
8 months later...

"For the last time, keep your feet off the coffee table!"

Gar jumped, nearly spilling his drink in surprise. Turning, he smiled sheepishly at his room mate, who eyed the scuff marks on the table with a withering expression.

"Hey Rae... I, er, didn't think you'd be back until later?"

Raven absentmindedly replied as she set her bag and keys down, glancing at him."Hm, I thought you'd miss me too much if I stayed at work any longer than I had to."

Gar's smile widened, secretly pleased that Ravens sense of humour had developed since he'd first met her. Raven sat down next to him and gave a small smile of her own.

This was their usual way of greeting after a long days work. Most couples would kiss, hug or give a peck on the cheek, but Gar was content with the way things were until Raven grew more comfortable. She still had trouble opening up to him sometimes, but he couldn't blame her for holding back. Besides, he had a tendency to over share things if he got nervous, so he supposed what she did was the opposite.

They were kind of like that, opposites.

Yet somehow it still worked between them.

"How was work?" She asked, settling down onto the sofa.

"Eh, same old." Gar tried and failed to look bored, the gleam in his eye gave him away.

Raven had only to wait a moment before Gar turned to her, grinning like an idiot. Her eyes softened slightly as she listened to him talk about his work with Vic.

Ever since he'd been taken on at the reporters station it was like he'd found himself. Unlike when Gar had been working in her shop, he now seemed enthusiastic about his job, and happier than she'd ever seen him.

"Vic even showed me the latest upgrades he's installed into his computer. When Kori gets back, you should both come down to the office sometime and..." Gar trailed off seeing the worry appear on his girlfriends face.

"Hey, you don't have to worry Rae." Gar placed his hand on Ravens pale one, trying to soothe her fears. "Kori's alright, shes just been a busy girl lately, what with travelling around to lots of different cities. When she comes home next week, I'm sure things will go back to the way they were before."

"Before..." Raven murmured, looking up at Gar with a sadness in her eyes.

"Before, Richard would have been here too. The whole reason she left was to escape those memories. They hurt her too much, and when she comes back here it won't be home to her, not anymore. She'll leave almost immediately."

Garfield sighed, knowing she was right. His green eyes closed tiredly. He'd thought once that all their problems would be solved, just as soon as Richards murderer was found. He'd been wrong, and everything had become much more difficult as soon as the ghost had left their lives.

As far as careers were going, things were fine. Gar had his dream job, and Raven still enjoyed her shop. Romance was great, no problems there. They'd both decided to give dating a shot after a few months, and then decided to move in together later on. On the outside, life seemed to be moving on as it should be...but Kori was another matter.

One week after Richard had left their lives, he reappeared back into the media's spot light.

For one month after Richard had left, Kori allowed herself to mourn.

Two months after Richard left, she waited for him to reappear back into her life.

It was as Trigon had said however, and Richard had forgotten everything about his life as a ghost. He hadn't come knocking on her door, and he wasn't on the roof whenever Kori went up there, hoping to see him waiting for her.

Three months came, and Kori bid goodbye to Jump City.

At first, Gar had been confused to hear that his best friend was leaving for such a reason. He knew that Richard had returned to Jump City and was constantly in the headlines, but he'd thought Kori had been getting better.

On the outside, she had. Kori was fine. She was healthy, she was finding herself through her passion of art, and the state he'd seen her in only months before seemed to have disappeared. She had a whole future ahead of her, and the attitude and brains to tackle it.

But Kori wasn't fine on the inside, and much to Gar's dismay it reminded him of his own life.

Raven wasn't fine, and neither was he.

"I guess, all we can do when she comes back is assure her that we'll always be here for her." Gar squeezed her soft hand, and after a moment, he felt her squeeze back.

There was a silence that filled the room after this, and even the sound of the television seemed to slip away, unnoticed.

Gar then looked at Raven, really looked at her, and noticed how her eyes were tired like his. He ran his thumb over her knuckles gently. Taking a moment to steel his resolve, he broached a subject that they'd tried to avoid for the longest time.

"Has he been in contact recently?"

The whole room seemed to hold its breath, or at least it felt that way to him. Waiting for an answer, the air suffocated him as he watched her eyes dim. She then turned her head away, and it felt as though he'd been punched in the gut, the pain threatening to overwhelm him. Before he could say anything though, she had slowly shook her head 'no.'

His breath wheezed out of him in relief, and he took a moment to thank whatever deity he could think of. Trigon hadn't gotten in touch with his daughter like he had threatened all those months ago.

Yet the thought of him had hung over their heads as an ugly grey cloud. Each day passing had made them worry and wait for the inevitable. After awhile, the stress had begun to strain their relationship.

Eventually though, Raven had decided to do something about it. She'd started to meditate more and more, hoping to find new ways of keeping him at bay. Gar had even tried it himself, sometimes sitting with her for hours on end, just so that he could be there for her.

Turning to face her once more, he titled his head in confusion. "Aren't you pleased then Rae? I mean isn't that a good thing?"

Raven hesitated, concern lighting her eyes. "In a way it's a good thing, but in another it's not."

"What does that mean?"

"It means that my father must be using someone else now to do his dirty work. Even though this might mean I'm free of him myself, I worry for the lost soul he's managed to manipulate."

Gar nodded, but his face was still puzzled. "If that's right, then why do you think he's suddenly decided to leave you alone?"

Raven then gave a soft smile that lit up her face beautifully. It made Gar's breath catch in his throat at the sight of it, his heart clenching painfully. He knew she found it difficult to show or feel emotions, and had done ever since she was little. After years of shutting herself off from the world, he knew it was tough on her.

She'd done it in hopes of stopping her father from taking control of her, but to see her in that moment you wouldn't have thought it. To Gar, when she showed her feelings or allowed herself to embrace them, he found them to be the most raw and unrestrained emotions he'd ever seen. It made him want to live, to see more of them, to be the person that could bring that out in her.

For some reason though, this time it was different. Instead of a fleeting gift, Ravens smile seemed to hint at a secret happiness, which made him feel something akin to hope.

"I think it has something to do with you."

Garfield slowly grinned, watching as she explained with a far away look in her eyes.

"Ever since I can remember, all I've felt is fear for the future. It's always been a threat in the back of my mind, but since we've been together, I haven't focused on it as much. It's possible that was how my father always controlled me, through the fear in my mind. Now its gone, and he can't reach me anymore."

His heart felt lighter somehow as she said this, and he couldn't help himself. His arm slowly encircled her waist, bringing her closer. For once, Raven didn't shy away from the contact, and she leaned into him. They stayed like that for a awhile, Ravens head resting against his chest, listening to his quick heartbeat.

In a hesitant voice she said, "I don't want you to feel burdened, Garfield."

She didn't voice her fears, but she didn't need to, Gar already knew what she was thinking.

"Come on Rae, you can't get rid of me that easily."

She rolled her eyes and smiled affectionately.



A warm breeze lifted scarlet coloured hair from her eyes as Kori Anders stepped out onto the streets of Jump City. Nostalgia flooded her as she took in the familiar roads and buildings that she'd left behind months ago.

Unlike when she'd first arrived in the city, she'd come by taxi from the airport this time, and had no bright dreams guiding her steps. This time, she carried the heavy weight of disappointment with her. Her steps were guarded and thought out.

Everywhere she looked, her eyes automatically sought him out.

She expected to see him anywhere, and her nerves were already shot before she'd started walking. Her heart clenched painfully in her chest as she walked down the street, holding her bags and the large portfolio she had draped around her frame.

This was why she'd left in the first place, as it was impossible to imagine living in a city full of ghosts. That was all she saw in Jump now, just memories of him that hurt too much to remember.

