DISCLAIMER: I do not own the TV shows/ Anime I write for. They are properties of their owners and creators, and in no way am I associated with them. Any name, place, date and event similar to reality are coincidental. In no way am I getting money for writing these stories. No copyright infringement intended. These are only works of fictions.

Epilogue 3: For A Lifetime

Yi Jung was tying his necktie in front of the mirror, an excited and nervous look on his face. After tying his tie, he opened the drawer and grabbed his watch. Beside it, Yi Jung saw the red velvet box, the one containing the ring he bought a few weeks ago.

After the day he bought the ring, Yi Jung has been thinking when would be the right time to make the proposal. He didn't want it to be right after Woo Bin's wedding and he didn't want to wait for a few more months to do the act. He has been thinking hard one night when he saw the invitation to his exhibit that was about to take place in two weeks time. An idea popped into his mind and so, he decided that he would propose to her at the closing night of his exhibit.

Today is the day. He has been waiting for this day since the exhibit opened last Monday. Weird as it may sound, he has been waiting for the exhibit to end so that he could finally propose to her; so that he could finally feel at ease they are going to spend their lifetime together.

He picked up the red velvet box and opened it. Inside lie the diamond ring he bought. The diamond gleaming at the center of the ring is throwing sparkles under the bright light of Yi Jung's room. He looked at it and examined it again, for the millionth time since he bought it, maybe. It was perfect; absolutely perfect for her.

While he was looking at the ring, his phone rang and knowing who the caller might be, Yi Jung picked it up immediately. "Yes, Ga Eul?" Yi Jung asked as soon as he pressed the answer button of his phone.

"What time are you going to pick me up again?" Ga Eul asked from the other line.

"7 PM." Yi Jung answered as he was still looking at the ring, imagining that in a few hours, he'd be inserting it to the finger of the owner of that sweet melodic voice from the other line.

"Alright. I'll see you later then. Bye."

"Bye. I love you, Ga Eul- yang."

"I love you too, Yi Jung."


Yi Jung pulled his black Mercedes in front of Ga Eul's condominium, just in time when she walked out of the glass doors of the building, looking so elegant and beautiful at the same time in a green empire cut dress that's fits her curves just right. Her hair was down in curls and just like what Yi Jung expected, she only wore a few pieces of jewelry, just enough to complement her dress.

"You're just in time." Ga Eul said as she placed her hand on top of his. As soon as their hands met, Yi Jung locked it with his as he led her to his car.

It only took them a while to get to the venue of the exhibit. Yi Jung pulled his car in the hotel entrance and handed his keys to the valet and then held Ga Eul's hand as they walk towards the exhibit proper. Of course, there were reporters during the exhibit and as soon as Yi Jung and Ga Eul stepped into the stoplight, cameras started turning to their direction, each trying to capture a good picture of the couple. Yi Jung and Ga Eul both wore bright smiles on their faces as they had been used to this kind of this attention since they became officially together. It was, in fact, during one of Yi Jung's exhibits a few years back, that revealed publicized their relationship.

Yi Jung held Ga Eul's hand tightly as they made their way towards the center stage for the start of the closing ceremony of the exhibit.

Just in front of the stage, Jun Pyo, together with Jan Di; Ji Hoo,with his girlfriend Han Yoo Rin; and Woo Bin with his new wife Ha Jae Kyung were waiting for them.

"Congratulations, man!" Woo Bin said as his hand and Yi Jung's met in the air for a high- five.

"Thanks, bro." Yi Jung said with a radiant smile. "Thanks for coming, guys. You never fail to come."

"Of course. Besides being a friend of my husband, I think it would be a loss not going to your exhibit. All the pieces are great!" Jae Kyung complimented.

The others nodded in agreement as they turned their heads towards the stage as the emcee started talking.

"Good evening, everyone!" the emcee started in an enthusiastic voice. "How's everyone? I bet each and one of us enjoyed the pieces we all saw tonight. Who wouldn't anyway? It's a great work of a potter we've all admired since he was young." The emcee continued with the compliments, each praise gaining a round of applause from the audience since it was, indeed, true that the works of So Yi Jung are admirable and undeniably beautiful. "So to hear from the maker of these wonderful pieces of pottery, may I call on, none other than, Mr. So Yi Jung!" the applause grew louder as Yi Jung ascended the stairs. He took the microphone from the emcee, as his other hand tucked inside his pocket to feel the velvet box inside it.

"First of all, I'd like to greet everyone a good evening." Yi Jung flashed his smile as he greeted the guests. "I'm glad everyone here tonight was able to come for the closing night of this yet another successful exhibit of mine. If not for you, this exhibit wouldn't be successful, so again, thanks everyone." Yi Jung paused for a while as his gaze turned to the woman in green gown watching him with a smile on her face, as if very proud of Yi Jung at the moment. "For this year, I chose the theme, Simple Splendor You may be wondering why the pieces for this year were simpler than the ones I made before. I decided to make simple pieces this year since I realized that beauty and elegance won't just be achieved by placing high- cost gems on my works or using expensive materials. I figured out that in simplicity, there is still beauty and elegance, thus resulting to the works displayed here tonight." Yi Jung received another round of applause as he explained this year's theme. "Actually, this year's theme is inspired by a special person for me." he paused as his and Ga Eul's gaze met. He could see some liquid forming in her eyes as he continued with his speech, "This woman… she's just simple…" Yi Jung said with a smile. "But still, every time I see her, I couldn't deny the fact that I always find her beautiful… just like the works displayed here tonight. They may be simple at first glance but later on, you'll realize that they are wonderful and amazing in their own ways. This woman is simply the inspiration for my works… and also," Yi Jung paused as he opened the red velvet box and revealed the diamond ring lying inside. "the reason why this ring caught my eye." Smiles formed on the faces of the guests as they figured out what Yi Jung was about to do. With one knee bent, Yi Jung spoke again, "Chu Ga Eul, will you marry me?"

Pairs of eyes turned to Ga Eul's, direction, each one waiting for an answer from her. Ga Eul looked around first as she was distracted by the gazes of the people and as she finished scanning the crowd, her eyes locked with Yi Jung's again. They were staring right into each other's eyes.

Ga Eul remained silent and just looked straight into Yi Jung's eyes, finding the sincerity and all. She did not fail to see those in his eyes for she was sure that Yi Jung is indeed sincere and true with his proposal now.

As the seconds- hand in Yi Jung's ticked, he got nervous for part of him thinks that Ga Eul might not accept his proposal. This was something they haven't talked, yet. And he was quite sure that Ga Eul is surprised by this sudden proposal from him. However, a big part of him still hopes and knows that Ga Eul will agree. He does hope so for being rejected in this big crowd will be a complete shame to him. And not only that, it will surely break his heart.

Yi Jung prayed in the high heavens that Ga Eul give her answer now. He's getting more nervous and he doesn't like the feeling. Please Ga Eul, accept my proposal. He silently said to her inside his head.

"Ga Eul…" Jan Di whispered into her ear. "Don't you have any plan of answering? Everyone's waiting," Jan Di reminded her best friend for Ga Eul seemed to be lost in her on trail of thoughts.

"Uh… yeah." Ga Eul whispered as her gaze turned back to Yi Jung. With a small smile on her face and tears threatening to fall from her eyes, Ga Eul nodded her head and said, "Yes, Yi Jung. I will marry you."