I do not own the characters of Twilight nor do I make profit from Twilight.

Okay, my people I had another random idea hit me. I thought about this story over and over. This is going to be completely twisted and strange. But I want to get away from the whole Jacob imprinted on Edward and now they are just stuck together. I also wanted to fuck with you guys head. So I hope you love it and keep an open mind with this story because there will be lots and lots of sex. So NC-17 heavily enforce. I am tried of everyone making Edward a fucking goody two shoes. He wants to get laid and we all know Bella can't handle him….Anyways Read, ENJOY, and Review!!!!!

She Wolf


I just know that it hurts. My body is on fire and yet it feels cool as the same time. Everything that touches my skin makes me moan. My heart is beating through my chest. I can only take short breathes. I feel like running but all I can do is walk. I feel exhausted but anxious all at once. I don't know what to do. I want to tear at my skin but caress it all in the same stroke. My nipples are really sensitive and tender. My skin feels softer. My hair is growing like crazy and feels like satin. My lips are fuller and my eyes even look lighter. I feel completely different yet the same.

'What is wrong with me?' I ask myself and the wolf inside me desperately . I been in my room for the past three days. I have been in and out of cold sweats all day. One minute by body is burning the next it is cold. My body becomes turned on . I feel the wolf in me begging to get free, but I ignore it. I am too afraid that the others may know. I don't want them to know or feel this agonizing feeling. It is official, I am in heat. And to make matters worse, I was going to be starting a new school tomorrow.

Chapter I: Let Her Out So She Can Breathe!

I don't know why I let Bella talk me into getting transferred to her school. She had finally moved to Forks for good, so she insisted that I ask my dad to transfer me. Just so she could be at school with somebody she knew besides her boyfriend. I would do anything for her, so of course I agreed. Even though I wasn't particularly happy to be going to school with the leeches. It took me particularly all month to convince my dad to do it. He finally caved in two weeks ago, once he of course talked to Sam. I was happy to go to school with Bella, but with my body going through its issues. I was not going to be a very good person to hang around for the next two months.

Now I am here in front of Forks High, still sitting in my car. People were just chilling in the parking lot. I have never seen people look so happy to be at school. Everyone was joking and laughing. They were probably all talking about how fun their weekends were. I wish I could say my weekend was fun. But in fact it was quite miserable. I worked and stayed stuck in my room all weekend. I was trying to save up for a new car. My rabbit was slowly giving up on me, so my goal was to buy a new one. I was tired of fixing the piece of shit car, so I wanted a new car.

I sigh heavily. My body was still feeling like shit. My body heat was making me tired. I practically had to run to my car this morning before any of my pack members smelled me. I knew that Sam wanted to talk about my particular situation and possible relieve me of any tension. But I refused to let him. I was not going to let anyone take me. At least not yet. Paul has been licking his lips at me since I was thirteen. Now, he had just gotten worse. He was the main reason why I stayed in my room for the past three days.

I was so deep in thought that I hadn't realized that someone had walked up to my car. I heard a knock at my window. I nearly had a heart attack until I realized that it was Bella. I smiled at her and mentally prepared myself to get out of the car. As soon as I got out of the car, a cool breeze blew by. My hair was now all over the place. I hurried up and fixed my hair into a low ponytail. All of a sudden, I felt all eyes on me. 'Fuck!'

"Mmmm…Jake you smell really good. It is like a mix of lavender and vanilla. What is it that you are wearing? And when did your hair grow back?" Bella looked at me very strangely. She started to move closer to me. I tried to step back but I forget that my car was behind me. Now I was trapped. Everyone who was staring stopped. They must of assumed that something was going on between Bella and I, so there was no point in going after me. 'Great now Count Dracula, will be stalking me all day to make sure I stay away from his girlfriend.'

"Bells, could you give m..me some room here." I could barely get out the statement. When I felt her bury her nose into my neck and inhale my scent. I tried to fight back a shudder. Her breast were on my chest and I could feel myself start to get turned on. I grabbed both her arms and shook her lightly out of her daze.

"Jake, oh my god! I am sorry. I don't know what came over me." Bella's brown eyes looked up at in horror. I didn't like that look at all. It was a I totally got caught look.

"You can't seem to keep your hands to yourself mutt can you?" I heard a very upset voice behind me. I turned around to see a very upset Edward Cullen looking at me with deadly intent.

"Edward, please don't." Bella said firmly. She walked over to him and stood in front of him. She started to rub both his shoulders to comfort him. And as soon I seen the gesture I growled. "What is your problem, doggy." His comment stopped my growling. I didn't know what just happen. I don't know why I did that. I looked at the my friend and the leech. Edward had a look of confusion on his face like he was trying to figure something out.

"Sorry, Jake. I didn't mean to start anything."

"It's okay, Bells. . I need to pick up my schedule." I walk towards the school. When I was walking, another gust of wind blew by and I could have sworn I heard Edward inhale deeply.

"Hey, Jake what classes do you have?" I have World History first." I was now heading to Bella's locker. She meet me at the office after she was done with her boyfriend.

"Shit, I have Biology first period. I hate Biology. I really suck at it." I got frustrated. I really hated Biology it was one of my weakness . I leaned against the locker next to hers. I was feeling a little winded. I could feel my body temperature spike up a bit.

"Oh, don't pout my poor baby. You will be okay. Would you like a hug?"