She stopped at the hotel first, dropping her things off there and calling Gar to tell him she'd arrived safely. They agreed that they would meet up later at the party.

Before she did anything else, Kori walked to the flower store and then headed off to the park.

The sunlight was strong, and she lifted her hand to shield her eyes as she walked. Following the familiar trail through the bushes, she finally arrived at the fountain and sat down with a small sigh.

"I'm back."

Silence greeted her, but Kori paid it no mind as she placed down the bouquet of flowers next to her.

"I brought you these. I know you must be sick of the sight of roses, but I figured that if she passes by here and sees them, she might stop to talk to you."

She leaned back on her arms as she sat on the cool fountain stone, looking around her. After a few minutes contemplation, she started talking again.

"I've visited a lot of different cities, just like I said I would. From Gothem to Steel City, and to bigger ones like Metropolis. I even put that art degree to use, you know the one I told you about? Well, ever since I left, I've started gaining recognition for my art pieces. Some will even be featured in tonight's charity event at the gallery."

Kori closed her eyes, listening to the fountains running water. No matter how hard she tried to locate another presence next to her though, she felt alone. She could very well be sitting in a park, talking to herself like a crazy woman, but she didn't voice that thought.

Instead, her head bowed, and she opened her eyes. "I... don't know what to do now. I can't stay in Jump City, just in case I see him."

She gave a weak laugh. "You know, I don't think I told you what Trigon came up with as a cover story for Richards disappearance. Do you want to hear it?"

The birds chirped in the background and Kori smiled. "Okay then, here it is. Well, the media were told that Richard had been involved in an accident, and was brought to Metropolis's hospital where he remained in a coma for a year. Bruce had no idea of his whereabouts, and no one claimed Richard as a relative. So then what should happen but Richard wakes up! He remembered everything about who he was, everything except the accident of course, and he and Bruce were reunited. Isn't that wonderful?" Her voice wavered.

Bringing a shaky hand up to her face, she furiously pushed strands of scarlet away. She fought the tears and gave a small smile.

"He also doesn't remember everything in between, but then I suppose you know all about that, what with you and Rose. In spite of that, I can't help..."

She swallowed, stifling a sob. She thought she'd gotten better, stronger since she'd left. Now Kori knew she was reduced to a weak blubbering mess whenever her thoughts turned to the blue-eyed former ghost.

"I can't help hoping. Isn't that foolish of me? To hope for something as impossible as a memory to return to someone." Kori wiped away the tears that had escaped and stood, holding her head high.

"Sorry, I've stayed here a little longer than planned. I'll visit you again soon Xaviour, but maybe next time you could answer me back?" She gave a wry grin, murmuring as she walked away.

"I'm a little tired of hearing silence."

Raven had given her hope that he would be there. She'd said that since Xaviour had sacrificed himself for Rose, his soul was no longer tainted, and her father had no need of him.

He hadn't been restored to a body, but Kori hoped that his spirit was attached here, like Richard's had been to the roof. Perhaps Rose would come along and turn out to be his healer or something. She dearly wished that for him, but she was beginning to doubt he was there at all.

Unseen by her, and by everyone else in the park, a man sat next to the spot she'd just vacated. His hazel eyes followed her until she disappeared from sight, and then drifted down the flowers by his side.

"It's not foolish to hope Kori."

His fingers failed to touch the petals of the roses, as his hand drifted right through them. Giving a dry chuckle, he looked up at the gap in between the trees, where the path led to civilisation.

"If it is, then I must be the biggest fool of all."


An insistent ringing echoed through the office, but the man in the chair was heedless to its call. His chest softly rose and fell, his head resting on his arms as he leaned on the desk before him.

A knuckle rapped sharply on the door, but again the man ignored it for a few more moments, drifting slowly off into slee-


Richards eyes snapped open and he rose quickly in his chair, caught between surprise and confusion as he saw Bruce standing infront of him.

His adoptive father looked less than pleased, his face set in its usual scowl. Richard smiled and awkwardly rubbed his head, "um...hey there Bruce, haven't see you in awhile."

Bruce rose a brow and nodded towards the still ringing phone. "Are you going to answer that?"

Richard rolled his blue eyes and picked up the phone. "Hello?"

"Mr. Grayson, your father is here to see you."

He resisted the urge to roll his eyes for a second time, instead he pinched the bridge between his nose and sighed. "Yeah, I gathered that Mel, thanks."

He put the phone down, looking up expectantly at Bruce. "Well? To what do I owe the pleasure?"

The older man frowned disapprovingly, "you're a mess. I thought the days you came into work with a hangover were behind you. I guess I was wrong."

"It's nice to see you too, and I'm not hungover, I'm just a little tired." Richard ran a hand through his hair and resisted the urge to put his sunglasses on. Even with all those months of spending time with him, Richard still felt like a naive teen infront of Bruce.

He locked eyes with his father, pushing that thought aside."Besides, I don't see what that has to do with you. I own this share of the business and I get the work done on time. It's not like you could have had complaints from employees that I don't do enough, because no one comes up here to the top floor anyway."

"Just get your act together and we won't have any more problems."

The older man turned away, but lingered for a moment in the door way. "The accident was months ago Dick, you should have put it behind you by now."

With that said, Bruce left, closing the door behind him.

Richard sighed and sat down heavily in his chair. It would figure that Bruce would think he had a hangover and that's why he'd been sleeping, that's probably what anyone in his position would think. He knew his father was just looking out for him in his own way.

He opened his laptop and set to work, trying to regain the time he'd lost by sleeping. It wasn't Bruce's fault, he didn't know that Richard had been having a slight problem since the accident, but then no one else knew either.

Richard had found since the accident that he had a very normal life, he went about his business just like anyone else.

Each day was the same; he went to work, did that for 10 hours a day, then went home, had something to eat and went to sleep. Lather, rinse, repeat. He'd tried to get used to this routine without noticing the nagging thought that haunted his footsteps everywhere, and it wasn't Xaviours disappearance that was eating him up inside.

He felt as if he was missing something, like a person close to him had died and it had thrown his whole world out of order. Yet somehow that world had patched itself together again, trying to seem like everything was completely normal.

Only everything wasn't normal, nothing had been for Richard since waking up all those months ago.


He chucked his car keys onto the table, uncaring of where they landed as he walked into his apartment.

It had been a long day as he'd spent much longer than he usually would at work. Wearily, he took off his coat and loosened his tie, running a hand through his hair tiredly.

Taking off his sunglasses, blue eyes looked across the room, settling on a familiar painting. It was the only colour in the otherwise bleak room, and Richard couldn't help but study it every time he came home.

Sighing, he sat down, facing the picture. He'd always felt a sense of comfort seeing this artists work, but now looking at the picture only made him feel a cold sort of longing he couldn't place.

Still, there's that gallery event tomorrow. If what Alfred said was right, then the artist should be there. I wonder why he was so keen on inviting me...

Though it was a Saturday night, he found himself in an empty apartment, rather than at a heaving club. Not that long ago he would have stayed out all night, dragging his best friend Xaviour across the city to every club they could find. But that was before.

He wasn't the same anymore. He'd found since waking up all those months ago that he couldn't be. Woman fawned over him in much the same way, begging to be noticed, wanting his attention, yet he barely saw them. Drink didn't appeal to him as much, and solitude called to him louder than any bar could.

Now he wasn't sure who he was.

It was as if a stranger had stepped into his body since the accident. So much had changed and though some things were for the better, like his relationship with Bruce, inevitably there was something that had gotten worse.

