Author's Note: Well, things are getting back to normal as soon as humanly possible, and I find myself being able to type down the third prologue and the ending to DoU. I can't write the fourth and special epilogue because of time issues but it will come as the second part of the prologue in the sequel, titled "Symphony of Madness". With this, I put an end to "Dawn of Uroboros", a story that's been going on since February/March this year and that it's gotten hundreds of hits and alerts, which I thank everyone for. It's been a great ride for me and I hope it's been the same for all of you. Thank you for all the reviews and let's celebrate my first full-length FINISHED project. Love you guys and thanks for sticking by me all this time!^^

Disclaimer: I do not own Resident Evil or any of its characters.

Note: It is very possible (I plan on doing so) that "Symphony of Madness", the sequel to this story, will be published by late September/early October; I have no date fixed for it. Drafts are still on my notebook, soon to be written down. I hope to see you around by that time!^^


Epilogue III: Power

It is in man's nature to be good; society corrupts him... "Well, I'm the new one here. Jill Valentine."... Determination leads you to your goal... "Heh, what can go wrong this time? We're pros, remember?"... Seek and ye shall find... "You son of a bitch!"... One blow after the other, it never ends... "We keep going..."... Sometimes wishing for death is inevitable... "He's still out there..."... An endless tunnel with no light... "We'll make it through this, Jill, I promise..."... One step behind your enemy... "He's still ahead of us! It's no use, Chris!"... Giving up is sometimes the better choice... "Let's do this, for everyone, for us."... Lacking means is tantamount to failing...


Day had never been his favorite part of the day, if the repetition could be excused. Night, on the other hand, was when he felt more comfortable: the inability to see gave him some kind of odd reassurance, and the typical night cold was soothing against his skin. It was when his mind was at most ease, no thoughts or images to vex it, nothing to cloud his judgment. It made his mind wander off and his thoughts trail off into nothingness, allowing his imagination to soar. Night was his time, his playground, his haven. But that didn't his loyal companion -not to be considered any less annoying- from knocking on his mind's door and enticing him with the most tempting of ideas... Some of them were already on his agenda.

How long are you going to stay here? We have business still pending.

Such a familiar yet distant voice. Chris had become used to hearing -as his second other had put it- his own thoughts, only with a different tinge. Many times had he wondered if it was a mere figment of his imagination, caused by the after-effects of Uroboros, the retched virus that had taken everything away from me. But in the words of that voice, of Christopher, it was 'everything you want me to be. Change yourself and you change me'.

"I know," he said, "but I need some time for myself, too. I still have to make my choice." As he thought and talked, he prowled around the rooftops of Vancouver, almost chilled to the bone and under a starry sky. He heard a chuckle in his mind.

Choice? What choice? I think everything is clear enough already.

"Marco's offer," Chris replied, crossing his arms. He leaped from one rooftop to the next one in front of him, landing swiftly with new-gained agility. "He wants me to take care of a few bothersome but not-so-innocent souls at Tricell and the BSAA, and I'm not that sure about them. I don't think it's the best thing to do, if you get my meaning."

Mhm, yes. Whilst you can go on with Tricell out of the way, you have your doubts about the BSAA?

"I don't want them on my back." Chris frowned, rubbing his chin.

Any special reason? The voice was mocking, amused.

"None, just caution." Chris shook his head. "I don't want any trouble beyond dealing with Tricell. For them, I'm a mere ghost, a memory long forgotten."

I wouldn't be so sure. You were the most respected of them, weren't you?

"Perhaps, but not when it turns out that my worst enemy claimed his victory." He sighed. "Whatever, forget it."

Still harbor a personal vendetta against them?

"At all," he replied, shaking his head. "Have in mind I'm in charge of the boy, Vithar, and it's that sudden change that's giving me a bad feeling. Marco doesn't want anything unexpected to happen; he still doesn't trust me."

You don't trust him either, don't you? Let's consider he's quite reluctant to hand something as valuable as a vaccine to you right off the bat. What if, hypothetically, make it out of this without it?

"Then I suppose I'll have to live on with my condition, despite it's got its good points."

Hm... Do you plan on taking care of Wesker any time soon? He's more than wiling to take you on again, you know. It wouldn't be surprising if he was taking this personally.

"He hates me, I hate him; it's that simple." Then, at the obviousness of the question and the single thought of killing Wesker, Chris laughed. "I'll do it soon enough... but it will be quick. No more games."

