didn't work I'm to weak. Instead soda turned me around and tickled me till it hurt


"Ok I guess so "he said and stopped tickling me

"So will you get up now?" i asked hopefully

"fine "he said and walked into the kitchen. Next was Darry I walked into his room, he was snoring.

"Darry it's lunch time you need to get up" I said. He opens his eyes and looked at me

"Ok fine" he said. Darry was always easier to wake up than soda. I walked into the kitchen to have lunch

"Umm mom" soda said then looked to the floor

"I umm can't go to dinner tonight I'm going out with sandy..." soda finished and my mouth dropped what was he saying this was a family dinner and he's leaving us for some girl! I was so mad. Darry cut me out of my thoughts

"ya and I'm taking Cindy out tonight it's my last free Saturday my job starts tomorrow" Darry to their leaving us for girls!

"Oh that's fine when i was your age i would have done the same" mom laughed, how was this funny? This was a family dinner! We were going to a nice restaurant for the first time in awhile and there going with their girls! I walked into my bedroom and slammed the door closed was really mad. I lay on my bed and heard a small knock on my door.

"Who is it?" I asked

"Its soda can I come in"

"Whatever" I said angrily. He walked into my room and sat on my bed

"I'm sorry I'm not coming with you but one day you will understand will never understand why he wants to go out with his girlfriend instead of his family

"How bouts I make it up to you by taking you to the tasty freeze tomorrow for lunch just us?"

"Just us no Steve." i asked always hated Steve

"No Steve" soda said

"Ok" I said and walked away and found a book and started to read

"Pony time to go" my dad called me, wow I really do read a lot

"Coming I yelled back and I ran to the car is I said bye to soda and Darry and left for the restaurant

Soda's pov

I walked home from my date and entered the house

"Hey Darry "I said as I walked in "where's everyone" I asked and sat on the couch. it must be midnight they should be home I thought

"They are not home yet" Darry answered with worry in his voice

"Well they are adult's Darry they can take care of themselves" i told him

"I no I'm just a worry wart" he laughed

"I wonder what kind of dad you will be" I laughed" poor kid won't be allowed off the front lawn til he's 15" Darry stood up and hit me in the head with his paper

"You got a big mouth you know that" he said. He put the paper on the table then there was a knock on the door, he looked at me funny then we both answered it. It was a police officer

"Hello" he said "is Darrel Curtis jr. here?"

"This is he" Darry answered

"well i am very sorry to say but there has been an accident" he paused" a train hit your parents car your mom and dad died instantly and your brother is on his way to the hospital were not sure if he's going to make it."

Well how was that? Hoped you liked it new chapter hopefully up soon!