For one thing, his best friend was missing. Xaviour hadn't been seen in Jump City anywhere, and no one knew where he'd gone. Yet despite what had happened with Barbara, Richard still felt a strange sense of guilt and loss whenever he thought of him.

Dragging himself into bed, he turned to his bedside table, reaching blindly for the sleeping draft he'd placed there earlier.

A dreamless sleep is what I need these days.

Downing the foul tasting drink, he slowly relaxed into the bed, staring up at the blank ceiling as he waited for sleep to claim him.

Sighing, he closed his eyes. After all, a dreamless sleep means no nightmares.

He only took the sleeping draft every now and then, but most of the time it worked. It was usually a way for Richard to find some peace, since his sleep had been so disturbed lately, but this time nothing could keep the images at bay, and he fell into a world of cruel dreams.


They always began the same.

He was falling.

From where, he didn't know, nor did he remember being pushed. When he began dreaming, he was already in the air, plummeting down to earth at a breakneck speed, helpless to stop it.

And as always, he was terrified.

The air was like knives cutting through his skin again and again. His eyes, wide with fear, took in everything, including the rapidly approaching pavement. But no matter how quickly he fell or how close he got, he never hit the ground.

Always was he braced for impact, frightened he could die at any moment, but he never did.

As the dream progressed, and he went through the motions of fighting for survival, he began to see images dance before his eyes.

Once, when he was a small boy, he'd asked Bruce why people saw their lives flash before their eyes shortly before they died. Bruce had answered as he usually did, bluntly, with the most logical and sensible choice.

"It's because their minds are going back through their past experiences, to see if they've ever come across a situation like the one they are in, and how they survived it."

"But then...what if they realize haven't come across that situation before?"

Bruce had looked at him, stone faced. "Then by that time its probably too late for them to find a way to live, and they die."

Well Bruce, I can't say I've ever found myself falling from a building, so no. I haven't been in a situation like this before.

Richard could dimly think of this as he fell, but the thought that he couldn't survive this, that he had no way of living gave him no comfort.

Shit. Was all he could think. I'm going to die.

As he continued to fall, arms spread out as though he were flying to his death, his panic and fear began to leave him as his gaze settled on a familiar sight.

A warm, bright orb of light began to fall with him, almost as if a star had fallen from the heavens and had joined his path to earth. In the part of his mind that wasn't screaming in terror at the thought of dying, Richard thought that perhaps this light was his parents souls, coming to collect him after he died.

The thought had given him comfort. That the Flying Graysons could have their final fall together, but the dream shifted.

The light recited, and he found himself staring into wide grey eyes.

This was normal, as everything in the dream was in black and white. Even falling with this girl had become normal, though she had only become a recent addition to his nightmares, and while she wasn't either of his parents he still felt comforted. Her face was obscured by her hair, that lashed towards the sky as they fell. He had no way of knowing who she was, without her face or even the colour of her hair but she felt familiar.

I feel...safe.

Richard gasped, and found himself sitting up in bed. Sweat clung to his brow, and he fought to control his breathing and rapidly beating heart.

Running a hand over his face, his wide blue eyes stared ahead. He would have thought that the dreams would eventually go away, but each night had become the same, with sleep constantly evading him. Despite his best efforts, the dreams had begun to affect his work life, with him rushing in after dozing through his alarm, or papers being sent late after he fell asleep at his desk.

However, that warm comforting feeling made up for some of that, and it was a nice dash of something in his otherwise normal life.

The one thing that really bothered him was the question - why?

The dream was so random and nonsensical, not connecting to anything that had happened in his life. The woman in particular made him wonder the most about what it all meant, and why he was having them in the first place. Another worry was that the sleeping draft obviously wasn't working too well anymore, so he'd have to find another way to get some sleep.

He lay awake for much of the night, unable to sleep, and unable to find the answers to questions he couldn't ask.


It was evening when the gallery opened its doors to an exclusive gathering of people. Some of Jump Cities finest art connoisseurs were there, mixed in with a handful of famous faces. Kori watched them all from her spot in the corner, her fingers gripping the glass of wine in her hand a little too tightly. She knew she should just relax but she couldn't keep her eyes drifting from one face to the next, looking for one in particular.

The gallery owner had been impressed with her art collection, and had been more than happy to feature them after hearing of her success in other cities.

A buyer had already taken three of her pieces, even before they were put on display. Kori had been unable to meet them, but she was happy someone liked her work enough to buy it.

A group of people were now looking at a few of her pieces, and Kori drank in each of their expressions hungrily. Was she good enough for these professionals? She didn't know, and somehow she felt exposed just by them looking at her work.

The only way she'd been able to get past her grief, was to paint her feelings onto a canvas. Even the subject of all her pain was sometimes featured on them, but he was painted in the same style all her pieces were, so no one noticed it was him.

She drew ghosts. Images of people half there, half faded away.

There was heartbreak and love, and a deeper pain flowing out of these paintings. Each person who looked at her pieces was touched by them in some way. That she painted so expressively, thoughtfully and with such raw emotion brought out something inside them.

When some of them approached her on the subject of her painting's hidden meanings, she simply smiled and offered a weak explanation. None of them would ever know the truth, not even the subject himself.

"Hey, Kori!"

She jumped and put a hand to her heart, spotting Gar from across the room. Raven was right beside him as they made their way through a crowed of people.

Before she could utter a word, Gar had tackled her in a bear hug, while Raven looked on, amused. Kori smiled as she returned the hug, but noticed his hesitancy to let her go. Guilt swamped her, as she knew her friends had missed her and didn't want her to leave the city again. She'd missed them too, but Kori knew she couldn't stay in Jump, and as Gar stepped away, she had a feeling he knew that too.

Still, he forced a smile. "Its been a while huh? Just what have you been doing anyway? I mean wow! Look at all these rich types swanning around, I feel like I'm on a movie set or something."

Raven rolled her eyes, "the 'rich types' can hear you Gar." She then turned to Kori and offered a small smile.

"How are you Kori?"

The redhead grinned and pulled an uncomfortable Raven into a hug. "I'm doing wonderfully, thank you. How about you two?"

Gar grinned and casually put an arm around Ravens shoulders. "Better than ever of course."

At first Kori had been worried about what might happen when she saw her friends again after such a long time. Sometimes time changed people, and because of that, she'd been expecting strangers standing in place of the friends she loved.

She soon found that all her worries were unfounded, as Gar and Raven were as accepting as didn't pry into how she was feeling, and she didn't ask about Raven's father either. They each knew not to broach the subject unless the other brought it up.

The couple had seen her immersed in pain and grief, and had tried their best to help her anyway they could. Kori's old demons had come back to haunt her, and she couldn't help but think back to the family she'd lost. Dwelling on Richard and other hopeless things had brought Raven and Kori closer in some odd way. Raven had opened up about her father, and Kori had slowly but surely moved on from the darkness with the help of her friends.

Kori knew that they would always support her anyway they could. It made her feel thankful that at least she had them in her life.

"I'll go fetch us some drinks, and then you can tell me all about this new job you've got, Gar."

Gar was about to offer going to get them himself when Kori slipped into the crowed of people, out of sight almost immediately. He rubbed the back of his neck and sighed, but before he could say anything Ravens sharp voice caught his attention.

"Gar. Look over there."

His green eyes blinked in confusion before following her line of sight. His breath hitched when he caught just who it was that had walked through the door, his mind racing a mile a minute.

"What the heck is he doing here?"

Raven's brow creased with worry. "I don't know, but we'd better find Kori."


Standing on the sidelines, Kori let out an exasperated sigh. After walking around aimlessly for the drinks table for about 15 minutes, she grudgingly admitted that she was lost. There were just too many people around.

