Hey guys, this is a new story I just wrote...Please review. It's not as…dramatic as my other story, Lovely and has a different plot obviously, but I hope you like it. It takes place after the 39 clues hunt has finished, by the way.

"Alright class. To culminate our unit on British education, we will be writing pen pals…in England". Ms. Lazaro looked around the room, waiting to see what everyone's reactions were. "They will be handwritten obviously".

Amy squealed. Everyone looked at her with strange looks on their faces and she blushed. Leave it to her 11th grade class to completely misjudge the fun of something. She noticed the head cheerleader, Tessa May, was staring at her. Amy smiled and waved. Instead, Tessa just gagged and laughed at her.

"Amy, Tessa, is there something wrong?"

Ms. Lazaro looked disapprovingly at them and Amy blushed. "N-no", she replied. "A-actually, y-yes", Tessa mocked Amy. "This Cahill here is not smart enough to have a pen pal with someone so…exotic".

Amy clenched her fists. Leave it to Tessa to say something like that. They used to be best friends. Back when… Amy flinched. …Back during the 39 clues hunt. She remembered who won the hunt. Ian and Natalie Cobra. It somehow still hurt to think about Ian and Amy had no idea why. It's not like he would ever want her. He hurt her by leaving her in a cave. When the Kabras, or Cobras, won the 39 clues, they got everything they ever wanted. Ian became an agent trainer for the Lucian Branch while also becoming a model, which Amy had to grudgingly admit he was good at. Meanwhile, Natalie went around, partying and 'living life to the fullest', to put the term loosely. They had hordes of money anyway. They were rewarded with ten million dollars after the hunt was over and ended up destroying the philosopher's stone because it was too powerful to be in the hands of such few people.

"Amy". Amy snapped out of her thoughts, blushing red. Ms. Lazaro was looking at her sternly. "Well, to repeat what I just said,we will be having these pen pals for a week to a month, depending on how interested your pen pal is. The names will be chosen randomly. A class in England Academy for Performing Arts has agreed to participate to learn a little about American…uh, culture. The pen pal you receive will change his or her name to make sure you two are strangers and you will change your name too, keeping the same initials so the letters are easy to distribute. Your pen pal will do the same".

Amy was excited for this project. She wasn't surprised. Ms. Lazaro always had amazing projects; that's what made her such an amazing teacher.

Ms. Lazaro came around with a little brown picnic basket, which held slips of paper no bigger than a quarter, because they were folded up so much. When she came to Amy, she smiled as if to apologize for being so stern earlier. Amy reached in and pulled out a little slip of paper. Curiously, she unfolded it.

Name: Isaac Krestfeld

Age: 17

School: England Academy for Performing Arts

Hmm, Amy thought; he's only a year older than me. That's pretty good because at least we may be able to talk about stuff…

"Tessa, Mary, listen up. You will go around the room saying the name you're going to use. So I can write them down. This way, I can keep track of the letters. Did I mention to you that you're going to be meeting your partner after the month?" Everyone started talking at once, excited.

"Oh my God", cried Tessa. "I have a guy named Dan Baker. What if he's ugly and weird? Can I get loser disease?"
Amy just rolled her eyes at Tessa, not believing at how much she changed since they were friends. She used to be so down-to-earth.

Ms. Lazaro rapped on her desk with a ruler and began to read down the list of names. "Emily Axeford?" Emily, Tessa's best friend, called out, "I'll have my name be…Emma Axelburg". Ms. Lazaro kept going down the list…"Amy Cahill?" Tessa snickered at Amy.

Amy sighed. "I-I'll be…Amanda Calger".

Tessa laughed. "She should be Amanda Crazy".

Ms. Lazaro frowned. "Tessa, would you like detention?" Tessa quickly shook her head and went back to talking to Emily.

"Tessa May?"

Tessa thought for second. "I think I'll have my name be…Teresa Mandy…my friend's name is Mandy! She's the Hannah Montana's best friend. So I know Hannah Montana?"
Everyone stared at Tessa in awe, except for Amy. She just shook her head. Hannah Montana?

Well, anyway, I hoped you liked it :D