AU genderswitch. A MattxMello story. Girl!Matt. Matt arrives at Wammy's and everyone assumes she's a boy.

Disclaimer: I don't own it. Except in my dreams.

When I first came to Wammy's everyone mistook me for a really effeminate boy. Part of me was kinda offended (my girlie side apparently) but mostly I thought it was pretty hilarious. To be fair, I turned up with torn clothes, really short hair and my goggles on my face so I suppose it was an easy mistake to make. But seeing as I was at a school for supposed "genii", I decided to run with the whole "yeah I'm a guy" thing and see if anyone could figure out that I wasn't. It was sorta my own personal joke. I have a lot of those, so I always end up laughing my ass off at inappropriate moments and it freaks people out a bit.

Anyway, to add to the masculine persona I was making, when Roger told me to pick a new name I decided on Matt 'cause it's a pretty manly name and it begins with M. All awesome names begin with M. This confirmed to the other kids that this new androgynous child was in fact a boy. Roger, I assume, knew that I was a girl and gave me a sorta disapproving look but he didn't question my name choice. At the time I thought it was slightly odd but then I met Near and Mello and twenty other kids with all sorts of habits and fetishes and personality disorders (Mr Wammy called them "quirks") and realised that I was living in an mental asylum.

Roger didn't stay too long. He doesn't really like children, even if they are smarter that his adult friends. I suppose he sees us as being "improper". Roger is a very prim and proper sort of person himself, so I was just another crazy, gender confused, improper little girl to him. Roger prefers all the administration and bookish stuff, so he never spent too much time with us kids anyway. So after Roger sorted out my new name, I was left with this lady called Alice. Alice was a real nice lady but strict as hell when she wanted to be. She took me by the hand and led me to my new room. At that point in time, I was still blissfully unaware of the existence of that psychotic blonde who we all know as Mello. That didn't last long though. Alice left me to settle in by myself but I'd barely set foot in the room when Mello came barging up to me to give me an earful. You see, my room was in actual fact his room and I just happened to be staying in it. That's actually what the little asshole said.

"Oi, you! Don't you even think about getting comfortable in there. That's my room. You're just staying there, got it?" He was furious with me. I was pretty angry too. No one wants to share their room but it's not like I'd exactly had a choice in the matter. There was no need to get that shitty with a complete stranger.

But honestly, until Mello started yelling at me in an unmistakably masculine voice, I would have sworn he was a girl. If someone had pictures of the both of us and got people to guess which one was actually a girl, they would've picked Mello every time. I found the thought bloody funny and instead of giving him a piece of my mind like I was going to, I just ended up laughing hysterically. At first this just made Mello even madder 'cause he thought I was taking the piss or something, but then I just laughed my ass off even more and I think he thought I was a complete nutter 'cause in the end he stormed off again and I finally managed to stop giggling and drag my bag in the room.

Mello is indisputably crazy. Absolutely off his rocker. And that fact was clearly on display in his room. It was so unnaturally clean. There wasn't a wrinkle in the bed covers or a stray piece of lint on the floor. Every book was perfectly aligned, every title in alphabetical order. I could see why Mello had been so angry at the thought of sharing a room with me. Everything I wore pretty much screamed "untidy".

"That is your side. Stay on it and don't touch any of my things or I'll beat you so hard you'll wish you'd never been born." Mello imperiously directed me to my designated half of the room. I dumped my bag beside cabinet and threw myself down on the bed. I was tired as hell 'cause I'd been up since before six that morning to catch the train up to Winchester.

"Put that away! Don't just come in and make a fucking mess!" he hissed. I rolled my eyes.

"Or what? You'll make me put it away? I thought I wasn't supposed to get comfortable. But seeing as I'm sharing this room with ya, what your name?" He bristled when I brought up his own words and spoke venomously to me.

"Mello. My name's Mello and don't forget it because Roger's gonna want to know who gave you that fat lip."

"What fat-"


"Now go cry like the wimp you are."

"Fuck you Malcom."

"I said it's Mello. What're you, deaf?"

"Mello? Mello? Ha! Hahaha!" God I just about pissed myself when I first heard his name, I laughed that hard. And Mello was so angry. It's a wonder he didn't hammer me. He probably would have if Alice hadn't called out for him. Instead I just got a death glare and a punch on the shoulder on his way out of the room.

It would be fair to say that Mello and I started out on the wrong foot.

Any comment would be greatly appreciated. Points if you can guess which books I've been reading lately. :D