Some looked like eccentric rich types, while others looked like businessmen straight out of the office. Lost in thought, she started when a hand touched her shoulder.

A soft voice inquired; "Miss?"

Turning, Kori nearly jumped out of her skin. "A-Alfred! What are you doing here?"

The butler looked much better than when she'd seen him last. His skin wasn't as pale, his eyes were softer and features more relaxed. Before she could react, he'd grabbed her hand in each of his own, looking at her intently.

"I want to thank you for what you did for master Grayson. I have no way of knowing what you did, but I am exceedingly grateful to you. After your visit, he came back to us, and I know it was because of you miss. Master Bruce and I can't thank you enough."

His eyes were misty, and the hands that held hers shook. None the less, he smiled. "Both of them have been closer than ever before, and its all thanks to you."

Kori blinked and nodded numbly, a warm feeling welling up inside her. That she'd managed to make this elderly butler smile was enough, but having Richard alive and well made everything, even the pain, worth it.

But the thought of Richard, and the sight of Alfred standing there made her blood run cold.

In a shaky voice, she placed her hand over Alfreds. "I'm glad to hear that things are going well Alfred, really I am. But the thing is..."

Alfred's smile faltered. "What is it Miss?"

"Richard. Is he here?"

She waited for his reply, but she knew what it would be even before he said it. It was in the way he hesitated, a torn expression on his face. Her stomach dropped, and a numbing fear swept over her.


Automatically, she turned to face the gallery owner Kole. She looked more like a quirky student than a serious art connoisseur, but looks could be deceiving.

"Come on! One of Jump City's finest bachelors is here, he says he'd like to meet you!"

Kori could only beg Alfred with her eyes to make him say something, anything that would keep her from leaving his side. However, the butler looked more confused than worried, probably puzzled as to why she'd want to avoid seeing Richard again after helping him.

She was led reluctantly away by Kole, who babbled on about what an honor it was to have him of all people there mingling with their guests. Kori was numb to everything, and could only think to breathe as all too soon the crowed parted.

Before her was a man with his back to her, facing a wall with one of her pieces hanging before him. She watched with wide eyes as he turned around, and her heartbeat picked up until it threatened to burst from her chest.

"Kori Anders, this is Richard Grayson." Kole introduced them, but to Kori her voice seemed so far away.

It struck her suddenly that he was there, right there in front of her. Alive.

She couldn't stop staring at him, taking in how real and whole he looked in his own skin.

He was tall and lean, exuding confidence from the way he held himself. Sunglasses hid his blue eyes from her, and though she desperately wanted to be anywhere else right now, she couldn't help but wish that she could see them again.

He held out a hand and smiled disarmingly, shaking Kori from her trance as if a bucket of ice cold water had been poured over her.

What in X'hal am I doing?

"Pleased to meet you. I've been a fan of your work ever since you featured some pieces in Gothem's art exhibition."

Kori blinked away tears, knowing this was the reason she'd wanted to stay away. It tore her in new ways that she hadn't thought possible to see him again.

He didn't remember her, and even worse, this was their first meeting for him. None of the feelings they'd shared had remained, and all of her worst fears had been confirmed. Kole left them to it, and Kori glanced at her retreating form in panic.

Oddly enough she didn't run or hide. She couldn't allow herself to look like a lost little girl infront of him, as her pride wouldn't allow it. Instead, she straightened her spine and forced the tears away. Smiling, she grasped his hand. A jolt ran through her from the contact, and her eyes snapped to his, wondering if he'd felt it too.

"It's wonderful to meet you, Mr. Grayson."


Regarding her cooly, Richard's eyes swept across the young woman's features. Her grip was strong, for a girl, but it was her eyes that held his attention.

They were bright, intelligent eyes that were an exotic shade of green. However, instead of finding the usual lust or coy innocence found in most woman's eyes when they looked at him, Richard could only find distrust and hurt. He rose a brow at this, wondering if he'd been acquainted with her before and had broken her heart. Looking her over once more however, he knew a girl like her wasn't the type he could forget about easily.

She had deep, rich red hair that fell like a waterfall to her waist. Long, toned legs that seem to go on forever and lips just begging to be kissed.

No, he thought. I'd remember her.

She let go of his hand, and he resisted the urge to check for any broken bones.

Instead, he gave her his most winning smile. "So, can I get you a drink?"

It was her turn to raise a brow, and for a moment he thought she'd say no, before she nodded. "Sure, why not?"

He returned shortly with the drinks, fingers deliberately splayed around the stem of the wine glass. When her hand touched his, this time he watched carefully for any signs of hesitancy.

There was just one second she paused, but it was enough. He caught her guarded look, and held her gaze as her eyes took on a determined light. When her elegant fingers spread over his, a course of unexpected heat took over him, similar to when they'd shook hands. When she withdrew her hand the warm sensation left, and he felt the absence of it more keenly than he liked.

She was wary of him, but he supposed that was to be expected. Before the accident he'd been known everywhere as a womaniser, and for the most part it had been true.

But things have changed...

He turned towards the picture that had held his attention before. "You're a very talented artist miss Anders. I've bought a few pictures from you already today, quite similar to this one."

Kori started and looked up at him in surprise, her eyes wide. "You have? Wait, were you the man who bought that set of three earlier?"

She seemed even more surprised when he nodded. "Your art..." he looked at the soft expression on a young woman's face amidst the gentle lines and colours of the picture. "It's beautiful. Even a guy like me who knows very little about art, can tell it's something special."

"It moves me in a way I can't really explain." He admitted, tone soft and genuine. He didn't usually admit to being affected by anything, but something about the woman next to him assured that she would understand.

Sure enough it seemed as if she did, and he noticed she had visibly relaxed now that they were onto a subject she thrived in.

"Yes, sometimes I feel the same, especially when I'm in the process of creating them."

Richard smiled and relaxed a little. "So Miss Anders-"

'Ah, please call me Kori. 'Miss Anders' makes me feel like a 10 year old." She gave a hesitant smile.

"Yeah, I get that feeling too, especially at a party like this."

She rose a brow, a twinkle in her eye. "Really? I'd have thought you'd like parties such as this."

Richard shrugged. "Not exactly. These kind of fancy get together's aren't really my scene. Actually I was planning on stepping outside for a second for some air, do you want to come?"

Her shoulders stiffened, before she looked away. "I-I suppose Mr. Grayson."

He rose a brow and took a sip of his wine. Now she was talking to him like they were associates again. It was almost as if she were afraid of talking to him casually. If he were any other man, he'd take that as a sign of either rejection or acute shyness.

But then she looked him in the eye, and she seemed to shake herself from whatever thoughts that were holding her back. Her shoulders were squared and her chin was lifted almost in defiance. No, she wasn't afraid of him, she was afraid of looking weak or small in his presence.

They walked through the crowed, only stopping when a woman pushed into Kori by accident. His arm went around her shoulders without him even thinking about it, steadying her until she found her feet. She looked up at him for a moment, caught between embarrassment and something he couldn't place. When they started walking again, she was careful not to come into contact with him again.

Outside, the air was cool and fresh, just what was needed after the stuffy atmosphere in the gallery. Kori leaned on the railing, looking out towards the surrounding city.

For awhile they stayed in contemplative silence, until Kori broke it softly. "I won't be staying in the city for long."

"I guess that's to be expected. You're an artist after all, you must travel a lot." Richards took a sip of his drink, wondering why he felt a little disappointed.

"... That's part of the reason, yes." Her eyes looked distant, as if she were recalling something sad.

He couldn't help but ask, "what's the other part?"

