They don't believe me.

"What is your problem? Why do you think I'm lyin-" I gag and pull the bin closer to me, throwing up blood.

"Crap." I murmur. I roll over, already weak, and press the nurse button. The nurse comes in.

"Can you please tell my why I'm throwing up blood?" I ask, kindly.

"Oh shoot. Let me change your IV bag, I just means you don't have anything else to throw up, so it's taking blood." She explains.

"Oh, thank you." I look around to once again see three pairs of peering eyes.

"Fine, you want to know why I have scars like that? Because I got into a car accident when I was three, before I was even diagnosed. Shards of glass stuck my skin. That's all." I say. They seem to believe me now.

"Baby!" Emmy says, coming into my room wearing a mask. She runs over to me and sits on my bed, smoothing my hair that looks literally white.

"Hi Emmy." I say.

"I have a surprise for you." She says.

"What is it, Em?" I ask, slightly annoyed. She turns to look at the door, and in walks my boyfriend of six months, Avery Owens. I met him the same way I met Hunter. We were both getting chemo.

"Boy, it's feels great being here without a needle jabbed into my arm." He said.

"Thanks for rubbing it in." I say. He laughs. He comes over to me and sits next to me on the bed, rubbing his hand on my back. I lean into him.

"I'm going to die. I already know it. You can all stop thinking it." I suddenly say. I look at Avery, tears in his eyes.

"Don't. Say. That." Says a nasty voice from the door.

"Grandma Sara! Uncle Jesse!" Emmy says.

"Kate, you haven't taken anything but cord blood for Tali?" Grandma asks.

"I donated anything else." Mom says.

"Kate, you could go into relapse yourself?" Grndma asks.

"I'd rather die than have Tali die." Mom says feircly.
