A/N: Hello and welcome to the Epilogue of Papermoon. I have the last two chapters plus this up in a single day because I already wrote all of them beforehand. Anyways please critique my work in total and I will continue the story in From Dusk till Dawn which will start sometime before September.


Tsukune, Moka, Kurumu and Mizore were all on their way to graduation. It had been a long few months leading up to their graduation. After the incidents that happened in England none of them were really feeling safe or secure. Mizore and Kurumu would be returning to their respective parents until given contact by the Mad Hatter. Moka on the other hand was going to be moving in with Tsukune as they were going to be going to the same university after graduation.

"Tsukune are you alright?" Moka asked as she glanced over at her boyfriend who was fidgeting uncontrollably.

"I'm just really nervous" Tsukune answered. "After all, I'm a human and I survived three years at this school. I'm really hoping nothing goes wrong at this ceremony."

Moka just smiled at him as she leaned in and gave him a quick kiss. "Don't worry about it. We're together and that makes all the difference."

Tsukune smiled back, but Moka could tell that he was still nervous. However this time it wasn't due to the graduation.

"I know that you feel like Sora left you a huge responsibility, but we were all asked to shoulder the burden" Moka said, trying to encourage the young man.

This time Tsukune really did smile. "Okay, you're absolutely right. Now let's get going before Mizore comes around to find us."

Moka giggled at the thought of their icy friend. She had seemed to thaw a bit more after returning from England and was constantly interrupting Moka and Tsukune's romantic moments for her own enjoyment.

Grabbing Tsukune's hand Moka they stood up and made their way to the location of the graduation.

"Our time at the school ends today" Tsukune said.

"Yes, but we'll be heading out into a much more dangerous world together and I couldn't be happier that its with you" Moka replied with a massive grin.

Hand in hand they arrived just in time for the ceremony to start. Everything would end up okay. At least Moka believed that there was nothing to truly fear. Smiling the graduation ceremony went through flawlessly.

"So, when do we reveal ourselves to the world?" a masked man asked his hooded companion leaning against the wall, crutches sitting beside him.

"We'll have to wait until the first sets of Esper Bearers make their move" the hooded man replied.

"How about when the King finally makes his move?" the masked man asked his eyes barely visible through the white mask.

"He'll make his first move once Looking Glass and the Spellcaster Council are too exhausted to do anything about it."

With that the two men began to laugh as the sky around them grew dark.

End Papermoon

A/N: Okay so that ending pretty much counts as a hint of things to come with the next two parts of the Nightmare Trilogy. I hope my readers have enjoyed Papermoon and will continue the trilogy when From Dusk till Dawn releases. Please review and enjoy the rest of my works.