Kori blinked, as if coming back to herself. She straightened up and smiled. "Oh, it's nothing. Really, I'm just being silly."

"Well you don't have to tell me, I'm just a stranger to you. Sometimes though, strangers are the best people to tell these things to."

She looked away. "I-It's painful memories I guess."

"From a guy?"

Kori nodded slowly, her fingers tight on the railing.

Richard took another sip from his drink, before saying more."I have the same feelings about Jump, but well, I suppose it's the happy memories that hurt the most, not the break up itself that I had with her."

The redhead looked up in astonishment."That's exactly it."

The two fell back into a comfortable silence, the chatter from inside being ignored. After awhile she asked quietly, "who was she?"

He drew back from the railing and looked at her, wondering why she'd asked. Kori seemed to have realised what it was she'd just said."Oh! I am sorry, I didn't mean to say that, it's none of my business and you don't have to-"

"Her name was Barbara." He frowned to himself, wondering if she had been the woman in his dreams. Maybe that was why he'd been having them, he was simply remembering the hurt she'd caused him by having an affair.

Was that what the dream was about? Or was it trying to tell me something more?

As he thought to himself, he caught the look of disappointment and hurt on Kori's face before she turned away. His brow knit in confusion, studying her form huddled in on itself.

"Have we met before?" He asked, watching her reaction with an air of nonchalance. But inside, he felt that even if she lied and told him otherwise, he knew they'd met before. He felt it, her presence around him was full of past hurt. Yet even looking through that, the warmth he felt while standing with her was familiar.

Kori froze, and when she turned, he expected her eyes to be vulnerable, her feelings exposed. But all he found was a blank mask in place, her head shaking 'no.'

Out of the corner of his eye, Richard caught sight of a couple watching them from inside. The woman was petite, with violet eyes and hair, her partner with even stranger features of green hair and pale skin. They were both watching Kori with identical looks of worry, but she turned and gave them a small smile, waving them away.

"Friends of yours?"

"Yes, they must have gotten worried." Richard turned to look at her, his lips tilting up.

"Why? Because you're talking with me?"

Her eyes widened, and she gave a hesitant smile. "Well, perhaps. You do have a reputation Mr. Grayson."

Richard couldn't help the chuckle that escaped him. "So you know about that huh? And yet you're still talking with me?"

Kori nodded, eyes shining, before something caused them to dim. Her expression closed off, and her body turned away from him slightly towards the gallery.

"I-I really should be getting back to them-"

"Are you sure we haven't met before?" He asked again.

She paused, looking over her shoulder at him. When their eyes met, a jolt hammered through his heart, and Richard felt as though he were drowning. She had such grief there, such sadness that made her eyes seem old in a youth filled body.

She replied unconvincingly."No, I don't think so. Why?"

He shrugged, "I get the feeling that I know you somehow, but I can't think why."

His words made her turn to face him fully, surprise on her features. Despite herself, her lips tilted up into a small smile, and it was as if she had been transformed by that simple act alone. It was a secret smile, one that pulled him in and made him long to know her better. She knew something he didn't, that much was certain, but her, her very presence was familiar.

Who is this girl? This woman wrapped in mysteries.

"Is that so?" For a fleeting moment, he thought he saw hope in her eyes. It was barely there, and quickly gone as she turned and excused herself, going inside.

Raising his glass to his lips, Richard made a silent promise to himself to find out more about this interesting woman.

After all, he loved mysteries, but what he loved more was to unravel them.


Unfortunately he didn't get the chance, she didn't call.

He'd given Kori his phone number later on at the party, hoping that she'd give her's in return. Unfortunately Kori had been interrupted by Kole, who rambled on about introducing her to some more people. He had been left in the unfamiliar position of waiting for the phone call that would never come. Usually he'd the girls number and decide what to do from there.

The rejection stung, but it wasn't something he couldn't accept.

Oddly enough he wasn't all that surprised about Kori not calling him. But even stranger was the fact that he was a little hurt that she hadn't. It wasn't unheard of for him to be rejected, after all he was only human, and far from perfect.

And yet he couldn't help but feel... disappointed, dissatisfied and even a little uneasy that things had ended between them before they'd even started.

That uneasy feeling refused to go away, and had only grown more persistent as time went on. His work began to suffer, and Bruce began to drop by the office more and more, only it wasn't for moral support.

After awhile as he sat at his desk, gazing out of the window with boredom when Kori's words began to sound more appealing to him.

Why should I stay here anyway? There's nothing tying me here permanently except for the business.

The thought of leaving Jump City for good sounded more and more attractive as time went on. As the uneasy feeling rose once more in the pit of his stomach, Richard made a decision.


"What do you mean your leaving man? You just got everything back to normal?!" Victor crossed his arms over his chest.

Richard smiled and shrugged his shoulders. "Sorry Vic, looks like you're gonna have to look somewhere else for stories to feed the press."

"You know that's not the only reason we're friends." Vic took a sip from his drink as he looked out from the bar they were sitting at. Richard did the same and the two settled into their usual routine. Ever since the accident, Vic had become a closer friend rather than just an old acquiescence Richard used to know from the broadcast station. He had a feeling it was because Vic felt sorry for him in some way, but he was good company when they both had time to kill.

"I mean who am I gonna go watch football with now? The seasons just started!"

"Maybe you could go with Karen?" Richard smirked as booming laughter echoed around the bar. A few people looked up, but said nothing.

"She wouldn't be caught dead going somewhere like that! Can you imagine?"

They both smiled at the thought, and talked for hours reminiscing about things. When the sun started to sink lower in the sky, they both knew it was time to part ways. Victor leaned away from the bar, his smile a little sad.

"Still...I guess I'll miss you man."

Richard chuckled softly, and looked down at his glass."It's nice to know that someone in this city will."

The two bid their farewells and took off in different directions. Richard put his hands in his pockets and sighed deeply. Vic was a good friend, and he was grateful for everything the guy had done for him in the recent months, but it was time to move on.

As he walked along the street, the clicking of heels caught his attention. Blinking against the harsh afternoon sun, he looked up, seeing the figure of a woman coming towards him. Richard squinted, raising a hand to try and see her better. As she drew closer, he could smell and almost taste her perfume, which brought a strange sense of warmth over him.

The silhouette of her began to dim, and as the shadows drew away Richards heart began to hammer in his chest for no explainable reason.

Her fiery red hair almost blended in with the sun behind her, and her vivid green eyes were fixed straight ahead, not sparing him a glance. His steps slowed as he watched her, wondering if she'd seen him and was ignoring him on purpose. He wanted to do the same, to turn his head the other way and pass her without a second glance. But as they passed each other on the path, he felt some of the fabric of her dress brush against his leg maddeningly.

It was then that he knew, he couldn't let Kori pass him by without trying.

He turned and called out, "Kori."

Her footsteps faltered before continuing for a moment, until they slowed. Richards blue eyes took in her every detail as she reluctantly stopped and turned to face him, all pretense of politeness gone for a moment. Instead of seeing the girl he'd seen at the party, he saw the face she'd tried to hide from him, the one that was tired and weary.

She looked as lonely as he felt.

"Do you want to go somewhere with me?"


They sat together in a nearby restaurant, managing to keep the awkward silences to a minimum. Richard leaned back in his seat, unable to place why he was so nervous when it was apparent this wasn't a date. He wasn't even sure what to call it. They weren't having a friendly meeting, as they weren't even proper friends. He sighed and caught her dismayed look as she looked out towards the streets, watching people pass by.

He wondered if she felt what was between them too. The strange mix of familiarity that came from being in her presence was cluttered with the feelings of the here and now. The nervousness that came from meeting someone new, learning who they were. How was it possible to feel like that when they were two different things?