Heh, as I expected. The best option would be to send them a hint then, if you want it to be swift. Anonymous, of course, but a hint nevertheless. When we move again, finally establish our op center, then we'll do it. I suppose there are no suggestions against it?


Speaking of action, what about Jill?

Chris stiffened at the mention of her name. He took his two main fingers to his lips, somehow missing his name on her lips, how they so ardently had kissed his own so many times, caused by the fact of having fallen in love with her -And head over heels, too.-, but there had been no good intentions behind her gestures; it had all been to fool him. If that had been the case, then why the genuine joy when she saw him alive after months of coma? Jill was somebody who lied very few times, not to mention they were noticeable from miles away, so what had she based her actions on?

Perhaps I still miss her. Perhaps I'm not so willing to hurt her despite all that I feel. She betrayed me... How can I overlook that?

Still wondering about that, Chris? Haven't you left her behind yet? She's hurt you, she deserves your actions against her.

"She's someone I love, don't you understand?"

I do understand, and perfectly. Every feeling you feel comes amplified hundred-fold, and love is one of the most bitter feelings humans can ever get to experience. It's not something you cannot live with, though.

Chris sighed, rubbing at his eye. "I miss her, I can't help it. I can't believe she's destroyed everything we've stood up for, but I still miss her."

I have to say Wesker may've been right. Emotions are tethers, invisible yet still tethers, chains that keep you from moving on. This guy knows how to think.

"Don't you dare say his name!" Chris bellowed, turning around as if there was someone to shout at. He clenched his teeth, anger blooming within him and threatening to render him unable to think rationally. Nothing was more irritating than hearing Christopher -himself- agreeing with those beliefs he had rejected his entire life. He had received proof of how necessary emotions were in human nature; they were the fire that melted the ice. "How can you agree with him? If he rejects emotions, it's because he fears them! He doesn't know how to face change!"

No need to get mad, Chris. I'm just saying, that's all. But you have to admit you may have to think your choice twice. There are emotions not worth experiencing.

"I've already felt everything," Chris snapped, closing his fist. "I have no regrets. I've made my choice, and she's made yours. The heart of the matter is Jill is going to pay for hers. I'll give her no quarter for what she's done to me."

And what will you do once you get your humanity back?

"That is if I want to get it back," Chris claimed, turning on his heel and looking up at the sky with a crooked smile. It felt odd to smile like so; nothing had felt any more bitter. It was nothing like what he was used to: a sensation of dark and twisted confidence in himself. "After all, I want to do things I haven't been able to do before... and this is my chance."

You've lacked the means to do them until now. Why not take advantage of them? It's not all that bad.

A chuckle came. Dark, low, soothing, inspiring.

You said you rejected power because it corrupted people. You said greed blinds you, makes you single-minded on your quest. Now you find yourself enticed by that same power and greed, you find yourself wanting to do everything you've always wished to and more... and you can do it now. Whatever shall you do from here on out?

"I'll keep striving for it," Chris said, nodding. "And if it feels this good, then I'll do everything to preserve it."

All of a sudden, doubts assailed him. Would he be on the right path?

The bigger they are, the harder they fall. Remember, you're close to falling off the edge.

"Speaking of edges..." With enthusiasm, Chris grinned widely and stood on the edge of the building. The streets down below him were brimming with life, lights of cars and stores all around.

The wind blew almost as if on cue, bringing scents he had never recognized before. It was more than exciting, exhilarating, invigorating.


"Perhaps," Chris spoke with a pleased and lenient nod, "but until I fall, I still have time on my side."

Remember Umbrella's motto?

"Power is life."

The words came to him like a heavy tile crashing down on his mind, but he paid no heed to it. For once, he could agree with said motto. For once, he was rejecting his beliefs. For once, he was changing.

"Power is what I'm searching for... to kill him, once and for all." Chris closed his eyes. "And I won't stop until I get it. With that power, I'll get back everything he's taken away from me."

What then?

"After that... it's improvising."

Silence, long and comfortable. With one last gust of wind, he heard a sentence that would keep him going until the end.

Show no mercy to those who oppose you.

"No mercy."


A/N: So yes, this is the end to this story. Have in mind everything I've said in the initial author's note and you will all be fine XD If I may ask one last favor, I'd like to hear sincere opinions about this story overall, on whatever aspects you may want to comment on. Please, be honest and point out whatever flaws it may've had so that the sequel does not sin the same way xD

Reviews are appreciated!^^