Tell her

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of its characters.


I like this story, but I do not like how it was created. Why? Because I know exactly how Shikamaru feels, seeing as it's something I had to go through. Thanks a lot for that troublesome time "Naruto" and "Hinata."

"You people are crazy."

"For what?" Ino asked him. "Giving you a chance to be happy?"

"Embarrassed would be a better way to put it."

"No it's not," Hinata replied. Ironic for her to say saying such a thing wasn't embarrassing.

"Actually Hinata," Naruto said, looking at her. "It's pretty embarrassing."

"Thank you Naruto," Shikamaru said, relieved to see that someone was on his side.

"Though I still say go talk to her."

"I thought you were on my side damn it."

The blonde boy shrugged. "Sorry man, but I say you go to her as soon as she arrives."

Shikamaru grumbled. These three against him was not favourable. "I'm not going to tell her."

"Fine," Ino said, disappointed. "But you have to talk to her. Forget about telling her you like her if it's easier for you."

"Well I've got no chance of it being easy any more, thanks to you three."

Naruto grinned, placing a hand on his friends shoulder. "Just act normal, right? Once upon a time you told me something like that."

"It was easier for you, Hinata had feelings for you before you even noticed her."

Hinata went slightly red, and Ino giggled.

"Look Shikamaru, this is a simple way to tell how she feels, okay? Go over to her and say hi. This is Temari we're talking about, so if she gives you a sweet smile, you're in. If not, well perhaps we'll never know unless you tell her how you feel. Either way, the choice is now in your hands."

As she spoke, The Suna girl entered Konoha's gates.

"Good luck," Hinata said softly.

Naruto smiled cheekily. "Hurry up Shikamaru."

Shikamaru sighed one last time, and left the others behind.

He approached her, trying to give her a warm smile. "Hey, Temari."

She turned around to see him, and she smiled back. He couldn't tell if it was meant to be sweet, but it was certainly sweeter than the usual.

"Been a long time, Shikamaru."

So was that a yes, or a no? Shikamaru didn't get an answer for that. He decided that he would settle with a maybe.

Though for him, a maybe was all he'd need.