He cleared his throat and tried to start the conversation going again. It went unspoken that both of them weren't to bring up the fact that Kori hadn't called him, but he was fine with that. "I thought you were leaving Jump?"

Kori looked up from her drink in surprise. "Oh, I am. I've just stayed a little longer than planned."

When she didn't elaborate, he pressed; "Any specific reason?"

"I'm not sure...something kept me here, but I don't know what. In any case, I'll be leaving by the end of the week."

"That makes two of us." He took a sip of his drink, watching her expression carefully.

She looked away, her hands coming together, lacing her fingers. "Really? For good?"

He wondered if he'd ever get to the bottom of why she looked so unhappy sometimes when he spoke of things. It made his logical mind whirl in confusion as it searched for an answer. He continued on as if nothing had happened. "Yeah, tomorrow. I think it's time I find my own way. I know whatever I do can't ever amount to what Bruce has achieved but-"

"You're wrong."

Kori seemed surprised she'd spoken. She added nervously, "I mean...I think you can do anything you put your mind to Richard."

He couldn't help but smile. "That's the first time you've called me by my first name. I was beginning to think we'd just be casual acquaintances forever."

She opened her mouth to retort but seemed to notice something in his soft expression that made her smile and even laugh a little. It was then that Richard noticed he'd set aside his sunglasses, unable to remember when he'd taken them off. For once, he felt no need to wear them.

The waitress appeared at his side then, asking politely if she could take their orders. Although this definitely wasn't a date, Richard had wanted to impress Kori with a restaurant such as this one. Unfortunately he himself disliked these fancy places, and would have preferred something more like-

"Pizza. Hmm, perhaps margarita? What do you think Richard?"

Kori looked up from her menu when he didn't reply and he blinked, nodding in shock. "Yeah...we could share it."

She smiled and set her menu aside. As he wondered just how she could have read his mind like that, he found himself relaxing into conversation with her. They spoke about different things, and he felt like he knew her just a little better than before. Yet even with this new development, Kori still seemed to hold back. When she laughed, she seemed to catch herself and stop, unable to enjoy herself with him fully.

When the pizza was set down in front of them, he turned around in his chair, spotting a yellow bottle on another table. Without thinking, he grabbed it and placed it in front of Kori, going back to his food as if nothing had happened.

Kori froze and looked up at him, "how...how did you know I wanted mustard?"

"Hm? Oh... I don't know. I don't even like mustard, do you want me to put it back?" She shook her head and he shrugged it off, beginning his meal and missing her crestfallen look.


He walked her back to the hotel she was staying at. Talking about the many art pieces she'd created, they chatted until they reached her door, coming to an abrupt stop.

She pushed her hair away from her face, avoiding eye contact. "Thank you for a lovely evening Richard. I had a good time."

He smiled at the sudden awkward feeling that had settled over them. "Me too. I think when I leave Jump I'll be going to Metropolis first, so if you happen to pass by on your travels just give me a call."

Kori nodded meekly, shifting her feet. Knowing that she was too shy to do anything first, he leaned down and tried to ignore the pounding of his heart as he kissed her cheek softly. Stepping away, he turned and was about to leave when her voice stopped him dead.


When he turned back, he noticed that she'd taken a few steps towards him, her eyes showing that vulnerable look in them again. When she spoke, it was in a broken, quiet voice.

"I'm sorry- I - I don't know what I want."

He couldn't stop himself from moving towards her even if he'd tried. His hand moving to cup the side of her face, he leaned in closer and whispered in reply; "Then perhaps you should make up your mind before I do this."

Her lips trembled against his own as he covered them in a gentle kiss. However, her hesitation was soon abandoned as she gave herself over to the feelings that swept through both of them. For one moment, she allowed herself to be a fragile, broken doll in need of loving care as his arm encircled her waist. The other touched her hair, brushing her fiery locks aside to expose the soft curve of her neck.

Her lips were bitter-sweet, but desperately seeking his, as if he could make her forget something that chased her thoughts. In all his years of womanising, never had he felt so enraptured by a single kiss. Her hands lifted, running up his chest to delicately touch his face before tangling in his hair.

For just that one moment of warmth, she was to him all that there was. From it, he found he wanted to be everything she needed, the hand that soothed her fears, the strength that held her, the breath that gave her life.

However, the moment was fleeting and it passed them by. Still she remained, held tightly in his embrace, her lips joined by his; but her desperation had passed, and he felt her strength leave her.

Richard broke away, staring into her tear filled eyes, tasting them on his lips. He stepped away slowly, his heart going cold when he realised just what the look in her eyes was.


"Kori? Tell me what's wrong?" His voice was soft, as if he was frightened of scaring her away.

But he knew he'd already lost her, heck he'd never really had her. She was too out of his reach, too frightened that he might hurt her further down the line. He knew it must have been left over feelings from that boyfriend she'd mentioned before. If he had his way he'd find that idiot and punch him out for hurting her.

She shook her head and stepped away from him, tears escaping her eyes. "I'm so sorry, you don't need this. You shouldn't get mixed up with me. I just wanted..."

She breathed deeply and looked up at him with brilliant emerald eyes. "I just wanted to know how it felt, just once."

With that said she closed the door on him. Shutting him out of her life.


That night he lay awake, refusing to fall asleep and dream. Instead he wavered between the world of waking and dreaming, hanging on the edge of consciousness by wondering over and over what he could have done differently.

Eventually he gave himself over to sleep, but what awaited him inside his dreams was a little different from what he'd expected. Instead of falling from a building, he was standing in a blank space, blinking in confusion at the unfamiliar setting. When he turned he gave a gasp of surprise, putting a hand to his heart.

"Did you have to sneak up on me like that?"

Xaviour put his hands in his pockets, looking unapologetic. "Sorry man, can't help it in this form."

Richard frowned before sighing deeply, trying to ignore the feeling of guilt that weighed on his shoulders when he looked at X. He didn't even know why he felt that way and tried to push the thought aside. "Never mind that, what are you doing here anyway X?"

Xaviour lazily swept his eyes around the blank space they were standing in. "What? Can't a guy drop in on his best friends dreams every now and then?"

Richard resisted the urge to sigh again in frustration. "I guess..."

X smirked, turning back to him. "She keeps pushing you away huh?"

He looked up in surprise. "How do you know about that?"

Xaviour's hazel eyes locked on his, looking serious. "I know a lot of things, like what happened to you before the accident, and why Kori is so skittish around you. Look, I know you won't think of this dream as anything important when you wake up, but what I'm going to tell you will make sense when you start to remember again."

"What are you talking about? What happened before the accident?"

X ran a hand through his hair, looking a little lost. "Well...first off you were a ghost."

"Wait, what?"

His best friend chuckled quietly, his eyes shining. "Oh believe me, it's about to get a lot more confusing than that."


The next day Richard took once last look around at Jump City, before getting into the back seat of the car. The engine hummed to life, and the driver pulled out into the street, bound for the airport.

He leaned his head against the window, closing his eyes briefly. As they passed by the people of the city, he kept his mind away from Kori, opening his eyes to stare numbly at the many sights he was leaving behind. The car drove on down it's many streets until it pulled to a stop at a set of traffic lights.

Richards heart began to clench in his chest, getting that familiar uneasy feeling again. He tried to will it away, thinking that this was for the best, he was getting away from the nightmares, the confusion. Besides that, he had no reason to stay, the one woman who might have given him a reason to do so, was afraid of him and he'd never know why.

He grit his teeth and hissed as his heart clenched again, almost as if a hand was squeezing the life out of it. His eyes squinted against the glass, catching his reflection in a shop window opposite.