"No thanks, I think we shared enough physical contact today. I wouldn't want your boyfriend to tear my heart out and eat it. " I smiled at her when I seen her whole face turn bright red. She punch me lightly in the shoulder. I smiled at the weak punch and let her finish putting her coat away in her locker. We exchanged our goodbyes and I went to find my locker.

My locker was down the hall from Bella's and right across from my first class. I hurried up and took my jacket off. I don't know why I even bothered to wear a jacket to day. It was still morning and I was almost sweating like a pig. 'God, why are you torturing me?' I adjust my black polo and my jeans. I normally wouldn't care about the way I looked. But I somehow talked myself into buying new clothes over the weekend. I thought I looked like a Abercrombie and Fitch model but with long hair.

Once I finally made it to the classroom I was instantly hit with a sickly sweet smell and the glare of intense bronze eyes. I knew immediately that one of the Cullens were in my class. Just my luck. Of course someone in heaven had to make my life more difficult. I had a fucking class with Edward Fucking Cullen. Why the hell hadn't Bella said something? 'Damnit!' I was so busy giving him I am pissed off look that I barely notice the teacher talking to me.

"You must be Jacob Black?"

"Yes, sir." I said while still glaring at the creature I hated the most.

"Well it seems like you know Mr. Cullen. Since you know him, you can take a seat next to him."

"What…But..I….okay." I lowered my head in defeat. 'Why God do you hate me some much?' I headed towards my sent of hell when I felt myself walk by a fan. I don't know why but I immediately raised my eyes towards to the leech. His eyes went from the murderous golden brown I was use to seeing, to black. But his eyes didn't have the look of murder…but lust. I gasped when I finally reach the table. I sat down next to him. He could smell me. This was going to be very bad.

He leaned closer to me and inhale my scent again. I let another gasp leave my lips. "You are in heat" His voice came out husky and low.

"Yes and what are you going to do about it?" The words that left my lips were dripping with sexual intent.

EPOV (Edwards's Point of View)

"What?" My voice came out rougher than I intended. I can't believe he said that. But his scent was taking over all my sense. The first time I smelt the deliciously scent my cock twitch with interested. But this time my cock got hard as a rock. It was insane. He smelled like strawberries and cream.. I now understood why Bella had acted the way she did. Jacob was in heat. I should have know by his looks. Not that I paid attention to his looks before, but he did look more feminine. He lips looked fuller and looked very soft. His eyes were lighter, almost hazel. I inhaled his deadly scent again. His hair was definitely longer. The long strands looked satin almost and cascaded past his shoulders. The last time I had seen him, he was almost bald. I couldn't really see anything else because his clothes were so loose. I wondered if he was loosing weight.

"I asked you what are you going to do about it." He moved his chair closer to mines. He rested his hand on my thigh. I growled a bit but stop quickly when ,I felt him squeeze my dick through my jeans. Now it was me who let a gasp escape my lips. I went to read his mind but was amazed that I couldn't for some reason. I wonder if the heat was causing him to build a wall over his mind. I looked around the class and luckily nobody was paying attention to us. I couldn't believe that I was doing this. I reach down and moved his hand so he could feel all of my length. He looked at me in disbelief.

"Yeah, that is all me." I winked at him and gave him my infamous smirk.

"It is so…big…Oh my god." He gave him a firm squeeze and I bit my lip so I wouldn't moan out loud. Hold on did his voice just change. He totally just sounded like a girl. But I shook that thought out of my head. I had harder issue to worry about. Like why was I letting Jacob Black grab my dick in class? Why was I letting him seduce me? I was with Bella. That was right I am with Bella. I fucking loved Bella. She was my girlfriend and I shouldn't be having this very inappropriate moment with her best friend. But he smelt so fucking good. He smelt better than Bella even. God, I wanted to sink my teeth into his beautiful neck. 'Hey, when did Jacob's neck become beautiful? And why do I want to run my tongue across it so bad?'

"Jacob…I can't…We have to stop. Please let go of me." I said softly but still demanding. "Think about Bella.

"You are a fucking tease, Cullen." He groaned and got up from his seat. Everyone in class was looking at us now. He threw on his book bag and left the class. Part of me knew that I should have stayed put. But another part of me knew I was going to chase him. I grabbed my stuff quickly and left the classroom. I didn't even bother to say anything to the teacher. Once I got into the hallway, I was hit with Jacob's scent. I let my nose lead me to him. I ended up in the bathroom that was next to the gym that nobody used. As soon as I walked in I notice one of the stalls where closed. I heard a whimper come from the stall.

"Jacob, are you okay?" I was worried.

"Go away, Cullen. Ahh…a!" I never heard a scream like that before. Okay now I was really worried. I ran over to the stall. I tried to open it gently because I didn't want to hurt Jacob. But he was leaning against the door. He screamed again.

"Okay, Jacob this isn't funny open the fucking door!" I hit the door causing the frame to bend a bit.

"I can't …it hurts so bad…" Next thing I knew I saw a blindly white light and heard Jacob slump to the floor. It took a minute for the light to disperse and my eyes to focus again. Once my eyes got steady I went back to the stall. I could see that Jacob was pasted out on the floor. I pushed the door open. My eyes widen in shock. 'So Beautiful.'

"Oh my god…Jacob is….a. " Before I could finish the bathroom door flew open.

"He is a girl!" Alice shrieked.

Okay, so tell me what do you think. Do you think I should continue or discontinue. Let me know. Also keep in mind this will not be a love dovey type of story. Their will be lots and lots of sex and Bella Bashing. So plz review and let me know what you think. XOXO