It started with the shorts... the navy blue, tight-as-hell shorts that she wore when they worked out together and that he figured must have been the shortest in existence. The problem was that when Jayne started to notice her shorts, he also noticed that the shorts she would wear started to become shorter, tighter, and sexier every time.

He knew things were going to reach a boiling point sooner or later, but she still managed to surprise him when she grabbed his package.

At this, Jayne reacted the only way he knew how, and grabbed her ass. This caused her to tweak his nipple in retaliation, and before he could stop himself, he had reached over and pulled her in for a kiss.

When he finally pulled back to breathe after what could have been minutes or hours had passed, about to fall over from sheer feeling, she stared him down with those oh so intense eyes of hers, and a single word ghosted from her lips...