He looked so transparent.

Almost as if I were...

As the people passed by on the streets, he found he couldn't look away. It was as if he was frozen in time by that single moment, staring into his reflection, transfixed.

Almost as if I was what?

Something grew in his chest, a feeling of panic. His heart began to race. His mind formed a picture of himself on a cliff, trying desperately to grasp a kite string that danced just out of reach. It teased at the edges of his mind, skirting around his finger tips as he stretched to reach it. Perhaps he could if he jumped, but fear weighed down upon him heavily. Squeezing his eyes shut, he searched for where this feeling had come from so suddenly.

Finally he jumped.

And then he was suddenly standing. Staring into the eyes of a memory, into his own reflection. Except when he raised his hand, it was as transparent as the one in the glass.

Richard caught the string.

Suddenly his mind went back to the dreams that had haunted his nights ever since the accident.

A warm, bright orb of light began to fall with him, almost as if a star had fallen from the heavens and had joined his path to earth. In the part of his mind that wasn't screaming in terror at the thought of dying, Richard thought that perhaps this light was his parent's souls, coming to collect him after he died.

The thought had given him comfort, but the dream shifted.

The light recited, and he found himself staring into wide, tearful green eyes.

Colours flooded the dream all at once, beautiful striking colours. Her hair that obscured her face, turned scarlet. As they fell together that fiery red hair lifted up into air, finally revealing the girls face to him.


Richard gasped, a sharp pain shooting into his skull. Cradling his head in his hands, he tried to put the pieces together as best he could.

Running a hand over his face, wide blue eyes stared ahead, comprehension lighting their depths. He would have thought that seeing Kori in his dreams was merely his mind replaying yesterdays events, and that he'd somehow mixed a dream and reality together. However, that warm comforting feeling had always come in the form of that light, and strangely he'd felt that same warmth earlier.

Only then it had been with Kori.

It was then that Xaviour's words came back to him. "You won't be able to remember her, but there's reason to hope. If you fight against the haze that the devil put in your head to cloud your mind, maybe then you could find a loophole."

"What kind of loophole?"

"One where you can remember your time as a ghost, but with Kori removed from the memories."

"Okay...but what would be the point of that?"

Xaviour rolled his eyes. "Well for one thing it might make you grateful for what you have. Also...maybe then you could try to build a life with her, a new one. Understanding what you went through together in the past might help you form a connection for the future."

Richard snapped to where he sat in the car, seeing his surroundings in a whole new light. With every sight, new memories came back to him. As the car moved forward again, he noticed Raven's bookshop and recalled some moments he'd had with that very woman. When they pulled down another street, he noticed a vegetarian cafe and thought of the tofu loving Garfield.

As he passed Tower Street and looked at the reporters station, he caught sight of Wally West, whom he knew through Vic. However from the memories coming back to him, he remembered his mess of an office and searching for answers about Slade.


Shaking his head, he noticed that Wally was talking with Jenny Hex, who worked with Raven at the bookshop.

A light feeling rose up in his chest, and a smile worked its way onto his face. He knew these people, he remembered everything they'd done for him. Most of all, he recalled the feeling of being a ghost, living as half of something and the pain and loneliness that came with it.

Richard breathed heavily, taking in the fact that he had a body, that he was really alive, almost as if it was for the first time. He felt such relief, such happiness that he was really living, and he knew who to thank for it.

"Driver, stop!"

Shed a tear 'cause I'm missin' you
I'm still alright to smile.
Girl, I think about you every day now

Richard ran down the streets of Jump, unsure of where he was going, but letting his feet lead the way. Logic would say that he should head towards Kori's hotel, but instead he found himself running towards Xaviour's old apartment building.

Was a time when I wasn't sure
But you set my mind at ease
There is no doubt you're in my heart now.

He breathed harshly, opening the door to the apartment building. Stepping inside, he caught his breath, leaning against the wall for a moment. When his heartbeat had slowed a little, he climbed the stairs, wondering just what the hell he was doing.

Said woman take it slow, and it'll work itself out fine
All we need is just a little patience
Said sugar make it slow and we'll come together fine
All we need is just a little patience.

Richard, though he usually acted on reason and logic, this time felt driven by what he wanted, not what he needed. It was odd for him to be led by emotions rather than his mind, but this didn't change his course. He knew if he listened to logic he'd leave Jump City and live just as he always had, eventually forgetting about Kori and moving on.

I sit here on the stairs
'Cause I'd rather be alone
If I can't have you right now, I'll wait dear.

As he reached the top of the stairs he knew that was no longer a possibility. Even if she couldn't accept him, even if she turned him away, he could never forget what she'd done for him. Yet a part of him knew he wasn't doing this out of gratitude, instead it was from a sense of warmth he'd always felt around her. That feeling had stayed with him through the dreams, and it was the same light that shone in each of his memories, showing her presence in them.

Sometimes I get so tense but I can't speed up the time.
But you know love there's one more thing to consider

Richard opened the door to the roof. The same one that had held him prisoner for months as a ghost. As he stepped out into the fresh air, he breathed in, closing his eyes for a moment.

"Richard? What are you doing here?"

Opening them slowly, he spotted her almost instantly. She stood near the railing surrounding the roof, the wind teasing the ends of her hair. Her eyes were wide and startled. Slowly he approached her until he was next to the railing himself, looking down at the familiar streets below.

Said woman take it slow and things will be just fine.
You and I'll just use a little patience.

When he said nothing, she spoke again, glancing every now and then at him in confusion. "You'll be late for your flight."

He shrugged. "Well, I guess that's one plane I'm going to have to miss."

Koris brow creased in concern. "I don't understand."

Richard leaned back from the railing, mixed emotions flashing across his face. "Neither do I. In fact, I haven't been able to understand many things since I woke up from that accident 8 months ago. Like why my life feels like its been split down the middle. On the one hand I'm just Richard Grayson, the workaholic and ex womaniser. On the other, I'm this dreamer who sees things, images of people I thought I'd never met before, but I have."

He stopped and looked at her, his blue eyes taking in everything."Haven't I Kori?"

"I-I don't...know. If you'll excuse me though, I remember I have an appointment with-" she turned on her heel to go. Her feet treading across the ground quickly, she gasped when warm fingers wrapped around her wrist gently, holding her back.

"Stop running from me Kori. I was the one who lost my memories, not you."

Kori turned in astonishment. "What?"

His eyes were intent on hers. "I was paid a visit by an old friend last night. He told me things, ridiculous, crazy things that I easily dismissed. I mean, how could I ever believe a story about deals with devils, ghosts and spirits?"

He let go of her hand and she stayed still, watching him silently. "I finally found those memories were in fact my own, and earlier, recovered most of them from my mind. After that it was as if a great weight had been lifted from my shoulders, I even felt a little more whole."

Tears were coming into Kori's eyes now as she breathed; "Are you saying...that you remember?"

Richard hesitated and she caught the look on his face, feeling a chill creep up her spine.

"Xaviour called it a loophole, but there is a catch. I can't...I can't remember you, Kori. Or us, or what we had. It's like someones flipped through an album and removed all the photos of you from my mind. My memories of you don't exist anymore." His voice was soft, his hand reached out and stopped just shy of touching her.

The tears were spilling over now, but not from happiness. Kori bowed her head and clutched her arms close to her body, shaking. Finally, he took her into his arms, letting her bury her head in his shirt and cry.

He hugged her close to him. "I know what you did for me though, and I just want to thank you. Thank you so much for saving me."

She replied with a muffled string of words that he barely caught. "Didn't...do it...for gratitude."

