Disclaimer: Do not own Twilight saga or any of the characters.

Chapter 29

The atmosphere they headed back into was tense perhaps even hostile. Jasper stood with his back towards our home. His body coiled like a snake ready to attack at the slightest provocation. I had no doubt that he would maim or even kill anyone who moved anywhere near his children with ill intentions.

Desire made its presence known. Always without fail it would come whenever my blond love went into soldier mode. The dominance he exuded over the other men appealed to my baser instincts, ignoring my independent upbringing. Jasper tilted his head and smirked . He knew exactly what I was thinking.
I banished my lustful thoughts to the back of my mind this was too serious to be pondering such things. Joining my fiance's side, I was ready to tell our story. "We need to talk." My hand grabbed his for support. "Jasper and I are together."

The girls smiled in their knowing, the guys however were blindsided. The hurt faces of Edward and Jacob caused me some sadness as I never truly wanted to hurt either of them. Jacob who all but blood was my brother and Edward who was my first love. I hoped one day they would find their soul mates. "We never meant to hurt anyone...we just fell in love." I smiled at his truthful words.

"Wow, you really are a girl after all look at you all sappy." Emmett rolled his eyes. "What did you think I was a robot?" I spoke sarcastically.

"Another vampire. After everything they did to you, you still choose Them."

"Jake, I belong with them...with Jasper." (and my little ones.)

My eyes turned to Edward's. "I know you never wanted me to become a vampire but I'm happy, really happy. I can honestly not remember a time in my life that I have felt so the ship sank, I was terrified, I couldn't comprehend how I was going to survive on an island with someone who was almost a stranger. It turned out to be the best thing to ever happen to me. The only thing I hate is that all those people had to die for me to have this life." I finished my speech looking into loving blue eyes.

"I think I speak for all of us when I say we're glad you came out of this ordeal in such high spirits." Carlisle smiled hugging Esme to his side.

An awkward silence set in. Edward stared at Jasper and I. "I'm very happy for you." He enunciated the words as if he was injured. Though his youthful face was sincere. It only reminded me that despite his many years he was still somewhat immature. "We should head back to the boat who knows what Seth and Molly are up to." Leah spoke breaking the odd mood. It startled me, Who was this Molly? More importantly we couldn't leave yet. They still needed to be told of the twins. My internal panic most have shown, as everyone shifted into battle stances. I barely restrained myself from going on the defensive. I stifled a growl and forced my body to relax.

"We can't leave yet."

"Why not?" Emmett asked looking around at all the trees.

"For the same reason I was changed." The alert stances dissipated. "Bella was still human when we got together." Jasper admitted to the stunned audience. I could see questions appearing in theirs eyes. "I hunted as much as I could stand and eventually even branched out to other lifeforms such as the sea-life. Eventually, with time, I became desensitized to her scent."

"Yeah, Blah, Blah, get on with it." So rude.

I looked down at the sand in embarrassment. To have to speak about this again so soon was mortifying. "When I proposed..." Jasper was cut off as Alice tackled us in a vice grip. Her words blurred together in vamp speed, babbling about wedding plans before my hand covered her mouth. Did she really have to drag this torture out? I glared at her.

She sulked back to her spot next to the rest of the family immediately.

Like a band-aid...just rip it off. "I was still human when we consummated our relationship." The ground was certainly more interesting now that I was a vampire. "A week later I realized something was wrong." I could almost taste the concern in the air. "Horrible nightmares plagued me at night and by day I couldn't keep any food down with a few exceptions. It was then I suspected the impossible had happened. I was pregnant."

I looked up at the stunned faces surrounding me. I couldn't bear to go on.

"Her pregnancy progressed at a supernaturally fast rate. We knew her human body would not survive the birth. It was then that we discovered that we were having twins." We went on explaining the rest of the pregnancy. "What are their names?" Esme asked eyes shining with venom.

"Esalie Alinee Whitlock and Jasper Chase Whitlock... we call our son Chase to avoid confusion." Jasper was smiling proudly, like any parent should. "It's about time for them to be properly introduced to their family, Don't you think?" The look on their faces said it all for them. So, we turned for our little cabin and headed for my two little miracles.