This is a three shot, hope you like it, it's pure Zammie.


Zach Makes an Entrance

The world was black.

No, I wasn't being captured by evil terrorists I was just on a helicopter, blindfolded, making my way to our Cove-Ops test location. I wondered what we would be doing today. Would we be disabling a bomb that could kill everyone in the US? Would we be sneaking into department stores and stealing stuff? And…would we be meeting the Blackthorne Boys again? The questions were endless in my mind.

I leaned left, and I was hit with a burst of Chanel No.19. Macey. She would be joining us for this test. Approximately 1 hour and 46 minutes later, the helicopter began to descend. Soon after, I heard Mr. Solomon telling us to take off our blindfolds. When I did, I was momentarily blinded by the sudden lights. We began to climb out of the helicopter, and into a dark, lonely alley.

"Where are we?" Tina asked, sounding confused.

"We're in New York City," a deep voice told us, and it wasn't Mr. Solomon's voice. In na instant, all the Gallagher girls were in a defensive stance, trying to figure out where the voice had come from. There was a rustling sound, and three dark figures dropped down from the walls of a rundown building. They advanced towards us, and the same deep, velvety voice said,

"Excited to see me, Gallagher Girl?"

Zach. He was here. What was he doing here? Yes, I will admit that I had been thinking about him a lot. But did he really have to appear like that, scaring us? And did he really have to be smirking at me?

"Really Zach. Do you have to be annoying?" I asked him, avoiding his question.

"Well, yes. Yes, I do," he told me, in a cocky tone, his smirk growing wider.

I opened my mouth to tell him to stop being a jerk, but I was stopped by Mr. Solomon.

"Yes, I see you all remember each other. You are taking your midterms together. Stop smirking at Ms. Morgan, Mr. Goode, and pay attention. Now, the mission objective is this: you will pair up, and be assigned to tail one person. That person will be passing an object to another person, and you will have t find out exactly what the object is. If you have been caught, you will not be tagged, but tailed. If you make it back to the Empire State Building by 1730 hours(5:30), with no tail, your object found out, you will have accomplished the mission," Mr. Solomon explained.

It seemed pretty simple, but then I remembered that the simplest things are the hardest.

"This mission will be testing your tailing, counter-surveillance, observation, and cooperation skills. Now, choose your partners, ladies…and gentlemen. Ms. Sutton and Mr. Anderson, follow me."

I turned to my friends, and saw Bex being charmed by Grant. She was doing that hair flipping thing again. So I shrugged and turned to Macey. But she left, while winking at me and glancing towards Zach.

"You'll thank me later," she said, and grabbed Kim's arm. I stood there, glaring at Macey, when Zach sauntered up to me.

"So…Gallagher Girl. You're my partner," he said, a hint of a smile on his face.

"Yeah, I'm ecstatic," I muttered, sarcastically, and he grinned.

"Come on, I'm not that bad, you know you missed me," he teased, and winked at me.

Oh my god. Zach just winked at me.

"Sure I did," I said, sarcastically, but kinda meaning it as well.

"I missed you," Zach muttered under his breath.

"What?" I asked him, not sure if I had heard him correctly. But good old Mr. Solomon just had to interrupt. He handed us a large picture.

"That's the man you will be tailing. Get going."

Everyone started to move, eager to complete the mission. Bex passed me, and I could have sworn I heard her say "rematch".

"Well, Gallagher Girl, let's get going, you don't want to fail, do you?"

I sighed internally and followed Zach, hoping that I would find the strength to endure this annoying, cocky, mysterious-but totally hot-guy.

But it's not like I'm disappointed.

Because I'm so not.