"I know you didn't. But while I can't remember what I felt for you, we could still..." he hesitated. "We could try to give us a chance, if you wanted to." When he felt Kori go very still in his arms, he mused that it might have been too soon to say such things.

He pulled back, searching her face. "Just talk to me Kori, please say something."

She moved away, emerald eyes looking up at him sadly. "I don't know. I don't know anything anymore. I thought I'd have to go on without you Richard, continue trying to form something from my life. Whenever I imagined you coming back to me, it was because you remembered. Remembered us. It was never...like this."

"Is 'this' not enough?" His voice wavered slightly.

Her own voice was a whisper of sound, but the words were perhaps the most powerful they'd spoken that day. "I'm afraid Richard."

Perhaps it was because that was what they both felt like. Utterly lost in the unknown. They both stood there for a long time, just looking at each other."I'm terrified because, as much as I love you, I know things might not work out between us now. We're both two different people from what we used to be."

Richard sighed deeply, eyes tired and far away. "You mean 'I'm' not the same person I used to be. I understand that."

He suddenly looked back at her."However, that man was a ghost of myself Kori, an outline, a silhouette of what makes me whole. It just comes down to whether you could come to have feelings for me...all of me." The real me.

His hand was cool against her face as he brushed some tears away, voice soft; "But I understand if you can't."

She couldn't help herself, she leaned into his touch. "I'm worried that would just be selfish of me. That I might not be able to stop searching for the man I loved in you."

It was then that he smiled genuinely."Who cares if it's selfish? I'm being selfish right now. I've had dreams of you Kori, and somehow I've idolised you into someone devoid of all flaws. It'll take a bit to actually start thinking of you as human."

She seemed unable to stop her own smile from forming on his lips.

"What do you think?" He asked gently.

Kori wiped her tears away, staring up at him with a light in her eyes that he hadn't seen before. "We'll never know unless we try, will we?"

He stared for a moment before closing his eyes as a wave of relief swept over him. They held each others hands, lacing their fingers as they leaned into each other. Kori rested her head against the crook of his neck, their bodies aliening perfectly.

Richard allowed himself to feel at peace for once, his tense body relaxing."Lets just take things slow for now and if we try our best to make it work, then there won't be any room for regrets."

Kori closed her eyes and sighed, her worries felt like they were a million miles away.


~ Said sugar take the time 'cause the lights are shining bright

You and I've got what it takes to make it. ~


The coffee shop at the heart of the city was always busy at midday. It's customers came pouring in from nearby offices, starved of caffeine.

Today was no exception, as all the sleep deprived workers walked in, acting like mindless zombies. Seated at a table outside, a young woman watched their antics with amusement, before looking out across the streets of Jump City.

She went unnoticed by all, despite her beautiful features, and kept her eyes on the streets in front of her. Blue steely eyes fixed on their target with an unwavering intensity. Some could say that her gaze could rival that of a predator's stalking its prey.

In her hands she gripped a glass of water, which began to tremble. Her lip drew back in disgust, and her eyes narrowed hatefully.

Across the street, a woman walked by casually. She was also quite beautiful, but she had an air about her that hinted at more than just a pretty face. Her steps were shadowed by a man, whose appearance and manner was relaxed. His hands were in his pockets, and his steps were self assured and unhurried.

Barbara Gordan gritted her teeth, her hands threatening to break the glass in her palms.

She'd once had everything. A perfect boyfriend, a steady job, and a life to look forward to, that is until he had happened.

For her, there had been no happy ending, life had gone on without Richard in it. Even when he'd come back, he hadn't gotten back together with her, all because of what she'd done with his former best friend.

Barbara breathed out, her shoulders slumping at the thought of Richard. She couldn't blame him for not wanting to be with her. However, she could blame someone else, someone she knew was to blame besides herself.

"Xaviour Redd." She spat the name in disgust as she watched him walk by, as if all was right in the world.

If it weren't for him, her life would have been perfect.

After a moment, the woman Barbara had come to know as Rose turned to look at him, smiling. Her features were soft and loving, with pale blue eyes and silver hair falling upon her shoulders gently.

This seemed to take Xaviour by surprise, but he shrugged it off after a moment and muttered something to her. Rose just laughed and held out her hand, pausing for him to take it.

Xaviour just stared at her, before smiling back hesitantly. He then slowly placed his hand in hers, and only Barbara caught the moment that his fingers slipped transparent through her palm, before solidifying. It wouldn't have mattered anyway, as no one else could see him. Anyone who was watching them would only see a pretty young girl, walking down the street alone. Her hand was held out beside her in a peculiar way, but it could be overlooked.

Barbara knew better, as she had the Sight now. She'd never be blind to that manipulative scumbag again, and she pitied Rose for coming across the damned ghost.

However, she resolved that Rose wouldn't have to suffer Xaviour's presence for long. She wouldn't let this opportunity pass her by. No, she couldn't allow him, of all people, to have the happy life that she'd had taken from her. She would make him suffer so badly he'd wished he'd stayed in hell.

She'd make him pay.

At that moment, Xaviours lazy hazel eyes snapped to hers from across the street. Barbara's eyes only narrowed, conveying her dark promise. Xaviour kept his gaze locked with hers, right until he was almost out of sight. Then before he turned a corner, he smirked.

It was an invitation to war if Barbara ever saw one, and her jaw clenched. Perhaps he'd grown overconfident since his time spent in hell, or maybe he just thought he had nothing to fear from a little girl like her.

Well, she thought. This little girl knows some pretty big people.

Her desire and hatred mingled into one, rotting her soul. With the stench of revenge clinging to her mind, she didn't even need to call him. He was suddenly there, sitting across from her and calmly sipping some coffee.

Barbara kept her eyes on where she'd last seen Xaviour. "I want to make a deal."

Trigon rose a brow. "That's interesting, I thought you'd changed your mind."

Her icy blue eyes turned to meet his intense crimson gaze. "I did, but I've realised that it can't go on like this. I have to make him pay for what he did to me. Xaviour deserves to suffer like I have."

She felt rage well up inside her, as she harshly whispered. "I'll take everything he holds dear to him away. Then he'll know what it's like to be left humiliated and alone."

The devil regarded her coolly for a moment, taking in her features that were twisted by hate. How wonderfully the look suited her, he mused.

And how divine was the knowledge, that her once pure heart had been tainted by wrath and envy.

Leaning back in his seat, he chuckled darkly. "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned."


The End


Yep that's all folks! *Cheers!* Well this has been a particularly long journey hasn't it? Several years worth ^^' Oh and this is all there will be the end of this story, no sequels here. I left it on a cliffhanger just for you guys to draw your own conclusions about Xaviours story, but it was mostly to show the cycle of contracts starting again.

I also left Kori and Richard's ending open for you to think on your own what you think became of their relationship. I didn't want a straight up happy ending, but I also didn't want it left on a downer, so its something in between. I think they could have a relationship that would last, but it would take allot of time, and as the Guns N Roses song pointed out - Patience. ^^

Anyway, I want to thank you, whoever you are, where ever you are for reading this. For all of you who have reviewed and favorited, and to those who gave me your thoughts on this fanfic. I apologize for how long its taken me to do xx But your words have helped me FINALLY finish this, but at least its a learning curve.

Better planning next time on my part, and faster updates in the future :) A big thank you to my beta reader Emily ^^ You've been great and so helpful!

Before we part though, how about a quote that reminds me a little of this story?xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx

"I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge. That myth is more potent than history. That dreams are more powerful than facts. That hope always triumphs over experience. That laughter is the only cure for grief.

And I believe that love is stronger than death."