A few weeks went by and Virgil had gone on a hunt which made Andrea feel a bit more comfortable. The human was walking with Sa'anne back to her room area, Salem in her arms. The cat had become used to Sa'anne and Ven-Ahn.

"I tried telling him to it'd make him feel better since… 'Drea?"

Andrea had stopped walking and put a hand to her head.

"What's wrong?"

"I think… I'm going to be sick!" She handed Salem to Sa'anne and ran into her and Ven-Ahn's quarters, straight to the washroom.

Sa'anne ran in after her, putting Salem down on the floor. The cat took his paw and padded at the door until it clicked; giving the confirmation that it was completely closed then ran to his special little area he had claimed as his on top of Ven-Ahn's trophy area.

Back in the bathroom area, Andrea was vomiting horribly with Sa'anne behind her stroking her hair and rubbing her back. "'Drea, what have you gotten into?"

"Nothing out of the ordinary…" The human coughed a bit and lay down on the cool floor, "It's hot all of a sudden. I hope I'm not getting sick…"

"Is the translator we put in your skull making you not feel well?" The Yautja sat down beside her. She put a hand on the human's forehead and her eyes opened wide, "Wait! Have you and Ven-Ahn performed any mating rituals?"

Her choice of words made her chuckle, "Yes, plenty of times since I kicked Virgil's." Then she realized what the other was thinking, "Oh my God, wait… Biology wouldn't agree with that, would it?"

"I'm not sure." She picked her up in her arms as if she were light as a feather and took her to the medical area on the ship.

Later, Ven-Ahn went back to his living area and saw his mate lying in bed with the blankets of fur over her and Salem lying above her head grooming his fur. She wasn't usually in bed at this time. "'Drea, are you not well?"

"I'm okay, love." She smiled and pulled him down next to her. Salem became still with wide eyes when the yautja moved closer to him and Andrea then seemed to relax after he realized he wouldn't hurt him. The human just giggled at Ven's expression to the cat. The kiss she placed on his head was gentle and her hands over his face were making him stare into her eyes, "Guess what."


"You're going to be a father."

"What? How?"

"Well, when a male and a female-"

"No, I mean… Is it going to hurt you? Will you be alright?"

"I'm sure I will be."

They embraced each other for a while, speaking of names and guessing as to what the gender would be.

"I don't admit things like this very often but I'm afraid, not for me but the child." Andrea whispered, "What if he isn't healthy?"

Ven ran a claw down her cheek in an attempt to comfort her, "You know the gender?"

Andrea never had many females in the family, she was sure it would end up being a boy, "Yes, I'm sure."

"Then we should name him."

She smiled and put a hand on her lower belly that was still flat. She was silent for a moment until she answered, "Hunter. His name will be Hunter."